Yllina Ravenrage

Magister Yllina Ravenrage

Yllina Ravenrage is the current Magister of the Trezevant Academy and is one of the most accomplished wizards in the history of the Tenashi Kingdom. When she was born, she immediately was under the tutelege of her mother, Fylasea Ravenrage, who was the last of the wizards of the Feywild. Growing up around the artifacts of a lost way of life, Yllina was taught from a young age about the dangers of magical misuse and its devastation of the old elf homeland. In the centuries that followed, she studied the ways of her mother and learned more and more about the best uses of magic and spells that were available.   When she was not even two hundred years old, one of Yllina's closest companions and friends undertook his own journey into spellcraft, but he pursued it recklessly and refused the help of other wizards. He experimented with magic, and a catastrophic explosion consumed him and the surrounding part of the city. The end result was the Devastation of Tallbranch, the total destruction of one of the districts of Tenashi itself, at the cost of hundreds of elven lives.    Following this disaster, Yllina and a handful of other wizards banded together and lobbied the queen for a land grant to build an isolated location to allow the proper training and education of aspiring wizards. With the deaths of so many still fresh in the minds of the court, it was granted, and the wizards left, building the new settlement of Trezevant and the academy within. The creation of the Trezevant Academy was Yllina's following life's work, as she oversaw the rise of new wizards and leaders among them, and encouraged the most powerful to remain in the academy. Her focus was upon preventing a repeat of the previous disaster.   The outbreak of the Wingo War led to the Tenashi Kingdom calling upon its mightiest spellcasters to engage against the human. Fearing a slaughter of the humans in an unprecedented scale, the wizards were hesitant to get involved. The wizards who did get involved were confident in their supremacy over human magic. Those who served with the military were faced with an extraordinary shock as the magic users of the Kingdom of Alsona proved equal to the challenges put forward. Many elven wizards were killed in the battles that came, and more still would be lost. Each of these casualties were mourned by Yllina, as she recognized that each one was a lost to the heritage of her people. Nonetheless, she refused to become involved in the war, and this has led to growing resentment from the survivors of the Academy who did participate, and it seems her time as Magister could soon end.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Magister of the Trezevant Academy
Date of Birth
Sunpeak 10, 378
Year of Birth
378 AF 663 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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