

The town is governed by an oligarchy and a little bit of hierarchy. Which consist of family nominates, and a few older trusted advisers. That have sat there for a couple of centuries. The families are of those whom originally settled the town and surrounding area. Governing is done via city council, and is executed in a fairly strict manner. But with the challenges the town often face, this is seen as a very good thing, by the people living here.


The town's main protection, and the reason why the town were able to be safely founded. Is the Temple of warding which provides a nullifying field against the effects unique to The Shattering. In therms of normal defenses, it is fairly well fortified with stone walls, gates and a few counter siege machinery.

Industry & Trade

There are two main trade types, the internal shattering one. Which provides the town with natural recourses, needed to build, process and strive. In return the people of the shattering gets proccesed goods, like heavier clothes, tools enchanment of stuff and other necessities hard to achieve without a proper city or town like Metalis-seguro. The secound one being trade with the surrounding world, not that there is much. But whenever ships dear to cross near the shattering. There is trade for more luxury things and mainly knowledge.


The town is pretty well-equipped on infrastructure, paved roads, water and windmills, sewers, lumber mill and multi metal forge. It is desigend and build to be able to be self providing in proccesing, and matiials of anything need comming in from the shattering.

Points of interest

Founding Date
223 SS
Location under


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