Rachiden Banking House

The Rachiden Banking House is not just a renowned and trustworthy banking institution, but it is also one of the high elven noble houses that has formed in Emicara. With a legacy stretching back centuries and three generations, the Rachidens possess major branch banks in the main trading centers of the continent, and hold substantial shipping and transport interests too. They have become one of the most well known, and upstart, high elf enterprises, as they emerged from Alsona less than one hundred years ago and achieved great financial success in the ensuing decades.


The Rachiden Banking House is organized within the key members of the family. The children of Yarabal Rachiden maintain and manage the main financial centers of the family. The primary offices exist in Riveraineville, the Imperial City, and Parthenonas. Distant relatives and grandchildren typically keep their distance, but some have been appointed to lead smaller branches extant in the more remote nations and outposts of Emicara. The family regularly meets in the Imperial City to discuss the proceedings of the House as a whole.


The Rachiden Banking House possesses ample assets, most of which are being held for other organizations or individuals. They possess major banking and security facilities within the Imperial City, Parthenonas, and Riveraineville. Each of these are protected by House mercenaries who protect the wealth of the House's clients with their lives in exchange for a very sizable retainer. As a banking family, the Rachidens typically use mercenaries and hired security to enforce their will when needed, but they also outright own several buildings in major cities to allow access for their customers in most Emicaran nations. They also own over a dozen merchant ships that ply the Circle Sea, transporting the wealth of the Rachidens and helping to diversify the family interests through trade.


The Rachiden Banking House was established in Alsona in the wake of the War of the Five Hammers. With the Shin Empire facing threats from abroad and the dwarves below, they were forced to accede independence to the Alsonans and other vassals. The independence of the Alsonans came with a desperate need for secure finances, and the Rachidens were able to step in and begin building a legacy. The banking efforts expanded slowly, as civilization was brought to Alsona through the harrowing and often slow process of national unification. The Rachidens grew with the Alsonan nation, becoming wealthier as the kingdom solidified over the centuries.    Only relatively recently have the Rachidens begun expanding outside of Alsona, just in the past century. They began with expansions into the Kingdom of Losana, after it won its independence after the Great War. The profits of the Losanan branch were relatively negligible, and the eyes of the family fell instead upon the remnants of the Jakonian Empire. Thanks to a timely marriage and the Great Northern Rebellion, the Rachidens were able to step in, overtaking several families that had been badly decimated by the effects of the rebellion. The Rachidens solidified their wealth, and have managed to become a staple of the economy in the Imperial City, welcomed by the humans, but treated as upstarts by the rest of the high elf families  in the region.


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