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Like a Thief in the Night

General Summary

19th to the 20th of Tempus, 636 Golden Era   In an effort to regain some sense of normalcy and quiet after the massacre at Havel's Cross the party decided to go their separate ways for a little while to process on their own and in their own ways. Ernie engaged in what we call retail therapy. Myr threw themselves into a crafting project and when that wasn't enough they decided to terrorize a new tavern that had opened in town, The Prince's Pisswater. Xorn did what they could to numb with drugs, and made a little profit as well. Olli drank and gambled and made friends with a guard named Tiff with whom they became inseparable partners in partying for the week. Once ready the party reassembled at their favorite spot, the Bullfrog Inn.
The request they found on the board looked like it was scratched more than written, and was sparse on details. It was however the only job available so the choice was easy. Exchanging pleasantries with Greta the party made for the meeting place, an inn they already knew and held some uncomfortable and unresolved feelings, The Spring Shoot Inn. Opening the door to the familiar common area, the innkeeper motioned over for Ernie, and passed him a letter from Professor Winsome Landy.

Personal business aside, it was rather easy to find their prospective client. In the corner of the common area, away from the windows, back to the wall, was an intimidating goblin in full armor whose gaze hadn't left the party since the moment they entered. Bringing tidings of free beer the party approached and introduced themselves. The goblin eyed them for a moment, chugged his beer, spit out the window, and introduced himself as the captain of the Sawtooth Brigade, Kreeg. Suddenly the spartan chicken scratch handwriting made a lot more sense. Cutting to the chase he informed the party of what his request was.
Inside the Spring Shoot Inn the bustle of the main square fades to murmur and instead the smell of meat and beer fill your senses. Gnomes, Halflings, and Dwarves mill about chatting, eating or drinking as the barmaid flows between tables seamlessly filling drinks and handing out plates of food. The open windows and doors allow the breeze to carry through keeping the air fresh with the feel of summer. Beneath one of the windows on the far side of the tavern with a perfect view of the whole floor is a dour looking goblin with a beer in one hand and a cigar in the other. As he catches your eye there’s a knowing flash behind his. He knows who you are, and motions you all over.

  Early that very morning a few hours before sunrise his brother Grom, his second in command and a veteran sorcerer, was murdered by a barghest. Barghests prey on goblins souls specifically, the stronger the better, and they're masters of disguise able to shapeshift into a goblin, a worg, or its natural form. Once a barghest consumes a soul there is a 24 hour period before the soul is destroyed. Kreeg asks the party to rid his camp of the barghest, and if they can do it in under 24 hours he'll triple their pay to 600 gp a head. Suddenly the party leaned forward very intent on hearing him out, and Kreeg knew he had their attention. The only leads he had were to go see Khaya, the druid charged with Talbet's protection, and possibly a secretive fey being known as Mother Haggle, who was recently spotted near the area. The time was three hours before noon.
“Please come in and make yourself at home! I’ll be down in a moment.” A voice calls out from within as the tower door slowly opens to reveal a forest. From within the smell of the woods greets you, grass, mold, dirt. The sounds of small animals chittering away even a light rustling of branches as an unseen wind moves between the branches.
Seeing Khaya as the more sure option the party set out for mage tower on the west side of the city. On the outside the tower looked unassuming, three floors, stone exterior, oddly though there were no windows to be seen, and a plain oak door. They were bid entry by a mysterious voice from deep within the tower and entered the druids domain. Immediately their surroundings changed and the tower interior they expected to see was in fact a forest. The smell of earth and trees, birds singing from the branches, air crisp as only it can be in the woods. Before they could begin to question their surroundings Khaya emerged. Every bit as mesmerizing as the most
beautiful elves with a hint of her Eladrin heritage in her green tinted skin and hair, she welcomed the party, and Olli was smitten. To the best of her knowledge Khaya answered the parties questions informing them of a local goblin clan who dealt with a barghest some months ago, gave them more information about the infamous Mother Haggle, and gave them a bargaining chip in case they needed it, a jar of honey. The time was two hours to noon.
  Now with a clear direction the party saddled up and rode south west to the edge of the forest where Mother Haggle was last seen. For hours they searched the plains, wandering up and down hills, checking the forest’s edge, and still nothing. Right when they were about to give up on the horizon they saw a small hamlet nestled on a cozy hill. With trepidation they approached the farm, and were greeted by an adventurer who pointed them to Mother Haggle's office. Mother Haggle is known to be nice by fae standards, but her attitude leaves something to be desired. She looks like she could be anyone’s grandmother with no visually discerning features. Inside the party had a tense negotiation with the fae. Eventually with the help of a trade of honey for information, Mother Haggle told the party she knows nothing about the barghest, but Xelyc might have some information, and she pointed out a small library across the courtyard.
Upon entry to the “library” the party met Xelyc, a frail looking wrinkly old man with a ridiculous pointy wizard hat, but before the party could say anything he pushed a book in their direction and asked for a library membership fee. As the party talked amongst themselves trying to come to a decision Xelyc also said he would take a memory as payment, an odd look flashed in his eyes as he said this. Without skipping a beat Olli stepped forth, offering up a piece of himself. Xelyc placed his hands on Olli’s head and in a moment it was done. On the outside nothing seems to have happened, but Olli knew differently. The transference was unlike anything he had experienced and it left him exhausted. Book in
Inside this cozy cottage are a few tables, chairs presumably for reading, and a small counter with a handful of bookcases behind it. The air is dry and warm as the sun peeks through the windows and you’re greeted by the smell of dust mites and old paper. Behind the counter is a frail old man looking directly at you as you enter with a lone book sitting on the counter.
hand the party found the information they needed and decided to exit with haste, leaving behind this uneasy place as nothing but a memory. The time was two hours past noon.
  Back in the saddle the party raced north to the spot marked on their map as the local goblin clan known as the Fireclaw Clan. After three hours of hard riding they arrived at the location and began to search, eventually happening upon a massive rock face with a cleft and a shoddy wooden door.
The goblin camp is, well, everything you'd expect a goblin camp to be. It stinks of sweat and fire, and whatever meat has been burned to near inedible charcoal made only worse by being in a cave. A small group of goblins stand before you doing their best to look imposing. Once you enter the cave the air changes, it becomes heavy, stifling, like burying your face in a pile of wet clothes after they ran a few miles under the summer sun. The goblins don't seem to mind. Little ones run and scream at one another, others are mid argument, and a few are actually sleeping, god's now how. Through the horde of unwashed goblins steps out a wiry one just a head taller than the rest with what looks like a wizards staff that's been crudely chopped down to match its new owner's size.
The door looked like a stiff breeze would blow it over but a message on the front reads “MAJIK DORE - I AM WET AND WILD AND ALWAYS IN MOSHUN, YELL MY NAME BECUZ I AM…” Immediately the clever Myr piped up “The Ocean?” and was met with 20 armed goblins leaping up from atop the rocks weapons trained on the party. From behind the door emerged a wiry goblin a head taller and a few pounds skinnier than the rest who demanded to know why the party was there. Through some quick thinking and beer bribery the party diffused the situation and asked about the barghest. This caused quite the commotion among the ranks above and the goblin chief Rurx beckoned them inside the cave to discuss.
  Inside the cave the party was introduced to the Fireclaw Clan's camp. Rurx entertained the party best he could with what little knowledge he had, and what little food he could spare. He told them of a barghest that infiltrated their camp 6 months ago named Druugh. He worked through the camp killing all of the strongest warriors before he was found. Rurx was able to find him because in their worg form barghests have larger paws than a normal worg. Their other tell is that their eyes shift colors faintly
based on their emotions. Rurx was able to set a trap for Druugh, and even though the barghest escaped he was injured and likely wouldn't return soon. Rurx was hoping to be gone before then.
  On account of paranoia the clan released all of their worgs and instead had two faithful dire wolves, Trinket and Doodad, that served the clan. After the meal Rurx marked on their map the area of Druugh's lair, and with no more new information the party set out for the Sawtooth Brigade camp. The time was five hours past noon.
The party arrives at the war camp just before sunset, and found their way to Kreeg's tent. Inside they were introduced to all of the division lieutenants, of which Olli immediately took to Shatterback Shin, and the meeting began. The party relayed all of the relevant information they had, and began to form a plan. Kreeg was to be bait while the rest of the camp acted as if nothing was amiss. Hiccup Boscoe was instructed to spread his troops out in a wide radius around the camp and remain hidden just in case Druugh escaped. Meanwhile the party planned layers of traps for the fiend. As the meeting was coming to an end a husky dwarf, panting for breath bumbled into the tent. Bardrak Kindfist, a cleric of Selune, was here on Kreeg’s behest although for what the party did not know. With a plan in place the party set things in motion. The time was 6 hours to sunrise.
  The hours passed as each of the party held their positions in tents along the border of the central area, keeping a close eye out for anything amiss. Finally three hours before sunrise after growing exceedingly restless, Ernie lifted the tent flap back telekinetically to spot Kreeg when he noticed a small bit of light
In a stark contrast to the Goblin Camp, the War Camp seems organized and well thought out. Tents are lined in small circles with all the circles surrounding what seems to be a common area. Unfortunately it still smells like a goblin camp but with the outdoor breeze you only catch the occasional breath of it. True to any mercenary camp there’s drinking and gambling everywhere you look, but these goblins seem more measured, trained. The moment you enter the camp a dozen goblins subtly direct their attention to your group instantly sizing you up. It’s the same look Kreeg gave you the moment you met. Pulling away from a small group of imposing mercenaries, Kreeg approaches.
inside the tent. From a cut in the side. Immediately the party jumped into action. The barghest had avoided their traps, but the party still managed to get the drop on him. Xorn locked down the area with a Silence spell, Myr and Olli brought the barrels of oil, and Ernie engaged the fiend to draw its attention. Kreeg managed to slip out in the confusion, as it turns out had made plans of his own, and with a whistle Sawtooths came running forward slinging oil at the creature. In the scuffle the barghest fell into a snare trap and was hoisted into the air and drowned in the flames set below him. In the chaotic silence the barghest locked eyes with the party in quiet rage as he slowly turned to ash.
Our Lady of Silver, Let all on whom your light falls be welcome if they desire to be so. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does life. We trust in your radiance, and know that all love alive under your light shall know your blessing. Turn to the moon, and it will be your true guide.   She Who Guides, lend me your power,
grant me peace this twilight hour,
I call upon your strength and might,
bless your child this secret night
cleanse this space remove all ill
bless it now let moon light fill
Where flesh is torn, make as before.
Where bone is shorn, give strength once more.
— Bardrak's Resurrection spell chant
In the tense silence that followed Kreeg barked an order to bring his brother's body forward. From the crowd came a stretcher baring a lone goblin in wizard robs with half his throat torn out. Immediately Bardrak jumped into action performing the resurrection spell. After a few moments life seemed to flow into the corpse and Grom began to retch dried blood as he slowly came to. To a course of cheers Kreeg and his brother embraced and so began the celebration.
  For what seemed like the longest night the party and every mercenary drank, smoked, fucked, sang, and danced until they could no longer. In the morning the sorely hungover party talked with Kreeg, Grom, and Tronk and was told if they ever found themselves on the eastern front, they had a friend there. With that the party set out with one last thing to do, loot Druugh's lair.
    They made their way back towards the Fireclaw Camp, and informed Rurx that Druugh was no longer a problem. Rurx was stunned and wished he could offer something to the party, but he was in the middle of preparing to leave. The Fireclaw Clan intended to head north to the Lamina Kingdom where they hoped to make a better life for themselves. The party wished them the best before departing for the lair. The lair was predators home, it stunk of rot and bones, but true to every predator there was treasure. With that completed the part left back for Talbet to enjoy a week of some much deserved relaxation.

Rewards Granted

  • 600 gp per member, 2400 total
  • 1 common divine essence
  • Ring of Brutality
  • Burning Oil x3
  • Dead Man's Pardon
  • Bag of Barking Stones

Character(s) interacted with

Greta, Kreeg, Khaya Owens, Mother Haggle, Xelyc, Rurx Fireclaw, Trinket and Doodad, Tronk the Calm, Leadboot Bradol, Shatterback Shin, Screeching Yogh, Hiccup Boscoe, Bardrak Kindfist, Druugh the barghest, Grom
Report Date
18 Aug 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Letter to Ernie.jpg
Scrawled on PC Map

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