
Carodyne Ven Goulding

Eurydice is a Brashur hailing from Ni'Avan , something not a lot of people know about or are aware of due to her preferring to keeping it secretive. Her family, the Gouldings, have ties to the Metus Kingdom with what was assumed a prestigious line of servicemen and women, along with the possibility of being fully related to the throne. She lived an early life full of luxury, but her very humble nature and down-to-earth personality doesn't really show that.   When the Fall of Wingard had happened, Eurydice and her family escaped Ni'Avan when she was 15 years old. Moving to Helholtt, Eurydice found that she enjoyed magic and made sure to make it her life's focus, especially once she realized she could hunt Daevahs and help make Eon a better place. While her family was against it at first, they realized that that was her daughters passion. When the VANGUARD was formed, Eurydice was one of the first agents to join during that time, and became so well adjusted to her life as a hunter that she rose ranks quickly and it wasn't long before she became a Lieutenant Commander.

Physical Description

Body Features

Like other Brashur, Eurydice is very curvaceous and has a body almost like a sculpted Greek statue. The amount of training she did when she was younger managed to keep her physiology well primed. While she's not muscular, she has a slight toned look to herself, with her body filled with a natural energy from her species as well.   Her long blond hair and striking orange eyes are the first thing people typically notice from her, with a lot of people usually asking her about how she's able to keep her hair shaved down on one side without her strong Brashur physiology making the hair grow back overnight. This is usually responded with a giggle and informing them that Brashur can keep their hair short or shaved down by using a special gel.   Besides her hair, Eurydice also has no scars due to the insane regenerative properties Brashur naturally have as well. She's never had to fight a foe that's caused a lasting scar on her body (and frankly, she'd keep it that way.)

Special abilities

Eurydice has the ability to control a whopping 4 elements simultaneously - something even most Brashur struggle to deal with as magic already has a strong grip on a person's psyche. She can manipulate lightning, fire, ice and water.   Eurydice's magical abilities were already pretty strong when she was a child but only continued to become stronger with both the training she had at Ironfalls, and the VANGUARD training once she was initiated into the organization. While she prefers using the first three elements as powerful damage against potential foes, her use of water stems from her using it to heal people's wounds, or keep the wounds from becoming critical and buying Kamion or Sorbet enough time to assist the person in getting proper treatment.

Specialized Equipment

For a weapon, Eurydice prefers using a wand or a staff to cast her magic. However, she is fully capable of using her magic with her own bare hands from all the intensive training and practice she had gotten. It's very common for agents to see her with one hand full of one element while the other has another, with her prowess and precision to using hand-to-hand spell casting almost on the level of Delta using her psychic energy by hands as well.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Carodyne Ven Goulding was born into the lap of luxury and wealth - at an early age, she had everything she wanted and could not wont for anything. Even though she grew up this rich, an event humbled her very fast, and made her appreciate what she had gotten.   Her paerents were very particular about her growing up, and wanted her to be married into a family of wealth. From the day she was able to walk to when she was 13 years old, she was primed to be wedded to the one of the pride and joys of the Demosthenes family - Cullen.   Carodyne didn't like Cullen. Unlike her mother humbling her and making her appreciate being Brashur in a different way, Cullen's grandparents spoiled him and fed into the full delusion that Brashur children are naturally born with - that they're imperviously to being hurt, and they're tough warriors nobody should cross. This made Carodyne weary but she went along with it, putting up with his insufferable attitude during play dates and day dreaming of a friend she made since she was a litle girl named Fell.   While Fell had the same attitude, he used it as a source of strength, but was far more humble about his strength as a Brashur. Him and Carodyne had been playmates for a long time, and her parents, along with Cullen's parents, noticed her behavior and shift towards Fell. This was worrisome, especially with Carodyne's parents realizing she was very close to attaining the throne through the Ni'Avan family's dealings with royalty. At some point, Carodyne and Cullen got into an argument and she rejected him, coming out that she loved Fell more than him.   Until the Fall of Wingard happened - a brutal attack by savage Brashur, led by a terrifying man named Thoriin. Thoriin murdered most of Carodyne's family, causing her parents to run away with her to Abilon in Helholtt. Carodyne nearly being murdered - but declared dead - made Fell bitter, and resent the royal family that Thoriin made for himself by capturing a Brashur woman from Western Sur'Dahl and forcing her to marry him to make him heirs for the throne.   This event traumatized Carodyne so much to the point that she rebuked her status as a Brashur, and decided to live her life as normal. From age 15, she attempted to go to normal school, made friends with peers, and even went to college. Her father was upset with her not wanting anything to do with her lineage, but her mother was understanding and wanted to live a "hueme life" as well. Until Carodyne heard about the VANGUARD.   Even though Carodyne refused her Brashur self, she was still infatuated with magic, and even went to Ironfalls to study. While she wasn't able to graduate fully from there, her love for magic persisted and finding out about VANGUARD only gave her a more burning desire to use the magics she was naturally instilled with.   She joined quite easily, her credentials to studying at Ironfalls for five years still being enough to perk the heads of the two leaders and make them curious about what she was capable of. Carodyne managed to pass the aptitude tests, for both physical and magical might, with flying colors, especially when she began to embrace being Brashur once more. Her love for her own species was reignited, and she felt the pride she had long lost coming back with strong strides. Since then, Carodyne took on the name Eurydice, named after the famous myth of the elven maiden fading away out of her lover's hand when he looked back. She believes it to be a homage to losing Fell, whom she knows as her first love.


Carodyne identifies as straight, though some women can pique her interest.


Eurydice was able to go through standard education with Ni'Avan - by learning to fight with a sword and even using a cane for magic and enchantments. She left Ni'Avan at the age of 15 and the arcane studies came to an end, and she began taking "normal" classes with hueme children and other species when her family relocated. The last 3 years of high school were relatively uninteresting, with no practice of magic, fighting, or any extreme classes Ni'Avan children are expected to take.   Eurydice found interest in the Ironfalls Academy however, and made it her own goal of studying there. Due to her rejecting being Brashur, and thus not being at full strength, the teacher was unable to pass her even after spending 5 years there with favorable test result. It broke Eurydice's heart, but she continued to wander across Eon to study the arcane arts and learning other cultures continued to keep her heart humble as she met many denizens that were both friendly and not so friendly as well.


Eurydice currently works at the VANGUARD organization, quickly ascending from the ranks of a field agent to a Lieutenant Commander.    Eurydice has a lot of responsbilities as a Lieutenant Commander, with it being, but not limited to, talking to clients about the reports they're finding, arresting criminals and bringing them in, filing paperwork regarding incidents for both agents and for criminals, as well as reporting data she may be finding about Daevahs and Voidseeds alike. Because she's such a high ranking, and has been essentially apart of the organization since it had been created, she's very knowledgable about many areas of the organization and is even one of the people that helps welcome new people in with a warm handshake.   Eurydice is also likened to be a talent advisor - the one to interview people for their interested position in the organization, due to her sweet nature and her unbiased views on individuals. She'll also seek out individuals if the organization needs more people to join either of the Charters that need more agents.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Managed to stop a cultist from harming a large group of attendees in a parade, and keeping the damage and panic to a low minimum.
  • While she didn't graduate from Ironfalls, having study there for 5 years is very prestigious, and something most people with interest in the magical arts are jealous of.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Foraging (Especially for mushrooms)
  • Enjoying nature in general
  • Discussing philosophy
  • Using the arcane arts for study
  • Reading
  • Philantropy
  • Water (feeling it, drinking it, etc.)
  • Being around Fell 
  • Meditation


  • Unruly people
  • Extremists from Ni'Avan
  • Having arguments
  • Needing to settle things through violence
  • Inactivity
  • Dealing with people with short tempers/impatience

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Is one of the most friendly Ni'Avan Brashurs one will ever cross.
  • Genuinely helpful and wants to make sure she's available to agents.
  • Loves to be extroverted and dealing with people, especially when its to help them settle.
  • Extremely skilled in magic.
  • Eager to learn more about anything, especially arcane use and history.
Virtue: Humility

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Terrible at dealing with conflict, usually with not being able to handle it if its conflict directed towards her.
  • Can lose her own temper and become very vicious if someone pushes her buttons hard enough.
  • Will clam up and become introverted at the prospect of things becoming too overwhelming for her.
  • Thinks less of herself, not fully losing her self-hatred she had previously.
  • Bad at handling her own negative emotions, which usually results in her pushing them off to the side.
Vice: Acedia


Hobbies & Pets

Eurydice enjoys traveling and will go out of her way to go to new places - because of this, usually its her and Delta going out to other charters for the VANGUARD and assisting with fire power needed on operations or missions. (That is, if Delta is still on Eon and she's not dimension hopping.) Eurydice also loves collecting things from other countries and nations, usually bringing back trinkets to add to her cabinet of collection. She loves making sure she had fond memories of the things she's enjoyed, and has done so since she was young as she felt like the Fall of Wingard had prevented her from being able to have fond memories to keep and remember.   Magic collection is also something she enjoys in, with making sure that the VANGUARD as a constant collection of artifacts that are either from Eon/Midgard, or completely outside of it, not mattering if its from another realm or a different dimension entirely. Because of this, she assists Zenith with holding and disposing of magical materials that may be posed as a danger to civilians on Eon, whether keeping them safe in a vault, or disposing them rather safely with her own magics use.
Current Status
Taking down Daevahs and criminals
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady, Miss, Your Legacy
Orange, with white, normal shaped pupils
Long and blond, with it shaved on the sides and slightly in the back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
6'2 (1.88m)
Known Languages
  • Abilonian (English)
  • Several Danzoran languages
  • Espasolian (Spanish)