Salastellan Republic Organization in Emmel | World Anvil
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Salastellan Republic

Situated between Brae and Azuros, the Salastellan Republic occupies the central portion of the Conflict Zone, and tenuously manages to hold its borders.


The provinces of Salastella are as follows:
  • Provincia de Salast
  • Provincia de Verdugo
  • Provincia de Zaragoza
  • Provincia de Heruco
  • Provincia de Cadroser
  • Provincia de Docienza
  • Provincia de Asturias
  • Provincia de Osuna
Each province is named for the noble family whose lands they used to be. See the sidebar for a map of the provinces


The Salastellan people are a very proud one. They have much love for their home and anyone who also loves their land. To many foreigners it can come off as arrogant, as many take it for an heir of superiority, which to be fair it sometimes is. To many Salastellans the revolution didn't in fact symbolize a new start to their country instead it is just a continuation and most consider Salastella to still be the oldest nation in the Conflict Zone, a major point of pride for them.


In the aftermath of the Blue Coup, the Kingdom of Salastella was weakened. Not only did they lose a third of their country and their second largest city, but Sanorio took the opportunity to declare it's independence and Coventry to the north defected to join the Free Cities of Grafwin. Further loses brought the common people closer and closer to starvation until they rose up in defiance of the King with whom they had lost faith in. In a single bloody week the king, his entire family, and many nobleman were executed, their heads displayed in front of what was known as the White Palace. It's new name became the Crimson Palace, a testament to the common man's frustration with the ruling class. This week is now known as The Red Silk Uprising.
  Out of fear their ire would continue until no noble families were left, what remained of the noble houses convened and came to a solution. They addressed the people about forming a new government, one where their voices could be heard. And in the remains of the kingdom rose up the Salastellan Republic. In theory each noble families lands became counties and were subject to the laws of a senate of elected officials. Each noble family retained their responsibility to govern their former lands and enact the will of the senate. In practice however the politics of the kingdom remained, but without a king to unify the houses each covertly vies for control of the senate, and the nobles still retain much of their former influence over the direction of the country.
Founding Date
605 GE
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
Wine, Tobacco, Cereals
Major Imports
Controlled Territories
Salastella Provincia Map.jpeg


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