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Brae Collective

A country on the western side of the region known as The Conflict Zone that established itself around 150 years ago. The families that control the country are the Mugridge Family, Wyglif Family, Azgian Family, and the Ordlebrandt Family. Respectively they are in charge of the Talbet Province, Wyglif Province, Azgian Province, and the Mire's Edge Province.


The country of Brae is effectively ruled by four families as they're called. In reality these families are businesses and not necessarily blood related although there tends to be large amount of nepotism involved in the structure and responsibility of these families. Each family has their own province and is responsible for their own structure and industry within their land. However unintentionally the laws and culture of each province end up looking rather similar with only minor differences typically. In each domain there is a central city that acts as the hub the family rules from, and each of the smaller towns and cities in the domain have some sort of appointed ruler either by the family or promoted from within.
  The central government is a weaker one by design that is meant to provide infrastructure and maintain a militia for the defense of the countries borders and little else. The actual government is made up of a council of each of the heads of the families and one member representing the guilds of workers within the country, and they see to laws and taxes that affect the country as a whole.
  Separate from that Lakeshore is unique in that it is decidedly a neutral ground amongst the families and has its own local governing body that is separate, but subserviant to the larger state level government. The local body is made of a panel of nine, two representatives for each family, and one from the local business guilds of Lakeshore for the purpose of representation and breaking ties in legislation. This may or may not be the same local representative to the state level government although that is rare.


The people of Brae tend to be a hospitable bunch, even those living in the downtrodden parts. As an area that has only known war for centuries the people are happy with the relative peace they enjoy within their borders. The culture of Brae tends to focus heavily around business with the main industries revolving around agriculture and manufacturing.
  The Families, in a surprising turn, tend to be very good to the people in their provinces as happy farmers are effective farmers. Laws are fairly lax in terms of civil, but on the business side there are a host of regulations. As a country they're known for being one of the best and hardest for making your own business. There is still crime however, but the government and families tend to turn a blind eye to the thieves guild, The House of Crows, that operates within their borders as it keeps the crime at a manageable level. So long as merchants and the families remain unmolested the thieves guild is mostly left to themselves.

Public Agenda

The families and government of Brae have exactly two goals in mind and everything they do is to further them. The first is to legitimize themselves in the eyes of the larger global political context. For centuries the countries that crop up within the Conflict Zone are disregarded as temporary, and they wouldn't be wrong, and not worth dealing with. Brae wishes to establish themselves as a trade nation that is indispensable to the continent. The second which ties into the first is to become a business center. With a wealth of natural resources and many incentives to create businesses they hope to entice a large inflow of money and become an economic powerhouse.


  • One of the largest agricultural regions on the continent, Brae is responsible now for much of the food imported around the lower continent.
  • Also an excellent source of lumber at a cheaper price than the goods coming out of Orthant Rassent albeit the quality and rarity is lesser
  • Sugar Cane is prime crop of Brae as it seems to only natively grow around Serpent's Mire
  • Other Natural Resources of the area include but are not limited to: Wool, Leather, Grains (Barley, Wheat, Rye, Oat, Corn), Wild Rice, White Rice, Parchment, Paper, Gold, Granite, Marble, Variety of herbs, Honey

Demography and Population

The population as of the latest census is:
  • Human - 56%
  • Half-Elf - 12%
  • Elf - 10%
  • Halfling - 8%
  • Gnome - 5%
  • Dwarf - 3%
  • Half-Orc - 2%
  • Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc ~ 2%*
  • Other - 2%
  • * May be higher however these races also tend to live outside cities and thus may not be accurately counted

Foreign Relations

The Collective has worked hard to step up trade relations with most of the countries in the lower half of Emmel with the exception of the Salastellan Republic and the Azuros Empire, and the Taur-na-Chardhîn Tribes. The first two because of ongoing hostilities and the latter due to the Tribes inherent lack of trust and contact with outsiders.
  A rather fruitful trade agreement is enjoyed with both Sanorio, and the Arveia Alliance as these are the two other largest trade parties in the south. To the north there is a tenuous peace and trade zone with the Free Cities of Grafwin.


Most of the population can read, write, and perform basic math however this is not due to any schooling infrastructure. In fact the only schooling is set up locally if there is any, and in an official capacity the only school in Brae is the Mage's Guild College in Lakeshore.
  In cities and towns the more common education is guild apprenticeships where trade skills are taught, these can include artisan crafting and agriculture. Also among the wealthier citizens paid tutors can be found teaching both the young and the old.



The road system is of extreme importance as they are the primary trade, transportation and shipping routes. The government builds and maintains the roads throughout the country keeping them clean and safe. Many of the roads between major cities are even paved with stone. Almost every mile of road in the country is patrolled by guards and every 50 miles is a guard outpost with a tower, barracks and a stable where a group of 6 is always stationed, and swapped out every 7 days.  

Water and Sewage

Aqueducts see frequent usage across the country for fresh water and irrigation of crops. Most cities having indoor plumbing to some degree, and if a village or town happens to be on a river the usually do as well. Most sewage is funneled through filters and waste is used for fertilizer so as to not waste anything before the waste water is run through a volcanic rock filter and deposited back into the river. In rare cases where there isn't a river to deposit the waste water back into, a mage may purify the water, and it will be reused for irrigation of crops although this isn't common.  


Settlements with ports or docks used in the transportation of goods or facilitation of trade receive a small grant for the purpose of maintaining these facilities. The money sent and used is well tracked and it is mandatory that records be kept and sent in for review to ensure proper usage. If a settlement is found to be misusing the grant money they may lose their grant or the leader of the settlement may face punishment up to being removed from office.  

Resident Mage

As long as a settlement is larger than 100 people they are assigned a mage by the government that assists in the operations of the settlement. There is no preference in the type of mage nor the magic they use, and all are treated equally and well by the population. They help with monster problems, disputes, communication across settlements, and other things as well as providing council to the person given charge of the settlement. They are provided with a home and a weekly payment of gold for their services and most live a rather comfortable lifestyle. It is a very popular retirement gig for many mages.
Founding Date
486 Golden Era
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Gold Standard
Major Exports
Military Equipment, Furniture, Food stuffs, Ink, Parchment, Paper, Sugar, Building Materials, Medicines
Major Imports
Imports are heavily discouraged and tariffs are placed accordingly, however it is not always realistic to be 100% self sufficient so when imports are obtained the preferred method is trade goods for raw materials, and only as a last resort buying the raw materials with gold. With the raw materials on hand they are then processed into whatever finished product that may be needed.
Legislative Body
The Circle is the name given to the smaller council that governs Lakeshore however they are also responsible for legislation at large for the country. These legislations typically include laws of civil, criminal, and trade varieties.
Judicial Body
Local armed forces act as both the military force and the policing force of each province, and act in the capacity of town guard as it pertains to investigating crimes. Trials are held with the leader of the whichever town the act occurred in as the judge, or if the scope is large enough a member of one of the families may step in as judge.
Executive Body
The Collective is the name given to the upper council made up of the head of each family and the guild worker representative. They are responsible for matters of a national scale and of keeping laws enforced within their own province.
Brae Province Map.jpeg

Trading Partners

The trade agreement between these countries is mainly the only thing that keeps them from fighting.

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