Inge Erling

As seen in

Daughter of
Storm Viking
16 years
Command Division
Command Support
Long Ranged Combatant
Close Combatant

Ranalis' Empathy
Those with Ranalis' Empathy can connect to the minds of all those around her, experiencing their thoughts, emotions and memories. She can tap into the Mind Spaces of others and even forge links between minds. She can either skim the surface or delve further in with effort.
She can also link the minds of targets together and allow them access to each other's surface thoughts and emotions during the duration. She is unhindered by foreign languages, reading thoughts in their purest forms. Essentially telepathy and shared telepathy. Inge is unable to turn it off, constantly picking up on the thoughts of those around her. With practice, she can even tap into the senses of targets, willing targets the easiest to tap.
Beranok's Sense
Beranok's Sense essentially grants magical electro-reception. She is able to feel her environment using electricity, feel anything interacting with or generating electricity and sense electricity in her environment despite barriers. Inge's perception is so strong, she can sense all animals and people around her, picking up on the electrical impulses within the bodies of living organisms.

Inge is a member of Unit Z909 and is the fraternal twin of Brynjar Erling. Despite being twins, Inge is far more reserved, quiet and cautious than her boisterous, outgoing and amiable brother. Inge is very intuitive and pays close attention to others. She feels compelled to aid even strangers with their personal problems and struggles to stop herself from butting in. Yet many instances of backlash has left her far more hesitant and doubtful, especially after her recent injury. She has bugun to expect rejection or worse for stepping in, even with Brynjar nipping at her heels to reign herself in. A lot of her fear stems from the traumatic event which left her blind.

Horrid scars wind across her face, oddly mimicking the pathing of her magic form. Sinewy pink branches twist across her face like spider webs, usually masked by the yellow strands of her form. Brynjar has become particularly protective and vigilant in her protection since this event, Inge continually manifesting her form more for his comfort than hers, fully aware of the pain the sight of her wounds stirs in him.
Despite being blind, Beranok's Sense allows her to perceive movements of people and animals, sensing even the smallest of electrical charges which pass through the nervous system and muscles. However, she still laments losing her sight and struggles to navigate, the rest of the world remaining invisible to her. She has not been blind for very long, still adapting to her circumstances. While she enjoys her ability to sense electricity, Ranalis's Empathy has plagued and defined the events of her life and was even a catalyst to the loss of her vision. Despite this, Inge still desires to use her abilities to help people and is trying to continue to see the beauty in the world despite so many foul experiences.

Because she can connect her mind to the Mind Space of others, Brynjar has made her promise not to use her ability to interfere with people's personal affairs--to pretend her power is more limited than it is. The AMTP administrators and her peers believe she is only able to facilitate telepathic communication between allies. It is in Inge's nature to help people, seeing the best in others even while witnessing their worst, but resists intervening for Brynjar's sake. Her telepathy is not limited by language either so she often aids foreign recruits in communication. This includes Bolorbataar, another member of Unit Z909.

Combat Style

In battle, Inge is able to sense the movements and activity of everyone on the battlefield regardless of any barriers or illusions. She can sense even the most minute of electrical charges, natural or magical. This gives her a clear picture of allies and enemies but not the landscape itself. She can also connect the minds of all of her allies, the entire unit capable of of telepathic communication. While Albert Monet is the strategist of their unit, Inge keeps everyone connected.

Most enemies make the mistake of overlooking or ignoring Inge as a threat, thoroughly surprised by her precise use of sword and bow. In fact, Inge makes a habit of protecting if not rescuing Albert who is hopless as a warrior. She is impeded only by her inability to perceive the landscape, sticking close to allies. Her greatest weakness is projectiles and long ranged attacks, leaning
on her telepathy to predict such attacks from foes. She is practicing tapping into the sight of allies but progress is slow.


Cis Female
115 lbs
Skin Tone
Blue but
obscured by cataracts
Very Light Blonde,
Long and Fine
Pale Alabaster

Inge has an average height but is very delicate in both demeanor and body. Her skin is spectrally pale and her long, fine hair is a very light blonde. Originally, her eyes were blue but are now clouded by white cataracts. Seeming almost frail, Inge is dainty, airy and precise even as she continues to adapt to her blindness. Some might even call her ghostlike, further haunted by her quiet composure and eerie intuition. She almost constantly manifests her magic form both to better navigate and to conceal her scars. Bright and pale yellow lines stretch across her body in a web like pattern, thin branches arcing out from her eyes.


Brynjar and Inge are from an Ostmen eldingarborn village which would commonly raid the Eluzian Valley or Keyh Sea as Storm Vikings. Their mother died while they were young and their father was often away, as most able bodied of the village were. While young, Inge had a lot of trouble tuning out or controlling her sensitivities. She was quick to become overwhelmed and this made her a target of bullying. While Inge became shy, further considered creepy by the other children, Brynjar became overprotective of his awkward but well-intentioned sister. As she grew older, Inge attempted to use her telepathy to help villagers with their personal problems, hoping they might understand how she cared for her village through her actions where words had failed her. In particular, she interfered in the relationships of her neighbors as she could perceive everyone's true feelings. This got her into a lot of trouble.

Animosity towards Inge continued to grow in the village and Brynjar insisted she stop. He had become exhausted always needing to come to her rescue and make excuses for her. Eventually he left her to deal with the fallout of her actions so she might learn to control herself—something he came to regret. Finally, there was a particular event in which Inge sensed the malintent of one villager toward another and made a stand to prevent disaster. The backlash resulted in her blinding, assaulted by the one she accused, and their need to flee Skaney altogether. Despite their past, Inge and Brynjar are looking forward to seeing the world and having a fresh start. To this end Brynjar has her promise she would keep the full extent of her telepathy to herself and not intervene in other people's lives, to not delve into people's minds. Inge will struggle with her desire to aid her peers, especially as confusion and conflicts unfurl before her.


Inge and Brynjar's father is a Storm Viking but their mother was Alfar, an elf. Elves are Ostmen blessed by Ranalis and they reside in Ljossalheimr amid the branches of Yggdrasil. They are mystics, fortune tellers and healers who devote their lives to spiritual pursuits and use their abilities to serve all of Skaney. Their mother was born and raised in Ljossalheimr but left her lofty lifestyle behind to marry their father. Once an alfar leaves, they can never return.

When Inge was discovered to possess Ranalis' blessing, the pampered and lofty life of an Alfar was set before her. However, their mother had died of illness while they were young and their father wasn't often home. Inge rejected a life in Ljossalfheimr to remain with her brother. This choice, forsaking a life surrounded by others like her who understood her unique abilities, has only further left Brynjar ingratiated, regretful and guilty in his failure to protect her.



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