Denover Settlement in Emmel | World Anvil
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Any resident, a "Denoven," will say it is the greatest city in the world. Many take such pride for arrogance, but they do so through smiles as they nod in agreement, for such is the cost of doing business in the capital. Denover is in every many ways what it claims to be way, a leader—in commerce, culture, and its own exaggerated beauty.



As in the rest of Salastella the population of Denover tends to skew far more towards human, however the next 2 largest demographics are made up of Orc and Dragonborn. The Make up of the city as of the last census was:  


Salastella's gender demographics are generally in favor of women, who make up 60% of the population. This has made Salastella tempered into a much more matriarchal society, and it is most common to see women being the head of noble houses and commoners alike.  


Salastella as a whole is not an obscenely rich country however you wouldn't know that looking at Denover. Most of the population enjoys some degree of wealth, and even many of the average folk can afford luxuries.


Denover is run by 3 elected officials (known as Don or Doña) who, once they have been appointed, then assign key positions to people they trust, a cabinet of sort. These three Dons are separate however from the 2 senators (Senadors) that represent Denover and it's surrounding provinces (provincias) in the senate (senado), and the three governors are still subservient to the laws and proclamations of the senate.


Given it's position at the fork of two rivers, Denover is situated on the water and the only way in or out of the city is by two bridges which can be raised effectively sealing the city off. Deep in the river lay massive spikes as well that when drawn up by chains in the city walls no boat bigger than a rowboat can approach the city. Massive towers along the walls keep watch over the flat plains on all sides giving the city plenty of notice to incoming attack. If needed the city guard, which number about 700, could contribute to the local army which could be including the surrounding lands around 9,000 strong.

Industry & Trade

The major unique industries of Denover and it's provencia is that of tobacco and wine. Both of the crops are fiercely guarded, and the process by which they make the products that will be sold and consumed are highly valued trade secrets. Tobacco is prepared, sold and enjoyed in a multitude of ways, and can be bought on nearly any street of the city. The wines produced in Denover tend to be very bold, and dry red wines, and it is almost more common to find wine in establishments than beer. Through the taxation on these exports the city is able to keep it's pockets well lined, and workers employed. Denover is the second largest maker and distributer of alcohol behind the dwarves of the Nuraeven Kingdom.
  The textile industry is also rather large here, as they process large amounts of cotton and wool. There is a startling amount fabrics in a variety of colors on display in every part of the city showing off the dedicated skill the craftsmen of Denover boast about so frequently.
  The two main metals mined is Salastella are Iron and Lead, however they are not processed within the city walls as that would be far to unsightly for it's denizens. Instead most refineries and forges are on the river banks where they can also utilize the power of the river for various purposes. As such many workers will actually commute out the city to work the refineries before going back across the river to go home.
  Given it's centralized location and position on the _ River, the port and shipping industry sees quite a bit of usage as most of the country's resources collect here before being shipped down the river and out to sea headed for Sanorio.



Due to it's placement Denover has access to a large amount of fresh water, and through careful planning most of the city's residents have running water and a sewer system. And in the vein of Denover's bombastic nature all of the main squares of the city have a large fountain display of some kind.


There is no formal public education, however a Mage's Guild College is in the city for those with the aptitude and a bit of coin.


The city can more easily be divided into smaller neighborhoods by looking at their fountains. Each neighborhood is centered around a large Fountain square that becomes the focal point of that area. Generally speaking there are of course areas with higher wealth concentrations and areas where former noble families live that gate their community, but all of Denover is free to roam. The only exception being the Crimson Palace. Being used as a government building now it is not strictly speaking restricted, but it is an informal rule that you don't linger there unless you have business there or else you risk attracting the attention of the guard.

Guilds and Factions

In theory the city and the country are run by the will of the people. However in practice the former noble families of the Salastellan Kingdom still hold much sway over the goings on of the country as a whole, and they subtly use there influence to bring about favorable outcomes for themselves.


Orignially the seat of power in the Salastellan Kingdom where the King and their family, The House of Salast, resided. The King ruled over the largest swath of land ever controlled by one country in the Conflict Zone. However, in the aftermath of the The Blue Coup there was division in the city amongst the nobles and commoners, and in response they revolted against the king. The citizens stormed the White Palace killing the royal family and many of the noble families. In the aftermath the remaining noble families, now afraid of the commoners coming for them, helped institute a new form of government giving rise to the new Salastellan Republic.

Points of interest


  • The Gilded Towers, Adventurer's Guild Hall, and administrative office
  • Mage's Guild College
  • Messenger's Guild hall
  • The Crimson Palace - Formerly known as The White Palace the seat of the former king, the palace was colloquially renamed for the amount of blood that was spilled during the overthrow of the king


Bardic Inspiration

Abandoning their classical instruments the most prolific form of song in Denover is that of singing. Many bards with varying voices will group together harmonizing with each other and using contrasting notes to provide depth to their songs. Often telling stories with multiple viewpoints these performances can be anywhere from 4 bards to as many as 25.  

Picture Shows

Another form of entertainment in Denover is one of grandiose proportions. In the fountain squares plays are put on for the audiences that gather on all sides from the ground, on nearby verandas, or even rooftops if necessary. The unique thing about these plays is that while there are actors there are also a large group of mages behind the scenes using illusion magic to create backdrops and creatures or anything else that cannot be easily replicated. A group of bards will typically accompany these performances augmenting the experience with mood setting music. The final product of these events are truly a magnificent sight to behold portraying historical events, comedies, and tragedies in such real settings it feels as if you are truly there with them watching the events unfold.


The city stands as a marvel of architecture and art to all that visit, and the scholars that study there. White and Sand colored stone is used in the construction of almost all the buildings, and red, blue, and brass domes are the most common roofing to see in the city. All of these are augmented by a staggering array of fabrics in every shade although shades of red and blue are the most common. Vaulted doorways, open floorplans, and verandas are common components of most buildings and homes with intricate gold and brass inlays around the tops of rooms and doorways.  Stone mosaics are another common site in the city in nearly every public building, and also in many of the main fountain squares the ground will be made up of large intricate murals spanning hundreds of yards at times. In homes belonging to the wealthy these mosaics tend to display as embroidered cloths and rugs that decorate the walls and often tell a story or depict events in Salastellan history.


The city is located on the water at the meeting point of two rivers, with vast plains for miles in every other direction.

Natural Resources

Fishing, Farming, Iron, Lead, Tobacco, and Grapes
Oh it'd be a wonderful place to live, if it wasn't for the people already living there.
— Brewmaster Glowkindle
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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