Euritria Rachiden

Euritria Rachiden

A high elf born in the upper crust of Alsonan society, he found it difficult to make much ground among the predominantly human female leaders of the nation. He was taught by his father, Yarabal to manage the family business and spent nearly two hundred years actively involved in the process of banking and money lending in Parthenonas. He gained a reputation for stalwart and trustworthy money management, even as the kingdom and land struggled through war and blight. Ultimately his life was changed, when a chance meeting brought him into contact with Cassandra Wolfordshire, a Jakonian human woman who's father had been responsible for the growth of a fairly successful shipping business in the Imperial City.    The two fell in love, and despite the scandalous outrage of the high elf community, the two were wed. Disliking the oppressive patriarchy of human and high elf society in Jakonia, they moved back north to Parthenonas, where Cassandra has been able to live more freely than she would have been in the south. The Alsonans have been welcoming to the pair, although their half-elven children have faced some moderate disdain from the upper classes. When his father became too old to continue to run the business, he became the head of the Alsonan branch, now considered a backwater among the diverse and wealthy interests of the Rachiden family.


Euritria Rachiden


Towards Cassandra Wolfordshire

Cassandra Wolfordshire


Towards Euritria Rachiden

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Proprietor of Rachiden Banking House, Alsona Branch
Date of Birth
Rainsbaine 28, 666
Year of Birth
666 AF 375 Years old
Aligned Organization


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