
**Adrian belongs to Opeitos

Adrian Sylvas Bahn

Adrian Bahn is a member of the Queen's Lance along with his brother Adam, the two having joined at nearly the same time. He's a very stoic, very serious man who treats everything with the proper attention it deserves. He's always been devoted to hard work and dedication from a very early age, having not experienced much of a social life because of it. In exchange, however, he has achieved much above and beyond in everything he's committed himself to. He's also the type who tends to use an appliance or tool until it can no longer function, which has led to his house being woefully outdated in terms of technology. He has a strong sense of justice and order, and is a very religious man, though he can't stand overzealous worshippers.   He has two brothers, those being the aforementioned Adam, with whom he's a twin, and a younger brother named Auros, who is the current prime minister of Helholtt, which is where the three were born. He's always been the driest and most serious of the three, with even Auros telling him he needs to lighten up sometimes.   He is currently in a relationship with Samara, and later the two are joined by Eve. They eventually get married.

Physical Description

Body Features

As a member of the highest-ranking police force on the planet, Adrian has devoted much of his free time to working out and keeping his figure in check. To this end, he is very toned with decent musculature. He is best described as being slightly taller than the average Hueme man in terms of height.   Adrian's hair is short with a salt-and-pepper color of black and grey.

Facial Features

Adrian has a strong facial structure in general, from his brow ridge to his cheekbones to his jawline. It's easily one of his most striking physical features. He usually carries a tired - but intense - gaze as a default expression, always looking to examine the world around him. He has very muted blue eyes that hint at the soft interior hidden beneath the serious exterior.   He typically keeps his facial hair trimmed down to a 5 o'clock shadow.

Apparel & Accessories

Adrian's casual wardrobe is full of ordinary outfits that one might expect of a man in his forties. This includes solid color t-shirts, numerous button-ups, some fancier dress clothes for special occasions, and plenty of pants. He's a rather simple man in this regard, having not even owned a pair of swim trunks until the last few years at the behest of President Arthur Dusk.   His Queen's Lance uniform is standard issue, featuring a jacket which goes over body armor. He wears armored boots which cover his legs from the feet to the knees. His personal accent color is a cool blue. Also part of his uniform are his dog tags, which every member of the Queen's Lance receives as a means of identification, either in general or in the worst case scenario of needing to identify remains.

Specialized Equipment

Adrian carries a standard issue stun baton and pistol as armaments to be used in extreme cases only. He also has a flashlight, pair of handcuffs, pepper spray, and various other tools one might expect an officer to possess.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adrian has largely had a rather ordinary and otherwise uneventful life, in the grand scheme of things. He and his twin brother Adam were born to their mother and father in a small hospital in Abilon, one of the territories of Helholtt. They lived in relative peace, with the two's younger brother Auros being born a few years later. The family moved around a few times throughout the course of the boys' childhood, though never too far from where they last were. Adrian in particular was most unbothered, as he was always deep in his studies and reading books.   It was in high school that Adrian figured out for sure that he wanted to pursue law enforcement. He'd already had an idea of doing so in elementary school, but high school cemented his choice when his class attended a trip to the local Constabulary station. He felt perfectly at home there and so devoted all of his time to ensuring he got accepted when he graduated. He was accepted without any hesitation by the chief and excelled in his training. He did so well, in fact, that he graduated from the academy early, and immediately got put into the field.   It was when he was in training that he discovered that his brother Adam had decided to join the Constabulary with him. The two kept each other informed about how they were doing throughout the process, and Adrian was delighted to hear that Adam had excelled in his training enough to also graduate early. They were assigned different partners, but still worked closely as they were often on the same shift times.   Adrian's big break came when he, roughly two years into his time with the Constabulary, discovered a massive underground potion smuggling ring that spanned several countries and had numerous victims. Even worse was the information that he uncovered which proved that the ring was actually a front for a sect of a deadly cult that had been - and still is, unfortunately - plaguing Eon. Utilizing care and caution, he delivered his findings to the chief, who organized a massive raid on the group's headquarters. This raid effectively cut off a massive source of power for the sect, which led to it collapsing and the various members being tried and jailed.   For his role in all of this, Adrian was officially recommended by the chief to become a member of the Queen's Lance, the highest-ranking members of the Constabulary. It was a most prestigious honor that he accepted with humble grace, made even sweeter by the fact that Adam was once again going to be joining him, having been nominated himself for exemplary service elsewhere. The two made the choice to move to Magnesia in order to be part of the main branch of the organization. They were welcomed personally by the President of Magnesia, and a party was thrown in honor of their arrival.   Since then, Adrian has worked tirelessly day in and day out to continue going above and beyond. He's handled all manner of cases from big to small and everything in between, doing so with Adam, who has been his official partner since the two were inducted into the Queen's Lance.

Gender Identity

Adrian identifies as a man.


Adrian is a heteroromantic man through and through, having only ever experience romantic interest in women. His sexuality, on the other hand, is more of a grey area, as he largely prefers women in a sexual manner, but he would be lying if he said he never experienced such attraction towards men, and gets very flustered over the idea of engaging in sexual acts with another men.


Adrian is an extremely educated, highly intelligent individual. He's been devoted to studying and learning ever since he was a child, and treats every interaction with people as a learning experience.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Excelled at literally every single aspect of school throughout his childhood and teenage years.
  • Uncovered a massive underground potion smuggling ring that was secretly a cover for a sect of an insidious cult, delivering information which led to its bust and disbandment, as well as his candidacy for the Queen's Lance.
  • Has continued to work daily to keep the peace and deliver justice to those who are in need of it, disregarding any personal glory he might gain from it.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Reading
  • Spending time with his family
  • Being able to see Samara
  • Listening to the radio
  • Learning new things
  • Seeing the people he helps happy
  • Sitting in the park on a breezy day
  • Being able to make a difference


  • Disorderly conduct
  • Extreme violence
  • Not being able to see his family for extended periods of time
  • Being away from Samara for too long
  • Not being able to help someone in the line of duty
  • Corrupt officers cheating the system
  • Needlessly replacing something he owns if it still works
  • Overly religious zealots who make the Divine Light look bad

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Unbelievably hardworking and goes above and beyond at all times
  • Always humble, regardless of his achievements and how they may be celebrated
  • Frugal and practical with expenses and possessions
  • Devoted to seeing justice done
  • Extremely selfless and giving
Virtue: Diligence/Humility

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Tends to ignore his own needs for the sake of others'
  • Extremely stubborn when it comes to adapting to current times
  • Somewhat lacking in social situations due to not being very social earlier in life
  • Can overwork himself to the point of collapse
  • Gets extremely grumpy if he goes for too long without sex
Vice: Lust


Family Ties

  • Adam Bahn - Brother. Twins. Partners in the Queen's Lance. Living in Magnesia.
  • Auros Bahn - Brother. Younger. Prime Minister of Helholtt. Living in Abilon.

Religious Views

Adrian is a very devout follower of the Divine Light, having been one since a young age. He primarily prays to Francine, as she's the most common Divine to worship in Abilon, though he does worship the others rather equally all the same. He has a main shrine dedicated to the group as a whole in his living room, with smaller shrines devoted to Francine and Coraxol spread throughout his house.   He believes people who are overzealous in their worship give other followers a bad name. This is especially true of those who use the religion as an excuse to belittle, deride, or outright discriminate against others, including in terms of species, sexuality, and/or social status. Of particular irritation to him are the sects derived from the teachings of King Nath, a rather contentious individual from Eon's past who redefined the Divine Light to his own beliefs.

Social Aptitude

Adrian is not someone who can be trusted to lead or carry a conversation. Despite his level of intelligence, he has no social grace as he denied himself a social life when he was younger in exchange for long hours of studying and reading. Because of this, he is very awkward to have a conversation with if one is not close to him. He's more likely to be quiet and listen if his colleagues or loved ones are speaking. If asked for his opinion on something, he will often be very direct with it.




Towards Samara




Towards Adrian


Current Location
Dull blue, tired
Short, salt-and-pepper (black and grey)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.9m (6'3")
79.83kg (176lbs.)
The Divine Light
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Abilonian (English)