Andrea Stahlmann

Lady Andrea Stahlmann (a.k.a. Drea)

Andrea Smirk

Noble, heir of
House Stahlmann
16 years
Infantry Division
Close Combatant

Martor's Body
Andrea Stahlmann
Martor's Body allows Andrea to convert her entire body into solid aluminum and merge with or travel along other metals before reforming elsewhere. As Andrea isn't a divine descendant, she can only maintain a full transformation for a short period and altering out of a human form eats up a lot of energy.
Martor's Blades
Martor's Blade allows Andrea to generate aluminum blades from her body, particularly from her hands and her joints, covering her body in blades. She can remove and wield them as weapons or even eject them from her body in a pinch.

Andrea is the heir of House Stahlmann, one of The Ten Houses of the Kingdom of Accia. She remains extremely antagonistic towards Tia Minx, perceiving her as a dangerous foreigner. Andrea has a strong will and personality and she knows what she believes in, even when she shouldn't. Like many nobles, Andrea is passionate about Accia and their superiority as a nation and culture having fallen prey to their nationalistic conditioning. Andrea has a strong distaste for foreigners, rooted in extreme events occurring in her childhood. She can be intense, dominating any space or gathering, and is quite proud of her power and presence. Much like her uncle Martin Stahlmann, she respects power and a strong will, but she is far more hostile to those she considers beneath her when they try to engage with her as an equal. For all of these reasons, Andrea and Tia often clash and Andrea readily attempts to bully Tia.

Andrea's fighting style is brutal and vicious, ripping and shredding opponents with the blades that exude from her body. She is also an ample tank, well protected by Martor's Body. She is able to battle unfettered by the need to defend herself and her aggressive nature becomes more apparent in battle. Her swordsmanship is potent, versatile and dangerous. One of her few weaknesses is heat due to the melting point of aluminum. Aluminum possesses low density, high thermal conductivity, non-magnetic, non-sparking, is the second most malleable metal and the sixth most ductile. It is also more buoyant that many other metals, not corroded by salt-water. While it is malleable, this quality means it can be bent, stretched or extruded without suffering breaks or cracks. This allows her to take more damage than one might predict without immense injury. This resiliency is a reason she is placed into Unit C211-Shadow Unit. They believe she has the ability to withstand the explosions Euan MacFheargus will produce with minimal damage. Unfortunately, this has developped a tendency for Andrea to act as though she is invincible. Her greatest weakness is that, as a simple human, her Body manifestation quickly eats up energy, only capable of fully converting for a limited amount of time.


Andrea is tall and muscular, well suited to athletics. Both her face and body are angular and she keeps herself in impeccable shape, adding to her intimidating presence. She is entirely comfortable with her forceful and competitive persona. Andrea is powerful and this is one of her greatest points of pride!

Cis Female
Skin Tone
Grey and Sharp
Platinum Blonde
and Long
Cool Ivory


Like a number of Accians, Andrea's parents continued to serve in the military past the required age. Andrea grew up in a fort along the kingdom's borders within the Isthmus of the Huntsman. Then Colonel Gunther Stahlmann, her father, was in charge of this fort which came to be called the "Iron Fort" thanks to his iron version of Martor's Body. Andrea had many formative experiences growing up here and many of her intolerances or even straightforward racism originate from these experiences. The worst of these was the Mauling of the Iron Fort, she was thirteen. She moved back to the capital with her father after one such experience and Gunther officially became the Duke of House Stahlmann.


Andrea is grossly nationalistic and she despises weakness in her peers. She seeks to keep the kingdom strong and free of foreign influence unless that influence strengthens the kingdom. She has a touch of feminism in her too, believing women should make themselves strong so that no one can take advantage of them. She can still act selfishly when it comes to specific people, expressing severe jealousy.

Friends and Allies

Andrea is a close combatant of unit C211 but she actually has an array of relationships, most of which she maintains for her benefit rather than actually enjoying their company. She often spends time with Leon Chevalier, Renard Foster and Orin Philippe. Despite finding her problematic, Aldric Syltharis has a semblance of a friendship with her and has come to understand the source of most of these behaviors.


As a house heir, Andrea comes from a prestigious and influential noble family: House Stahlmann. She is the lone daughter of Duke Gunther Stahlmann though her mother passed away several years ago. General Martin Stahlmann and General Marcus Aquila are her uncles by marriage, making Ben, Euan and Martia her cousins. As the lone heir of her House, far more expectations and pressure to prove herself have been placed on her shoulders very much like Tia. Her father in particular is a harsh and bitter man, going out of his way to instill his own fears and beleifs in his daughter. Especially after Andrea's mother passed away, no one left to shelter her.

by Lee Stepp


Andrea is a lesbian but she fights and denies this at every turn, unwilling to waver from her duties and expectations as a house heir. Due to certain experiences, she is vehemently uncomfortable with any intimate contact with men and while she has a crush on Ifani, she refuses to act on these feelings.

She has a healthy rivalry with Ifani Brandt as a swordswoman and they often spar or practice together. Andrea's admiration of Ifani has, in fact, developed into attraction but Andrea refuses to acknowledge or admit this fact. Instead, she tends to become jealous of anyone aside from Albert who approaches her. This is another factor that feeds her aggression toward Tia. Finally, she has a strange arrangement with Orin. This is the final factor that causes Andrea to loath and target Tia when Orin turns his attentions towards Tia instead.



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