Danut Cel Tradat

Lord Danut Cel Tradat

Hier to
House Cel Tradat
16 years
Aerial Division
Special Division
Aerial Combatant
Special Support
Midrange Combatant
Close Combatant


Riptalis' Form
(Dark Dragon)

Thanks to Riptalis' Form, Danut is able to manifest dark dragon wings, horns, fangs and crimson eyes. He also has a dusting of black scales around his body and surrounding his face. Dragon scales are extremely resistant to energy magics (fire,
electricity, acid, etc.) and dark dragon scales are immune to void magic. The scales spread about his body offer some mild resistances but as he lacks any divine blood, he cannot utilize his form to its fullest. He dark dragon eyes also grant him darksight and the ability to see void. His horns are also extremely hard,able to block a blade. His wings are completely immune to energy magics and are extremely tough, Danut often using them as a shield. They are totally immune to dark magic as well but, while most dragon scales are immune to light magic, dark dragons are instead weak to light magic.
Siptalis' Touch

With Siptalis' Touch, Danut can inflict physical and/or mental exhaustion and fatigue via touch. The longer this touch is maintained, the more severe the exhaustion and this effect can be cumulitive. Danut has also learned to project his Touch manifesatation into his whip and rapier.

Danut is a suave teen who leans hard into his dark aesthetic. He is also a House heir and the son of Lola Cel Tradat. Quite dramatic, not many are sure which of his characteristics are performance and which are truly him. He is brooding, mysterious and melodramatic but also deliberate, charming and proud. He can be prone to drama or angst, making him exhausting to spend time with depending on his own mood. Danut also tends to go through lovers quickly, a new relationship developing every week or, at times, every few days.

Danut's family kaithur grants him rare and powerful abilities as his form manifests features of a dark dragon. His secondary ability allows him to seemingly drain the vitality of those he touches, inflicting them with exhaustion and fatigue. Together these lend him a very vampire like aesthetic, including his reptilian wings. He becomes rather annoyed, however, when people mistake his features for those of a bat. Danut has elemental resistances from his draconic features as well, lending him significant toughness despite his less than sturdy frame. Even as he fights, he prefers to keep up his charming and elegant appearance.

When he fights, he will often use his draconic wings to shield himself and many are surprised by their sturdiness despite looking so delicate. Danut is skilled in projecting his touch manifestation into his weapons, utilizing his rapier strikes and whip to slow or even debilitate foes. He utilizes his aerial mobility to dive in and out of the shadows Aisling Black summons as well, shielded from Euan's explosions using his wings and easily seeing through the pall with dark dragon eyes. He can be a frightening presence on the battlefield and quite confident and independent.


Danut Cel Tradat

Cis Male
155 lbs
Skin Tone
Black, Long
and Fine

Danut is tall, lithe and handsome with a bony and angular face. He dresses in dark clothing and has a lean build, appearing gloomy. He usually keeps the crimson eyes of his magic form manifested, seeming to gleam and burn like embers. When taking up his full form, his face and body are dusted with black scales, he gains black and crimson wings and he gains large black horns which drape smoothly back and over his head.


Danut's family once lived within the deepest reaches of the Tenebrous Chain when the Erlithmanil first wandered Emynea. His family even served as Zalikar's royal guard. However, without explanation their master turned against the Cel Tradats and began executing them, suffering heavy losses. They have passed down their legends regarding these events and still seek to oppose Zalikar at any opportunity. Their legends, unfortunately, have become inaccurate over time. Danut is one of the less fervent members of his family when it comes to these legends, viewing it as ancient history especially as Zalikar remains sealed away. But his laid back and smooth personality obscures his unwavering loyalty to his family and the kingdom.

Friends and Allies

Danut faces the expectations of his role as House heir with grace, readily befriending the other heirs and Prince Aldric Syltharis. As he has a long fuse for a teen, he generally gets along with the others despite the occasional snark or critiicism (especially towards Leon Chevalier). Yet the easiest way to provoke him is to disrespect his draconic form or his family, his pride and deep-set prejudices exposing themselves.

Unit C211
Organization | Jul 5, 2024


Danut is the heir to House Cel Tradat, his mother Duchess Lola Cel Tradat. Beyond her duties as a Duchess of the Ten Houses, his mother is also one of five key members of the King's Shadows. Because he is the same age as the prince and has managed to befriend him, Danut has been groomed from a young age to one day head the Cel Tradat House even though his elder sister was once the heir. Danut and his sister were once close despite having different fathers but now rivalry has overtaken them, his sister bitter to lose her position as heir.

Cel Tradat
Organization | Nov 16, 2023

One of the Ten Houses, dark and draconic servants of the kingdom.


Danut is polyamorous and somewhat bi but he has a heavy preference for women. He dotes on whoever he is seeing at the time, a very generous lover if not exhausting. In fact, Danut tends to make other men jealous as women are drawn to him even after their relationship ends. This is because he is an extremely passionate and attentive lover, worshipping and spoiling those he is with—he gives each woman everything he has. He also has a way of recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities of each lover. Danut knows after service he will be forced into an arranged marriage and seeks to fully enjoy himself before committing to monogamy. Despite the drama, he is a sensitive person.



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