Chapter 1: Busted Plot in Encopia | World Anvil

Chapter 1: Busted

The adventures took a job from a trusted source to smuggle a shipment from Northbrid into the port of Danrest, the capitol city of The Kingdom of Fandaniel.   Everything was going according to plan until they are surprised immediately after docking, almost like the local guard was expecting them...   The adventurers now await their consequences in the stockade, sharing their cell with a half drow ranger.   They are called before Collum McThom, a Constable for the Fandelian Militia. He is willing to cut a deal...  

Session 1: Day 1

1/1/2022   Collum believes the party had no knowledge of the Hero Dust they were smuggling, and therefore sympathetic to their "innocence." Further, due to recent violent activities around the town of Skiple and his desperation for a new angle of attack, he offers the party an opportunity to work for the Militia in lieu of jail time (smuggling is still a crime). Thus forming the first Fandelian Conscription Unit.   Immediately after being released, the party starts to investigate what went wrong with the job. They are given a name, Filip Gulsover, a wealthy noble and owner of My Sister's Mother, the boat originally on the manifest where the party docked and was caught.   Before they can look into their lead, they find themselves in a bar fight when trying to confront a man cheating in a card game. After the brawl, Quinby Snitchwhistle finds a small bag of Hero Dust in the man's pocket.  

Session 2: Day 2-4

1/2/2022 - 1/4/2022   The party finally decides to begin investigating the attacks happening around Skiple and charters a wagon for the 3 day journey.   They met with Marquess Dalyla Hope who informed them that the three Militia parties - mostly consisting of novice adventurers according to Dalyla - sent previously were brutally murdered in the outskirts south of town, and that bandit raids have been increasingly frequent along the roads and trade routes. Further inquiry with the man who handled the Militia members' bodies revealed that they were torn to shreds, something not normally seen with bandits.   The party then makes a stop at "The Skipping Pole," a brothel owned by Lesbelle Flintbreaker, to gather more information. Lesbelle makes mention of a particularly rude Dragonborne who came in not too long ago demanding information on the bandits, but had nothing further on the topic.   Jacob meets with one of the dancers, Sharieth Balwenys, that he knows from his past who informs him of a chatty bandit boasting about a bandit encampment holding massive amounts of illicit goods.   Jacob gets some action and Olati fucks a gnome.   The next morning, the party sets out for the encampment made in the ruins of a very old stone fort. They enter and dispatch some bandits, noticing a door to the south leading further inside...  

Session 3: Day 5

1/5/2022   The party receives a message from Collum noting he has been dealing with the results of their tavern brawl since their departure, and that he's not mad just "disappointed." Scolding them to make wiser decisions in the future, he ultimately expresses gratitude for the groups' compliance and requests they inform him once they have completed the task they were sent to Skiple for.   They venture deeper into the fort, magically disguising themselves to avoid detection. All is going well until Zoc is made, and a fight breaks out. Using some tom-foolery and brute force, they dispatch the bandits and discover a Wand of Magic Detection in the room.   Continuing on, they reach a room where a voice beckons them inside, claiming he can smell them through the door the party was behind. They meet Olog, seemingly a normal goblin, and Sken, a mute Goliath woman fiddling with a ring on her hand. He seems unthreatened by the party, and laughs at their claims that he is encroaching on their territory. He reveals that he and Sken are part of the Vellen Crime Syndicate, who mostly operate in south west Fandaniel, and if the party should interfere with the Syndicate's operations in the north that their deaths will be as brutal as "the other adventures that came snooping around."   The party chooses to engage the two and Sken summons a Fog Cloud from her ring to fill the room. Unbeknownst to the party, Olog transforms into a massive clawed beast and attacks by using his keen sense of smell to find them in the fog.   The party is able to keep the monstrous Olog at bay using smells to distract him until Jacob formulates a plan. He uses the Wand to detect the magical auras surrounding Sken's ring and Olog, allowing the party to identify them in the fog. Zoc is grappled by Olog and thinks quickly to summon entangling vines to restrain the beast and break him free from his grasp; in this moment Quinby unleashes the killing blow on Sken.   Jacob runs to pick up the ring, and learns it is a Ring of Obscuring, but finds he is unable to dissipate the cloud with it. The party presses on with their plan to attack the aura they can see. Juan takes one last mighty strike against Olog before the beast strikes him down. However this leaves an opening for Jacob to defeat Olog.   The party find a notebook with vague delivery locations, it seems the Syndicate is using landmarks and code to mark their shipments that will require more help or study to decipher; perhaps someone familiar with the logistics of the criminal underworld can help. Moving to the fort's storage room, they find a large stockpile of unrefined illicit goods. Olati recalls his time smuggling as a pirate to identify the items: whole minotaur horns, Bull Cap, Fire Thistle Seeds, and Golba Bean. They all take a pound of each - except for the minotaur horn - for themselves before deciding to destroy the rest. After some brain storming about how they could make the room explode, they settle for simple but effective fire and set the contraband ablaze.   Tired and covered in blood, some their own and some not, they share a bonding moment over a flask of liquor. Now night time, the party exits the fort at the exact moment three bandits are approaching the entrance. The party roll their eyes and sluggishly draw their weapons for one final battle - when suddenly the bandits are killed instantly in front of them.   Too tired to be shocked at this point, the party expel a collective sigh of relief. As the bandits fall dead to the ground, a shadowy figure emerges from the woods...
Plot type
Chapter 1: Busted
Related Locations
Continued in Chapter 2: Stalking the Syndicate

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