Martia Aquila

Lady Martia Aquila

Martia Aquila

Hier to
House Aquila
16 years

Aerial Division
Aerial Combatant
Close Combatant
Spear (Pilum)
Sword (Spatha)
Claw (Eagle Talons)

Besida's Form
(Golden Eagle)

With Besida's Form, Martia can take on features of a golden eagle, gaining eagle wings, eyes and legs. This grants her excellent eyesight, the ability to fly and fearsome, razor sharp talons.
Martor's Body

Martor's Body allows her to convert any part of or all of her body into solid titanium. She can also merge with or travel along other metals before reforming elsewhere. This includes her eyes, hair and feathers. As Martia isn't a divine descendant, she can only maintain a full transformation for a short period and altering out of a human form eats up a lot of
Martia Aquila
energy. Most of the time she keeps her transformation to her wings, feathers and avian talons. Titanium is light for metal but has astonishing tensile strength! An ideal defense for an aerial combatant, it has made her the pride of her family.

Martia is the heir to House Aquila and the aerial combatant of prestigious Unit C210. Martia isn't particularly vocal and has a very serious, formal air about her. She is militaristic, responsible and dedicated to her role, letting nothing distract her or ruin her reputation. Martia carries herself with authority and can be intimidating, especially when she hoists a harsh leer on those she is appraising. She conceals herself behind a stiff demeanor and tolerates no disrespect. She even maintains a number of hollow relationships, including spending time with Grusha and Adamantia. Some assume it is Adamantia's chatiness that makes her reluctant to become closer to these two but in reality, it is Grusha's strong insight.

Martia's magic form lets her take on features of a golden eagle and the ability to convert parts of or her whole body into titanium. She is devastating in battle, tearing apart foes and tanking nearly any kind of damage. Titanium is light but she will rarely fully convert in flight, often leaving just the tips of her wings and her talons metallic unless using metallic wings as a shield.
Martia Aquila
She can function both offensively and defensively thanks to her combined abilities and she is a distinctly cool-headed warrior. Similar to Andrea Stahlmann, she can shred enemies apart with her metallic wings and talons but she is far less aggressive or reckless than her cousin. When fighting terrestrially, Martia will convert her entire body into titanium, making herself tougher but also heavier and sturdier.

Originally, Martia's family was famous for the eagle features but also for having Yrisni's Blade. However, with the king considering reallocating Houses to foreign royalty, the Aquila House sought to improve the potency of their line. They arranged a marriage between their House and a sibling of Duke Gunther Stahlmann. Milicent and Marcus had many children, having a stroke of luck when Martia acquired the desired combination of abilities and was the same age as the prince. Because of this luck and the work that had gone into this outcome, they have placed immense pressure and expectation upon Martia. She is the hope and pride of their house and she does all she can to live up to that expectation. She behaves the way she does for the reputation and honor of her House. Even when it means stilfing her true self or desires.


Cis Female
Skin Tone
Dark Brown
and Wavy
Sand Beige

Martia is tall, strapping and athletic, especially as she nearly always manifests the bulky wings and eagle legs of her magic form. As an aerial recruit, Martia is ideally built for lifting thanks to powerful wings and talons, often practicing by lifting weights with her legs into the air. However, she does not manifest tail feathers making her a bit of a cumbersome flier, not particularly agile or speedy.

Friends and Allies

Martia isn't very good with people, hiding this difficulty behind a stoic, serious and quiet demeanor. Yet Lucy Aydem's persistent, amiable and straightforward nature eventually softened Martia's facade and they have been close friends ever since. Lucy also doesn't demand she open up or share her softer side with other people. At times, Martia may even act distant or as if Lucy means nothing to her but Lucy is very secure in their friendship, knowing the pressures placed upon Martia better than most. Martia is also fairly familiar with Faustin Aydem, Lucy's twin brother, but is unaware of Faustin's feelings for her. Martia is far more practical and realistic than Lucy, often going out of her way to look out for the ditzy and gullible girl with a complaint on her lips. Despite her prickly attitude, most view her as stahlwart, stoic and reliable.


Martia Aquila

Martia is the heir to the Aquila House of the Ten Houses. She has many siblings but she is the only among them to inherit both Martor's Body and Besida's Form in a desireable way. Martia was once very close to her mother, who died giving birth to her youngest sibling. She had always received special attention from both of her parents, their golden child with a titanium body! One might expect her siblings to envy this blatant favor or her future position but most of her siblings are relieved not to have the same expectations placed upon them. They do try to stay on her good side, her future position all but guaranteed. Aside from her siblings, Martia looks up to her father and tries to emulate his values and behavior but has also come to admire her uncle, General Martin Stahlmann. Duke Gunther Stahlmann is also her uncle, making Andrea, Ben and Euan her cousins!



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