Brynjar Erling

(a.k.a. Bryn)

Son of a Storm Viking
16 years
Infantry Division
Close Combatant
Midrange Combatant

Battle Axe
Hand Axes

Beranok's Charge
With Beranok's Charge, Brynjar can store up electricity inside of his body without limit. He can convert this into magic energy, power up his muscles with it or re-release it like an Aura manifestation.

He cannot be harmed by electricity, natural or magical, absorbing it instead. However, he cannot produce his own electricity, reliant on a source. His marks will continue to glow so long as he has a charge but he can hold these indefinitely.
Ralgot's Skin
Using Ralgot's Skin, he can make his skin generate magnetic force at various intensities and switch between pulling and repelling. After considerable training, Brynjar has learned how to focus this to specific parts of his body such as just his hands.

Brynjar is the fraternal twin of Inge Erling and a close combatant of Unit Z909. Inge and Brynjar starkly contrast each other in personality. While Inge is quiet and reserved, Brynjar is extremely outgoing, boisterous and straightforward. He is also excessively protective of Inge especially after she lost her vision. He tries to get her involved in groups, pushing her into social situations, but also insists she keep the full extent of her telepathy close to the chest. He frets so much over Inge that he rarely thinks of himself.

Upon joining the Accian Military Training Program, Brynjar is immediately struck by and develops a crush on Ifani Brandt. He admires her strength, dedication and honesty--it also doesn't hurt that he finds her stunningly beautiful! He flirts with Ifani instantly and constantly, this being the one selfish escapade he allows himself outside looking after Inge. Yet it is Inge who befriends Ifani first, Brynjar elated to see Inge coming out of her shell for the first time. In general, Brynjar has an adventurous soul but becomes deathly serious about his sister's safety and adamantly safeguards their past.

Combat Style

Brynjar enjoys fighting and cordinates well alongside Ifani. He prefers heavy weapons, especially axes, even though he's not particularly muscular or bulky--discombobulating opponents as he wields them so easily! Brynjar can not only store electricity within his body, he can also empower his muscles with it or discharge it similarly to an Aura. When charged, Brynjar performs feats of superhuman strength, easily handling his axe and thrashing unsuspecting foes! He is also able to make his skin into a magnet and can swap between pulling and pushing forces. He uses the latter defensively or to disarm opponents. His favorite axe has an iron bar at its core, making it heavier but easier for him to manipulate with his magnetism. He comes to rely on Tia and Arabella to charge him up mid-fight, reliant on an outside source of electricity.


Cis Male
Skin Tone
Stormy Blue
Light Blonde
Rosy Alabaster

Brynjar is rangy, lean and lanky like a slender but tenacious pine tree. He doesn't appear muscular but this is partly due to the inhuman strength his kaithur grants him, making it difficult for him to exert himself. Brynjar is a bit hairier than his peers and almost always has stubble or even a light beard, when the mood strikes him. In his magic form, bright yellow streaks and cracks across his body, concentrated around his torso and muscles instead of his hands. These are matched by dijon yellow patterns which peek from between the brighter stripes.


Brynjar and Inge originate from an Ostmen eldingarborn village in þorreyjar, Skaney. It's common for his people to raid the Eluzian Valley or Keyh Sea during thunderstorms, referred to as Storm Viking . In fact, Brynjar was preparing himself to one day join his father and become a viking himself! However, these twins were forced to flee their home village due to the disparaging events involving how Inge lost her sight. They had gone from town to town in Skaney but eventually settled on leaving their homeland behind altogether, making a go of it in the Kingdom of Accia.

The twins were quickly recruited into the Accian Military Training Program and are both hopeful about a fresh start. To safeguard their chances, Brynjar has made Inge promise she would keep the full extent of her telepathy secret, insisting it is for her own good. While he is enjoying their new lifestyle, he continues to fret over his sister and forgets his own happiness. Brynjar has and will always feel like he failed Inge when she was blinded--that she never would have been in the position she was in if not for him. This is part of why he works so hard to protect and watch out for her now. He blames himself for not being more vigilant, for being selfish. And much like Euan, Brynjar has little care for traditional morality. He will look out for himself, his sister and any others he comes to care about—all the rest is trivial.


Inge and Brynjar's father is a Storm Viking but their mother was Alfar, an elf. Elves are Ostmen blessed by Ranalis and they generally live in Ljossalheimr in the branches of Yggdrasil. They are mystics, fortune tellers and healers who devote their lives to spiritual pursuits and use their abilities to serve all of their people. Their mother was born and raised in this way but left her lofty lifestyle behind to marry their father. Once an alfar leaves, they can never return.

When Inge was discovered to possess Ranalis' blessing, the pampered and lofty life of an alfar was set before her. However, their mother had died of illness when they were young and their father wasn't often home. Inge rejected a life in Ljossalfheimr to remain with her brother. This choice, forsaking a life surrounded by others like her who understood her unique abilities, has only further left Brynjar ingratiated, regretful and guilty in his failure to protect her.



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