Destroyer of Enaros


A young person with almost pure white hair and ice-blue eyes flecked with green will inherit the powers of chaos magic from Dasith, and will destroy Enaros in a fit of rage. It is revealed closer to the alleged date of destruction that the individual they are thinking of is Inarora A. Beservera. However, it does not come to pass because Inarora learns to control their powers. Besides that, Inarora wouldn't even hurt a fly.



Have you met my best friend? Look at her. She barely would hurt a fly, let alone destroy the world. What the fuck do you mean Inarora's supposed to destroy the world?
— Priwen Veanont
Hey Ina, did you know there's a false prophecy about you? Yeah. It's hilarious, don't you think? I didn't know you had it in you.
— Damyien A. Mihata
Sure, if you think the destroyer of worlds cuddles with their dad while hugging a plushie of their favorite anime character and plays video games all day. But that's kind of a stretch, don't you think?
— Seruzen Mihata

Historical Basis

No real historical evidence aside from the fact that Dasith had infused her blood magic with the Morozov family. The rest is speculation based on a madwoman's nightmare. Although, no one is exactly sure how Katenka Samenaova nailed Inarora's appearance down, especially the green flecks in her eyes. Some say the dream was given by the dragon, Venielith, to scare Katenka, not realizing the woman would go so far as to create a whole end-of-days cult about it. Regrets were made that day; should've talked to Yunlong (a dragon who has premonitions) about that beforehand.


The myth is known across the world but most people consider it a conspiracy theory or something of the like. Most people don't think it's a real myth, especially because it has such little bearing in reality. Not only that, but most places teach that Dasith never infused her blood with a family because she didn't trust anyone or because the Council had demanded it (depending on where the person is learning this information from). This was a lie propagated by the Council of Sorcerers to not only put a damper in the myth, but also because they didn't want to admit that Dasith circumnavigated their demand that the chaos magic not be passed to any humanoid.

Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
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Fate of Enaros

A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
by Rori
Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link

Cover image: by Seraph Abell using Canva graphics


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