Leon Chevalier

Lord Leon Chevalier

Noble, Heir of
House Chevalier
16 years
Mobile Division
Close Combatant
Midrange Combatant

Maralith's Aura
Maralith's Aura enables Leon to summon or attract mammals from the local area or partners they have established a bond with already. Leon has an array of contacts he has made with various beasts which he enjoys summoning as a mount or for battle.
Maralith's Manipulation
Maralith's Manipulation enables Leon to influence, direct, attract, repel or order mammals to his will, if they are present, and can amplify, speed or inhibit their growth and magic. He can even attract or repel mammals from himself or other targets. These animals will disperse or regain their will when the caster runs out of energy or ceases their control.

Leon is the heir to House Chevalier although he has a number of siblings who are competing with him for that position. Leon is "friends" with Andrea Stahlmann, Orin Philippe and Renard Foster though the latter is a working relationship. Orin is actually his cousin. Leon is most known for his excessive arrogance as for being an overly assertive and grating person, hiding a shrewd nature few take the time to uncover. He enjoys challenging and provoking those around him, to get a rise of people, for his own entertainment or to gather intel. Leon is ever trying to establish himself as a dominant presence whether within social circles or in training his beast companions. He can be cruel and pushy, attempting to subdue anyone he finds weak, and isn't afraid to abuse his position, being unnecessarily terrible to those of low station. He is especially terrible to women and animals, much like his eldest brother Berenger. Despite all of these unsavory qualities, he is a true child of the capital in that he knows when to bite his tongue and play nice. He will also respect anyone ambitious or those who can prove to be stronger than him like Andrea, Ifani and Adamantia. He has made one critical mistake though: Prince Aldric cannot stand him.

Despite being intolerable in person, Leon is a very capable cavalryman on the battlefield. His aura allows him to summon mammals he has established a link to and he is an avid beast tamer, having summoning contracts for every situation. He is also able to manipulate mammals to his will, controlling their behavior, growth and even kaithur! Unfortunately, he often exerts control instead with dominance and borderline abuse in order to preserve energy. Additionally, Leon has studied cavalry tactics tastidiously and tends to take charge in battle.


Leon Chevalier

Cis Male
Skin Tone
Deep Blue
Short, Light
Pale Ivory

Leon is about average height and lean if not thin. He has a pointy face and bright blonde hair. He dresses impeccably, always wishing to display his status, and his arrogance is palpable. In his magic form, pure white patterns cover his hands and streak up to his shoulders while maroon patterns can be found all across his body but especially his hands.



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