
The standard race, Huemes are essentially humans on Eon. They are the most common of the species to see, making up a good ~57% of the population, but some areas having far more huemes than the other species just from ancient times and immigration. Huemes having hybrids with other species sometimes makes it that those hybrids are classified as the species’ gene that takes up precedence (i.e Brashur hybrids with Huemes are usually just called Brashur, or a Hooved Taurvros mating with a Hueme will result in a Flatfoot Taurvros.)
Huemes can live anywhere that any human-like species can thrive, from hot, high temperature places with dry environments to cold, frigid places covered in snow. They’re known for being pretty resilient, though due to being hunted by Daevahs, their life expectancy is much shorter than other races on Eon. 

Basic Information


Huemes are pretty much identical to humans in appearance - they all are born with the normal, rounded ears, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, possible hair growing from the scalp, and having the same anatomy with two arms, two legs, and a torso.   Huemes have an advantage of being a lot more diverse in body types in comparison to other species - this diversity makes it that other species can also gain diverse body types dependent on the parent passing down the traits to their child.    Humans that may different eye colors, say like purple, pink or an electrifying green, will possibly have a species apart of their ancestor that makes it possible for the different eye color. The same goes with their hair color and even the difference in anatomy like being born with cloudstone in their skeletal system like the elves, or having more dense bones like Taurvros.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Humo Sapiens
Average Height
5 feet 9-10 inches (~183 cm) for women, and 6'4 (~196 cm) for men
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