Lucy Aydem

Lady Lucy Aydem

House Aydem
16 years
Command Division
Ranged Division
Control Support
Close Combatant
Long Ranged Combatant

Sword (Rapier)

Kalitho's Eye
With Kalitho's Eye, Lucy can see using all light on the electromagnetic spectrum, switching between them as needed. This includes x-ray, microwave, infrared, etc. and it also works over a distance. Lucy also cannot be blinded by bright lights.
Lucy's Form
Sonildaz's Whisper
Sonildaz's Whisper allows her to speak directly into the ears of those she has touched at least once within a given distance. Unlike most of her family, Lucy is only able to whisper into people's ears and is training hard to increase her volume, difficult to hear over the din of battle.

Lucy is the twin sister of Faustin Aydem, heir of House Aydem, and a member of Unit C211. Lucy is earnest and energetic in nature, believing she can see into the true nature of people. In actuality, she is very bad at assessing people, falling wholeheartedly for the facades of the nobility. She believes in the kingdom, its cause and her purpose wholeheartedly, seeing the best in people even when it isn't there. Her brother and Martia fret over her cluelessness and Lucy tends to ask or say things without thinking about the consequences. She tries hard to be agreeable, to be who people want her to be, but the harshness of politics isn't in her nature. She also has trouble speaking up in large groups and is automatically sheepish or diffident around people like Andrea.

Lucy is sunny, amiable, spacey and naturally kind but is a terrible gossip. She feels out of sorts within her gloomy unit but still tries to fit in, admiring Renard's seeming kindness which he readily uses against her. Her best friend is Martia, heir to House Aquila. Martia is gruff and distant but Lucy sees past this and makes Martia feel comfortable to relax, never taking her harsh words to heart. While Lucy is the command support for her unit, she struggles to direct her individualistic and chaotic allies. She lacks confidence on the battlefield and has no skill for strategy. Worsening matters, while others with her ability are able to speak directly into the ears of those they've contacted Lucy is only able to whisper. Everyone expects her brother to take over their House, viewing Lucy as a tag-along riding his coatails.


Cis Female
Skin Tone
Bright Blue
Sunny Blonde
and Long
Pale Ivory

Delicate, feminine and even sunny, Lucy has bright blue eyes and abundant blonde hair. When manifesting her form, Lucy's eyes become silver and white patterns stab out from her eyes and face. She also gains teal coloration restricted only to her lips, resembling lipstick.

Friends and Allies

Lucy has always been a target living in the capital, seens as soft by other nobility because of her earnest and kind nature. However, this nature which is so rare in their environment also drew the friendship and protection of her closest friend, Martia Aquila, alongside the support of her twin brother Faustin Aydem. Never feeling quite good enough and even feeling somewhat of an outsider, Lucy has made many concesions in her life in order to please both her family and society. She is skilled in masking her own self, in donning the attitude, words and harshness of noble society even when she doesn't agree. Even when her own empathy is screaming at her.

Unfortunately, both her brother and Martia believe this is for the best for Lucy, that these behaviors and conformity will protect her. Yet there are still many who try and take advantage of her gullibility and her position in court. Andrea in particular enjoys hassling, poking and prodding Lucy and pretends to be her friend despite Martia's best efforts to deter her. Andrea says she is trying to toughen her up, Lucy always teetering on the edge of drawing her intense attention. Despite her seeming insufficiencies as a noble, leaving the capital behind and joining the Accian Military Training Program has opened new horizons for Lucy. While uncertain and unprepared, she is finally able to branch out from her false identity and make new connections even as Martia and Andrea insist commoners are beneath her.


Lucy is the twin sister of the current Aydem House heir, Faustin Aydem. While her brother is a natural for this position, readily befriending Prince Aldric Syltharis, even-tempered and a strategic warrior, Lucy seems to fail at any expectation set before her. Yet Faustin has always been there for her, whether in protecting her, including her or drawing unwanted attention away from his sister. He has beared the weight of responsibility for Lucy and always keeps an open eye for his gullible but loveable twin. While most of their siblings tend to bicker and compete endlessly, Faustin and Lucy have always been surprisingly close. Unfortunately, there are those within the family, and even within their society as a whole, who worry Lucy might just drag her prodigy of a brother down. But it has always been Lucy who has been his staunchest ally, reminding him of his humanity amid the rigors of life in the capital and been his reason to excell whether she realizes this or not. Yet even this bond may be wedged apart when she learns of his infatuation with her closest friend, Martia Aquila.



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