Ilindea Treesong

Headwoman Ilindea Treesong

Illindea Treesong is the headwoman of Trezevant, a smaller elf community in the Tenashi Kingdom. Born to the first generation of forest elves who fled the Feywild, she grew up surrounded by the birth of a new civilization and the delicate search for a path on how the elves would survive in the world of Emicara. She became interested in the wider world herself, and was selected from among many to become a scout and spy for the Tenashi. After over fifty years of training and preparation, Illindea was sent out into the wild lands beyond the Tenashi borders.    Outside of the kingdom, Illindea found a world in a relative state of peace and construction. New nations had emerged and most of the wildlands themselves had bloomed with nature without the interference of humans and other beings. Even the civilization that had grown up seemed to be pacifistic in nature, and Illindea grew enraptured with the culture of music and love that had emerged in Alsona. For a time she even settled in Pegrama, finding it a fascinating environment and learning about those who lived there. She fell in love with a human and had multiple children, staying in residence for some time.   Illindea grew mournful as her loved ones aged and she did not. Over time she was simply seen as a reclusive matriarch and well respected among her half-elf kin. Although she continued to enjoy the wonders of Pegrama and the music made there, taking up instruments herself, eventually her past would return to her. In 499 AF, the moon dramatically changed colors over the course of only a single evening, sparking fear and concern among humans and elves alike. The Tenashi Kingdom recalled all of their agents and spies, and Illindea chose to return home at long last.   Although it took some cultural adjustment to return to life in an elf city, Illindea managed ably, but refused relationships and sought instead to enjoy the Tenashi music scene. Sadly, she found it dull for her new tastes, and her efforts to introduce human instruments into elf music proved unpopular. She was never sent out as a scout again, but instead chose to wander the Dytikaxylo, occasionally meeting her descendants who saw it as a mark of their age and skill to venture into the woods to find her.    As she became older, Illindea supported the growth of the Trezevant Academy, and even joined herself, as the new town was founded. Here she embraced much of what she had learned from the Alsonan bards, and sought to teach the handful of elves interested in the magic of music how to control their skills. Although she would have only a few dozen students over the centuries, they proved to be willing learners, and Illindea found some peace in teaching the arts of her old life. As she grows towards the end of her life, she simply now arbitrates disputes among residents in Trezevant, as she has recently been appointed the Headwoman, after the previous one died during the Wingo War.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Headwoman of Trezevant
Date of Birth
Hardfrost 26, 240
Year of Birth
240 AF 801 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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