Faustin Aydem

Lord Faustin Aydem

Heir of
House Aydem
16 years
Command Division
Command Support
Close Combatant
Long Ranged Combatant
Dual Swords

Kalitho's Eye
Casters with Kalitho's Eye can see using all light on the electromagnetic spectrum, switching between them as needed. This includes x-ray, microwave, infrared, etc. and it also works over a distance. He also cannot be blinded by bright lights.
Sonildaz's Whisper
Using Sonildaz's Whisper, he is able to speak directly into the ears of those he has touched at least once within a given distance. Those near him hear nothing at all, his voice projected to the ears of targets.

Faustin is the fraternal twin of Lucy Aydem and they are very close. However, he isn't quite as blindly optimistic as Lucy. He is perceptive, amiable but reserved. In larger groups, Fuastin is typically quiet but responsive, occasionally adding his own sharp comments. He readily allows others to talk to him about their troubles but most don't even notice he keeps his own business to himself. He collects information and nurtures these friendships to better his position after service, aiming to maintain his role as house heir and, eventually, become Duke Aydem. Yet this isn't for himself. He feels the best way he can protect his sister, who is so ill-suited to her role, is by becoming Duke. He is also quite used to playing these roles within his large family and is always looking out for her. He is accustomed to being accommodating. The Aydem family has a strange tendency to always pass down the same kaithur to their children so he has many siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins vying for the position. Personally, he hates the squabblings of the duchies but Lucy's sunny, kind soul keeps him inspired and motivated despite his own cynicism.

Lucy is a close friend to Martia Aquila and he often spends time with the both of them. He has harbored feelings for Martia for a long time, unable to approach her under their parent's watchful eyes. He admires many things about her including her martial prowess, her devotion to her family and her commitment to who she wants to be. Relatively laid back, Faustin has become a natural and casual friend to Aldric Syltharis and the other male heirs. Like Aldric, he takes his role and position seriously, well aware of how court works. He tries to look out for his sister as well and dislikes how Andrea treats her yet Lucy is convinced Andrea is good, underneath it all. He is a capable swordsman, having a preference for dual swords.


Cis Male
Skin Tone
Sky Blue
Raven Black
Warm Ivory

Faustin is lean and average appearance for a teen his age. He has raven black hair and bright blue eyes with light facial features. His magic form manifests silver blotching on the skin around his eyes while teal covers his mouth and stretches out across his face. His eyes also glow with a silver-white light.


Possessing many siblings and a large family overall, Lucy and Faustin have always stuck it out as twins amid a sea of ambitious relatives. While Faustin is a natural, shrewd and careful as both a nobleman and warrior, Lucy struggles with every expectation put before her. Faustin has always been there for her, protecting her, including her or drawing attention away from his sister. Faustin takes on all of the weight of heir, lightening Lucy's load, and always keeps an eye open for his gullible but loveable twin with a heart of gold. Many will whisper that she is weighing him down, but to Faustin, she has always been in his corner believing in him. She reminds him of his humanity as the court eats away at him and has always been his reason to excell, his motivation. A trust that may be rocked by his crush on her best friend, even if its a romance that could never work, not without sacrifices.



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