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History of Emteria

Worldshaper Era

0 35

  • 1

    1 /1 01:00

    The Creation of a Planet
    Construction beginning/end

    The World Emteria, Created long ago by the Mother of Mana, having survived two purges and mass destruction finally rid of war as the celestial wars end. Everything left of the old civilization and its people are essentially completely gone. Now with all the species left on the planet are stranded there and beginning once again from almost zero.

  • 2


    Construction beginning/end

    The gods solidify their hold over the planet as things start to stabilize as memories from the past are all but forgotten, hidden or destroyed. Life starts to grow forth once more, although the technological loss is a setback that has pushed them back thousands of years history wise.

  • 10


    The Arrival of life
    Era beginning/end

    The gateways between the planes are once again opened and life from the other planes start crossing over in certain places, as life truly starts to return and the earliest visions of civilization once again starts to come into being.

  • 35


    The First Settlers
    Discovery, Exploration

    As life takes more speed and with a whole world to explore, races of different kinds start to settle and expand into different areas and build new homes.

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Era of Discovery

35 100

  • 35


    The First Settlers
    Discovery, Exploration

    As life takes more speed and with a whole world to explore, races of different kinds start to settle and expand into different areas and build new homes.

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  • 85


    32 /8 24:00

    The First Nations
    Era beginning/end

    It was not the end of exploration, but by now so many had found places to settle and thrive. That the first nations have started popping up in many places.

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The Era of Lost Chapters

105 890

It is in humanoid nature to want more power, and so a long dark period of wars and strife came forth.

  • 115

    The Heavens Fall
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The Betrayer God Xar Heresh is banished along with five others, from the celestial realm unto the mortal realm to be taught a lesson.
    But nothing more than a will for revenge remains. So he creates the first Black Cult, The Cult of Heresh. Teaching them the aspect of death and necromancy. Now Xar Heresh is known as The Fallen One or The Fallen Angel.

  • 120


    The Demon
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Unchained Eclipse finds Emteria a nice planet filled with life to consume and destroy. Bringing death and destruction by pitting mortals against eachother as to not be found out.

  • 201

    24 /7

    24 /7

    The Cursed Flame is Quenched
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Old Gods lock away Moz'Garal - The Colossal Annihilator

  • 850


    The Eclipse Unveiled

    A group of adventurers force the Unchained Eclipse to fight using his true power thus revealing himself.

  • 880

    5 /3 08:00

    5 /3 23:00

    Removing the Curse
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Gods intervene together after realizing the Unchained Eclipse has gotten out of hand and is destroying the world. They shatter the Demon Gods soul into a thousand pieces leaving him powerless.

  • 890

    Rise of Arathorn

    After the Unchained Eclipse, eight powerful spellcasters and warriors decide to build the school Arathorn. It becomes a beacon of knowledge, teaching handpicked students about magic, warfare and diplomacy. Although know to the world, its location is only revealed to those whom the Founders decide.

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The Era of Recovery

900 1100

Coming out of a very dark age. A small spark of hope was all they needed to band together in unity again.

  • 910

    22 /5

    Zemayla Rises

    The Empire of Zemayla Rises from the Ashes of the past, Ruled by Empress Zem Ayla. Building a prosperous nation where all can find a peaceful life no matter race or religion.

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  • 1010

    The Dawn Rises

    Urkeris Kanng creates the Dawnkeeper Order as a cultural union between nations. A special force of the best warriors, mages & diplomats. Who would help keep the banner of the Dawn of the Zemaylan Empire flying. By keeping the peace and uniting them around a banner of hope.

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  • 1080

    The Dawn Strikes
    Gathering / Conference

    The Dawnkeepers create an additional force more focused on being the personal elite of the Empress called the Dawnbringers. Always both forces serving the Emperor/Empress personally throughout the reign of the Empire.

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The Empire of Zemayla

1100 2300

The Great Unification Era brought by the Zemaylan Empire.

  • 1252

    The Sealing of the Serpent
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Great Voidserpent Shazza is locked away after the first Dawnkeepers bind and seal her power. Dividing the seals in five hidden locations to ensure she would be sealed away forever.

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  • 2289

    24 /11 12:00

    The Forest & The Sea
    Cultural event

    The Wood Elves of Wildemark expand north and find their Sea Elven kin. Together they create a unified small nation of elves. Dependent on eachother, it created a very long lasting peace as their small nation existed as a fair and just society.

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The Decline and Rise

2476 2568

The Decline of the Ancient Zemaylan Empire & The rise of the last Empress Zoraya.

  • 2476

    The Fall of Zemayla
    Military action

    The Last Emperor and all his heirs are killed, thus ending the Zemaylan Empires long reign. Luckily one daughter born the same night was smuggled away from the palace in secret by the court mage Zamadar Sanyan. Whose lineage had served as court mages for centuries. Who took the child and his own young son Belketh to a secret and safe place to grow up to learn and become strong.

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  • 2476

    11 /4 05:00

    The Decline
    Life, Birth

    The Last Empress Zoraya is Born. Nestled away from the palace in secret.

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  • 2501

    The Empire Reclaimed

    Zoraya Reclaims her Ancient throne as the last empress. Reuniting many lost territories and quenching rebellions and uprisings. Supported by the few grown into the many. Until she ascended the throne under a unified banner.

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  • 2501

    20 /8

    9 /8

    The Union of Two
    Life, Relationship change

    Empress Zoraya marries Zamadar Belketh - Together ruling the new unified Empire through every hardship. The Great Warrior Empress and The Archmage. Eventually their love is fulfilled with the birth of a healthy son.

  • 2566

    The Last Empress Death
    Life, Death

    The Last Empress dies suddenly leaving the Empire in a grieving state.

  • 2567

    17 /4 13:00

    18 /4 23:00

    The Cataclysmic Sundering
    Disaster / Destruction

    A Gnome named Tulbo, set free an ancient evil - Moz'Garal. Which ends up causing a massive explosion, spreading through a massive arcane gateway. In turn, all of this causes a great cataclysmic event of unparallel destruction. Devastating almost the entire planet.

  • 2568

    School of Solitude
    Diplomatic action

    Fear compels the Elder Council of Arathorn to take defensive action after the great cataclysm. Powerful, magical borders are drawn and soldiers posted at every entry. Graduates are not allowed to talk about the school outside their borders and fewer people get sent away. Ishan Ibarin, the schools principal, is the only one who tries to maintain their connections to the outside world. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for three hundered years, the school of Arathorn passed out of all knowledge.

    More reading
    Ishan Ibarin

Current Era

2600 2878

  • 2600

    New Beginnings
    Era beginning/end

    New Nations come out of the Ashes of the past. Holding onto new power and forgetting the past because of the great cataclysmic sundering. Almost all traces of history and the past are forgotten or lost or simply abandoned.

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  • 2628


    The Largest Kingdom

    The Kingdom of Rook is Born. A stable mostly human kingdom, through the next half century they conquer all small neighbouring kingdoms and cities. Thus creating the largest Kingdom by landmass as well as population.

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  • 2677

    The Outcast Kingdom

    The Small Kingdom of Zeppala is founded by Arman Thurian. Creating the kingdom that shuts itself away from the rest of the world.. most of the time. A small prosperous nation, where fields of wheat run as far as the eye can see.

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  • 2701

    The Golden Cities

    Eight powerful mages come together to build eight cities and form the Golden Cities of Kar. Ruled together by the mage council of Kar.

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  • 2714


    The First New War
    Military action

    The Kingdom of Rook declares war on the Golden Cities of Kar. A long war where no clear winner comes out.

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  • 2730

    The Republic is Born
    Cultural event

    The Golden Cities of Kar grow beyond administration of a few individuals as several cities and villages bind their loyalty to the Mage Council. Causing the birth of the Rejuan Republic with a senate that rules side by side with the mage council of Kar.

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  • 2735

    12 /9 04:00

    The Desert & The Steppe
    Military action

    One of the clans of the sands. The Vazmodan Clan unite several other clans through bloody conflict. Uniting the majority of the desert clans and steppe clans to serve under one banner. Thus giving birth to the Vazmodan Empire. The Nation that respects strength and honor more than anything else.

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  • 2748

    12 /8

    The Progressive Nation

    Outcasts and Clans of the north come together to create solutions to survive the harsh cold of the long winters. Solutions to survival bring forth fine minds & after many years of cooperation many come together creating the Norn Oligarchy. With a small council of elected representatives of the finest and most brilliant minds. This Nation of progress and advancement stays true to their nature. Rarely getting involved with the rest of the world. With many free clans still living in peace in the tundras.

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  • 2778

    The Wolf Syndicate
    Life, Organisation Association

    Ex Coll creates the Wolf Syndicate. One of the largest underground crime networks.

  • 2838

    The Independent Dawn

    A Powerful Wizard Vazal Boo becomes Archon of the Wizard Council of the Rejuan Republic. With the knowledge of the past Dawnkeepers and what they aspired to be. He recreated the Dawnkeepers and Dawnbringers as an independent organization to fight the Evil Black Cults.

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  • 2875


    Evil Gathers
    Life, Organisation Association

    The Black Cults start working in unison. Working toward many unknown goals, while trying to not draw too much attention from the different Nations and their enemies - the Dawnkeepers and Dawnbringers.

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  • 2878

    Sparks of War
    Military action

    A new conflict suddenly sparks up. Vazmodan Empire declares war against The Kingdom of Rook. An ongoing war with unknown goals. Rook and their Protectorate States asemble for a full war against Vazmodan. Eventualy calling upon the Rejuan Republic for aid. Sparking a large war as evil gathers in the shadows.

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  • 2878

    8 /3

    The Hateful Gather
    Gathering / Conference

    The Adventuring party called The Hateful gather for the first time.

New World Era

2879 and beyond

  • 2879

    Chasing The Flame
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A Party assembles to chase down the very creature released at the cataclysmic destruction. The entity known as Moz Garall, that has recently freed himself after lying dormant. Or so the story will tell.

  • 2880

    The Call
    Military: War

    The Misfits a new band of adventurers join up with the world effort to defeat The Fallen Angel Xar Heresh and destroy him & his black cults that were responsible for so many bad things, once and for all.

  • 2885

    The Forest Nation of Askara Rises
    Political event

    The Nation Bringing Peace and Prosperity comes to life inside The Kalashigo Forest inside The Rejuan Republic. The two nations now sit hand in hand as part of the same Republic while Separate at the same time.   The Republic was never able to tame the forest for its many dangers. But Askara Could, which made Rejuan give all that territory to Askara, now a home to all kinds of races and monsters. Living there in unison and peace, the closest place you have to a Living Utopia where everyone cooperates no matter who they are.   Askara is a force to be reckoned with, especially for Demonkind.

  • 2885


    The World At "Peace"
    Gathering / Conference

    The Dark Cults Defeated, The Nations are now at peace (or so it seems) The reality is that the World has seen some sad and dramatic change, that everyone is just trying to recover from.

  • 2885

    The Alliance of Cordibus
    Gathering / Conference

    Ophihana Darcharis takes control over Cordibus and becomes elected leader. Bringing stability and Peace to the region, while also refusing to take any party in the Rookian Civil war brewing on the horizon.   Several other cities join her in this endeavour as the years go by, creating a small (mostly) island Nation Alliance. But in regards to surviving with some key trade ports, they are taken under the wing of The Nation of Askara, As a Protectorate Allied State.   Mess with Cordibus and you mess with Askara, as a Rookian Warfleet discovered in the near future.

  • 2890

    The Rookian Civil War Begins
    Military: War

    The Short Lived Peace is shattered in the Kingdom of Rook, as a major Civil War Breaks out, with at least Five Major Factions Battling it out with a massive amount of Warlords, Bandits & Deserters wreaking havoc wherever they can.   The Kingdom of Vorakkia, The Shimmer Kingdom, The Sivin Principality, The New Zemaylan Imperial Republic & The Kingdom of Rook. Represent the Five Major Powers, while there are others in the Area which are trying to remain conflict free such as: The Jemmen Free Nation, The Kingdom of Khazad & The Cordibus Alliance. The Largest Nation now engulfed in a massive civil war seemingly without an end in sight.

  • 2895

    The Dark Path
    Life, Death

    A Dark Pattern has been detected, someone has been picking off important people. Heroes and Generals of old times, promising candidates and people that had really good outlooks for their lives.   Ancient Heroes are falling like flies. Who is picking people off and why?

  • 2900

    A New Century
    Construction beginning/end

    The World is experiencing Major Peace & Prosperity in many parts, but strife and conflict in others. The Civil War in Vazmodan looks to be nearing an end, while the Rookian One is in full flare.   Other Nations are prospering and preparing, while others sit back doing nothing. It marks a century of uncertainty but also hope.

  • 2905

    The Independent Shogunate
    Civil action

    The Northern Region of Norn which has often lived with its own culture, finally has enough of the Nornian Bureacracy and declares independence. A Relatively peaceful transaction so far. But who knows what the future will bring, will Norn allow such a thing or not.