Trezevant Academy

The Trezevant Academy is the only school of arcane magic for the forest elves of the Tenashi Kingdom. Established in order to provide a safe place of study and learning for those seeking to become wizards, the focus remains upon education and protection more than advancement of knowledge. Unlike human institutions that attempt to push the boundaries of magic, the academy is better known for attempting to maintain and perfect the traditional spellcrafts brought from the Feywild.


The head of the academy is best known as the Magister, a wizard of renown and expertise appointed by the Queen of the Tenashi Kingdom. The Magister in turn appoints Elders who teach the new wizards who arrive at the academy. The magister makes all decisions related to the functioning of the academy, and while the headman of the village of Trezevant maintains the efforts of the academy's security and defenses, the magister oversees the activities of the headman to any larger degree. Those studying at the academy are considered to be wards of the Magister and the Headman of Trezevant, and all efforts are made for their safety and protection.

Public Agenda

The Trezevant Academy is an organization of wizards not just within Trezevant itself. Every forest elf wizard owes some loyalty to the academy, and pledges themselves to its defense. They have therefore be tied very closely to the noble affairs of Tenashi, and have been some of the most vocal opponents to the dwarves and their growth in Valtkos Wingo. Seeing the threat of dwarven industry as existential to the natural and magical balance of the Dytikaxylo, the Academy has often called for the tightening of the border and efforts to restrain any practice of magic among the dwarves and Alsonans.


The stockpiles of the Trezevant Academy include a plethora of magical items, most of which were salvaged from the Feywild before its collapse. Many of these are powerful and have to be stored in custom crafted extradimensional spaces, which have been created throughout the establishment. These items are meant primarily for study and observation more than any use, and the majority of magical artifacts and items within the halls of academy are forbidden to all but the most skilled of wizards. They act as a warning and a reminder of the fate of the Feywild and what awaits those who abuse magic for self aggrandizement and power.
Founding Date
558 AF
Education, Magic
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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