Minister Beservera (kei-dɪn Bɛʒ-eːr-veːr-ɶ)

Minister Kaedan Dalzin Beservera (a.k.a. Kaed, Kae)

A disabled eathyn veteran from End'oria, Kaedan is a single father to Inarora as well as the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the End'orian government. He fought in the second Intra-Continental War and came home with a spinal injury. He uses a wheelchair, but he stands up sometimes to keep his legs strong.


Kaedan's pronouns are he/him and demi-sexual and biromantic. He, like his daughter, is autistic but unlike her, he has PTSD. He loves to spend time with Inarora and his father, write, read. To keep himself strong and attempt to keep his chronic pain levels manageable, he likes to spend time swimming in their indoor pool.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although very healthy and works out every day—preferring to take a swim and do pool exercises—his back hurts chronically after a spinal injury, so he usually has to be careful when working out or doing anything strenuous.

Usually, Kaedan uses a wheelchair. A lot of the time, his legs are too weak to carry him properly. Other days, his legs are strong enough to hold his weight. He tries to walk as much as his body will let him.

Body Features

Stripes on his arms in alternating sienna and ivory, as well as his torso and legs. Tail isn't as fluffy as Ina's.

Facial Features

Two dark sienna stripes on either cheek and an ivory stripe under both his kind eyes. He has more of an aquiline nose shape, which, coupled with his narrow jaw, gives him sharper features.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually wears a black leather jacket, some version of a fandom t-shirt or plain t-shirts. He also occasionally sports a denim jacket with hand-sewn patches. He loves jeans when he's out and about, but at home he also enjoys lounging around in his pj bottoms with a hoodie on. He has a handmade quilt from his great-grandfather with patches of lots of fabrics including sunflowers, fall leaves, a city, and even patches from his favorite fandoms (from...17 years ago, of course). His wheelchair is mostly blue, and occasionally he plays around with it by adding lights, a forest-themed wheel cover, and other fun things.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brief Relationship

Kaedan was married to Iris Morozov from 399-401. The pair had a beautiful baby named Inarora in 400. A month or two after Inarora's birth, Iris abandoned Kaedan with their child. Extremely hurt, he was able to get a divorce without her signature and he continued to take care of Inarora with his father and occasional help from his grandfather.

In 401, he joined his mother in helping aid the Rhanalanians during the Second Intra-Continental War, leaving Inarora home with Seri and Byron. During the war, he stumbled upon his ex-fiancée and had a brief interaction with her,. Yet he cut it short when she began pressing to know what he was doing. She spied on him afterward, trying to figure out where he was. Despite the illusionary field, she figured out where the base was. She divulged this location for the opposing forces to attack the City of Bhalgolar.

The attack on the base was mostly intercepted. He and his comrades worked on evacuating the building. However, the timing was off and Kaedan was caught in the blast. A beam fell on his spine, messing up his back, and thus permanently injured him, leaving him with chronic back pain and the need to use his wheelchair most days.



Demi-ace, biromantic


Took college classes at Enhill State University to focus on international law and politics.


Former End'orian Army code breaker, former Senator (406-410), Minister of Foreign Affairs (currently), and High Seer (future).

Mental Trauma

Kaedan has had several traumatic incidents occur to him. The first one he could easily remember was losing his great-grandfather, Lysander, because of the Intelligence Ward trying to silence his work that revealed many of the horrors they committed during the First Intra-Continental War. To this day, it still bothers him that it happened, leaving him with a distrust of non-local humans.

Another incident that traumatized him was being abused by his fiancée, as well as being betrayed by her during the Second Intra-Continental war. He has a vehement hatred for the woman, and will not tell Inarora much about her except for the fact that she basically donated her eggs and body to her for 9.5 months.

Lastly, he has PTSD as a result of the Second Intra-Continental War, as he became physically disabled from the explosion which injured his spine as well as the horrors he saw on the front line. He swears he will never let Inarora go what he went through both through war and with marriage.

Personality Characteristics


Two of his biggest motivators are his daughter, followed closely behind with spite. He would do just about anything to make sure his daughter was safe.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very much a polyglot and a linguaphile. His special interest in languages gives him a great advantage when it comes to his job as a Minister of Foreign Affairs, and it also comes in handy when he becomes High Seer. He's also very good at math, compared to his child.

Likes & Dislikes

Kaedan absolutely enjoys hirone udon soup like Inarora does.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Diplomatic
  • Can put into someone else's shoes
  • is trustworthy
  • Treats everyone fairly and without bias
  • Speaks in a neutral tone when he needs to
  • Has an aptitude for reasoning and logic
  • Repeats the facts so there are no misunderstandings for anyone
  • Defusing high emotions by remaining calm and reasonable
  • Builds people up in a genuine manner
  • Offering opinions that show respect for everyone involved
  • Relationships

    Minister Beservera

    spouse (Trivial)

    Towards Iris Morozov



    Iris Morozov

    spouse (Important)

    Towards Minister Beservera




    When Kaedan and Iris met, it was in 398 in Iuchar during Kaedan's year-long diplomatic internship with the Iucharians. The pair were very much in love. Or, at least Kaedan was. Iris got pregnant and later gave birth to a precious baby, Inarora, in 399.

    After Inarora's birth, the couple returned to End'oria, Byron realized that Iris was manipulating and abusing Kaedan, and he begged Kaedan to break up with her and take the baby. This led to a fight between Kaedan and Byron, which ultimately Kaedan realized he was being manipulated, and he in turn fought with Iris. After Iris almost tried to kill him afterward, Byron was able to kick her out with legal help and Inarora was allowed to remain with Kaedan, as the End'orian Child Protective Agency immediately was able to deem Iris unfit as a mother, given she had nearly killed Kaedan and no one knew if she would also try to harm the baby.

    After she left, she was temporarily held in confinement, yet was allowed to leave six months later after a bribe from the Ph'tani government to allow her to join them on their side of the upcoming war. Kaedan was unaware of this bribery until after he recovered from his initial injury in the war.

    During the Second Intra-Continental War, Kaedan discovered Iris fighting on the side of the enemy and he avoided confrontation. However, Iris tracked him back to his squad's hideout and launched an attack with guns and fire magic. This was the attack that resulted in his back injury.

    Relationship Reasoning

    They both really liked international politics, geeky stuff, and loved reading.

    Legal Status


    Azira Cyrille

    Mentor (Important)

    Towards Minister Beservera



    Minister Beservera

    Mentee (Important)

    Towards Azira Cyrille




    When Kaedan had originally graduated from Enhill State University, around fifteen years prior to the events of Inarora's Excursion, a professor of Kaedan's recommended him to Senator Azira as a potential intern given his language skills. After giving him a chance as an intern, she realized how perfect he would be as a diplomat and recommended him for a diplomatic internship in Iuchar.

    A few years after the Second Intra-Continental War, Kaedan ran for senator for the End'orian Parliament, and Azira supported him during this time, helping him win the Senatorial seat. Eventually, she gets elected as High Seer and she appoints him as her Minister of Foreign Affairs.

    When Kaedan moves to run as High Seer, she will support him then as well. After all, she is his mentor and mentors are there for support.

    Minister Beservera

    Son (Vital)

    Towards Byron Beservera



    Byron Beservera

    Father (Vital)

    Towards Minister Beservera



    Minister Beservera

    colleague (Important)

    Towards Paijing Sunxia



    Paijing Sunxia

    colleague (Important)

    Towards Minister Beservera



    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    Wanting to end the reign of colonialistic humans as well as end the reign Council of Sourcerers and Intelligence.

    Current Status
    Finding his daughter
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Date of Birth
    17th of Mavess, 376
    jade (sometimes looks emerald) green
    silver, short, and (2C) wavy
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale white like Inarora
    185lbs with light muscle
    Known Languages
    Orien, Hosekian, Xīnghóngese, Jiyeongese, Kidulish, Shahrani, Hyrian, and Orien Sign Language.
    Look, his special interest happens to be language.
    Follow me on Social Media!
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    Fate of Enaros

    A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
    by Rori
    Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
    Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link


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