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The School of Arathorn

Deep in within the magical woods of Elandorr lies and ancient school. It used to be known as the beacon of knowledge over all Emteria. Spellcaster, diplomats and warriors of all kind are selected to study there from an early age. It's considered a great honor.

A new place of learning

889 1100

  • 890

    Rise of Arathorn

    After the Unchained Eclipse, eight powerful spellcasters and warriors decide to build the school Arathorn. It becomes a beacon of knowledge, teaching handpicked students about magic, warfare and diplomacy. Although know to the world, its location is only revealed to those whom the Founders decide.

    Additional timelines
  • 1018

    Death of Esmond Orphic
    Life, Death

    He gets buried in the catacombs.

  • 1030

    Forging an alliance
    Political event

    After getting positive reports from Drencios, the founder deside to form an alliance with Urkeris Kanng and his Dawn Keepers. Arathorn worked behind the curtains while the Dawn Keepers stood as the public figure.

    More reading
    Drencios Molvo
    Additional timelines

Standing strong

1101 2000

  • 1252

    The Sealing of the Serpent
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Great Voidserpent Shazza is locked away after the first Dawnkeepers bind and seal her power. Dividing the seals in five hidden locations to ensure she would be sealed away forever.

    Additional timelines
  • 1257

    Death of Drencios Molvo
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After sealing of the serpent, he was unfortunately wounded and died a few years later. He's buried at Arathorn and has a statue in its library of history.

  • 1260

    Still water

    Shalei Azure leaves Arathron during a conversation with Ishan Ibarin. She merges with the lake below the school and leaves him with the words; "Dark days are coming for us. We must be ready." She is never seen again.

  • 1338

    Death of Hulibela Wargrip
    Life, Death

    Upon her death, she was taken back home to her family tomb for a proper dwarven funeral.

  • 1446

    Death of Mikozio
    Life, Death

    A great warrior falls. To honor his huge impact on the school, a statue is raised at the main bridge.

  • 1605

    Death of Lyndis Dayra
    Life, Death

    The elf dies of old age. Her dragon takes her to rest high up in the Rook High Mountains, forever gazing at the sky where they used to love to fly.

  • 1700

    New leadership
    Life, Organisation Association

    After losing so many of its original founders, Ishan forms a new group of leaders called the Elder Council. They're a group of people of the highest grade in Arathorn. Their purpose is to aid him and Bemere in questions regarding the school and its students.

  • 1923

    Civil action

    The Council votes to remove any information about darker magic and forces in a new restricted library. Students are not allowed to enter.

Closing the doors

2001 2567

  • 2484

    Centaur back in command
    Military action

    The centaur Ismastis is placed as the new Commander and main tutor of the soldiers at Arathorn. She's the third centaur to take charge of its legions since the fall of Mikozio.

  • 2501


    A watchful eye
    Diplomatic action

    A young elf named Guprix is sent to oversee the uprising of Empress Zoraya and her potential marriage to Zamadar Belketh. The Elders have raised concerns regarding his powerful magic and how it might affect the Empress. He stays there until her sudden demise.

  • 2523

    Death of Bemere Erstina
    Life, Death

    The great sorcerer dies shortly after the Emperor of Zemaylan. A great funeral is held at the school. Her body is burnt at the sky tower. Ishan Ibarin is now the only living Founder.

  • 2567

    17 /4 13:00

    18 /4 23:00

    The Cataclysmic Sundering
    Disaster / Destruction

    A Gnome named Tulbo, set free an ancient evil - Moz'Garal. Which ends up causing a massive explosion, spreading through a massive arcane gateway. In turn, all of this causes a great cataclysmic event of unparallel destruction. Devastating almost the entire planet.

Working in the shadows

2568 2807

  • 2568

    School of Solitude
    Diplomatic action

    Fear compels the Elder Council of Arathorn to take defensive action after the great cataclysm. Powerful, magical borders are drawn and soldiers posted at every entry. Graduates are not allowed to talk about the school outside their borders and fewer people get sent away. Ishan Ibarin, the schools principal, is the only one who tries to maintain their connections to the outside world. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for three hundered years, the school of Arathorn passed out of all knowledge.

    More reading
    Ishan Ibarin
    Additional timelines
  • 2572


    The search for new powers
    Discovery, Exploration

    Gurpix is sent out to try and find the Sanctum of Ithilunar, a temple hidden long ago by the Goddess Selûne. He comes close to finding it but eventually fails in the task. He returns a defeated man and becomes a teacher at Arathorn after that.

  • 2596

    Helon arrives
    Life, Education

    A 16 year old Drow by the name of Helon Krisric arrives at Arathorn to begin his warrior training.

  • 2615

    Birth of a knight
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Helon becomes the youngest student ever to be knighted at Arathorn in 700 years.

  • 2677

    A child of the moon
    Life, Birth

    During the greatest starfall in over 1000 years, a baby elf named Trisphyra Lathalas is born. The circumstances of her birth compels the parents to immediatly send her to Arathorn. They suspect she could be a child of Luna'Celesia, which the Elder Council later confirms.

  • 2682


    A try at teaching
    Life, Education

    Guprix is assigned as Trisphyras main tutor in magic.

  • 2714

    Trouble in the air
    Military action

    The security needs to be stepped up after the start of the new war between Rook and Kar. The Council decides to keep more of their military at the school. Great, magical borders are drawn to further prevent anyone from discovering Arathorn's location.

  • 2747

    The moon and her dark side
    Life, Relationship change

    Trisphyra and Helon meet for the first time. Forging a connection stronger than anyone could've guessed.

  • 2807

    A new Mage
    Diplomatic action

    Trisphyra's graduates and the Council decides she is to be moved to Rook to serve as the new High Mage. A decision that greatly upsets both her and Helon, who is to remain at the school.

Reaching out

2808 2878

  • 2808

    Moz'Garal takes form
    Disaster / Destruction

    The evil Moz'Garal tricks Helon to let the entity overtake his body. Able to finally hold a physical form, the entity unleashed all of his powers upon Arathorn, killing hundreds of students and almost burning the entire school down. After a long battle he's finally overpowered and their able to restrain him.

    Additional timelines
  • 2809

    To new places
    Life, Relocation

    Helon, with the entity trapped inside his body are sent to Felag Prison. Meanwhile, Trisphyra decides to go through with the Council's decision and travels for Rook to become High Mage. However, she escapes during her travel to the Kingdom and disappears.

  • 2853

    Alliances reforged
    Life, Organisation Association

    Ishan Ibarin decides it's time for a change and reaches out to Vazal Boo in order to reforge the alliance between Arathorn and the Dawk Keepers. It's an important step to bring the school back to its former glory.

    Additional timelines
  • 2857

    Life, Education

    The child of Yvonus Proudstride, whom he has no knowledge of, gets accepted into the school.

  • 2860

    Learn from the enemy

    Ishan and Guprix travel to Felag prison in an effort to get information about the evil forces rising in Emteria.

    Felag Prison
  • 2862

    A new addition
    Discovery, Exploration

    Vulkon locates Trisphyra Lathalas and convices her to join the Dawn Keepers.

    Additional timelines