Zymni Harvenov

Zymni Ktis Harvenov

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zymni was born in Irkuski, Str'ana in 395. In their whole life, they have known nothing but strife. Their parents hated each other, their father was an abusive drunk, and Dahlnen was the rebellious child their whole childhood. Growing up, they rebelled against authority, causing themself to get kicked out of school after school. Eventually, after enough rebellion and after their father drunk himself into a coma, Dahlnen and their mom and siblings were able to escape his abuse.

However, for about six months, they were out on the streets of Khaban, Str'ana. In those six months, Zymni basically lived with their family in their car and went to school. There was no help to be found in Mytipetsk, and eventually, being kicked out again, them and their family found themselves further south and on the border of Ph'tan and Str'ana, in the city of Khaban. There, they found themselves living with their maternal grandparents, conservatives of the Children of the Prophet religion.

Living with their maternal grandparents meant that Zymni was subjected to more rules and regulations than they would ever care for. Couldn't wear showy clothing, couldn't go braless, couldn't go butt-naked, couldn't smoke canabis, and couldn't be (outwardly) non-binary or gay. This brought out a new level of rebelliousness fueled by spite.

With the strife escalating in Str'ana and Ph'tan, their mom, Galina, reached out to Kaedan for help get them all to the safety of the Endinsian continent. If Zymni could get to End'oria safely and live there for a bit with their uncle, then that could open the doors for Kaedan to bring Galina and their siblings to End'oria. However, what little do they know, it's not going to be easy with Uncle Kaedan either.

Gender Identity

They identify as an agender person, however, they feel it's more complicated than that and yet, they cannot put words to their gender identity past being agender.

Personality Characteristics


Spite. All of their motivation is fueled by spite for the world.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Bold
  • Creative
  • Ambivert
  • Flamboyant
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • Uncooperative
  • Defensive
  • Disrespectful
  • Impulsive
  • Disorganized
  • Cruel
  • Judgemental
  • Impatient
  • Dishonest
  • Manipulative
  • Unhygenic
  • Tactless
  • Cynical
  • Pessimistic
  • Draining Personality


    One thing about Dahlnen is the fact that they are emotionally draining, and Inarora discovers how difficult it is to live with that. A few of the biggest factors are because they lack self-awareness and boundaries, pretty negative at times, make excuses more often than not, and are pretty demanding—mostly with their presence, but also verbally.


    Zymni Harvenov

    Cousin (Trivial)

    Towards Inarora A. Beservera



    Inarora A. Beservera

    Cousin (Important)

    Towards Zymni Harvenov




    Started because Galina was trying to search for a way out of Str'ana during this period of strife and was lucky enough to know that Kaedan had been an ex-fiancé of Iris, and she reached out in hopes he would be willing to help them. When this started being discussed, Dahlnen reached out to Inarora hoping to get to know their cousin more.

    Unfortunately as time went on and as they learned more about Inarora, Dahlnen began to realize how privileged Inarora was and how she was lucky to live in a country not constantly in strife, how lucky she was to be born to a loving father (Daddy issues), and being over all safe and secure. How Dahlnen was so unlucky, and how unfair it was that they had to suffer and Inarora didn't. As their time in End'oria continued, the more jealous and frustrated she got with Inarora and how her adults all 'coddled' her and got mad at Dahlnen (even though Dahlnen constantly broke the rules set into place and overstepped boundaries constantly, which is something Inarora rarely ever did)

    Traits that cause conflict:

  • Timid
  • Organized
  • Gentle
  • Honest

  • Dahlnen
  • Bold
  • Cruel
  • Disorganized
  • Dishonest
  • Commonalities & Shared Interests

    Both of them like anime, old human anime movies included like Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. They also both like to draw and write, though in drastically different ways—Dahlnen writes poetry, Inarora writes stories. Dahlnen draws more realistically with some abstractness, Inarora draws in a quasi-anime style. They are also both considered 'queer' in human terms.

    Short, dyed red
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    dark fawn
    Known Languages
    Orien and St'ranan
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    Fate of Enaros

    A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
    by Rori
    Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
    Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link


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