
Princess Zoe (a.k.a. Zo)

Standing at a tiny 10 inches tall, Zoey is the daughter to Queen Mab , the very first Shimmer Eon had created. By that definition, Zo is also a Queen Shimmer herself, though she doesn't even have her tiara yet as she's barely started to grow into it properly. She's also the Shimmer companion of Samara 's, and as such helps her with magic whenever she can, and is always by her side for amusing commentary and entertaining reactions to situations.   Zoe herself is a very thoughtful Shimmer, and constantly pines for her friend's attention. She has confidence in herself and her abilities, and has a bit of pride being the daughter under her mother. She loves making new friends, and tries to have Samara have a little fun besides being so serious with her religious responsibilities by pulling her out of her work, and encouraging her to hang out with the Trio + 2 group more often.   She has a terrible obsession with fruit and potatoes, something that anybody who's close friends with her is happy to give up to make the Shimmer smile and watch her munch cutely on it. Her displaying a more adorable demeaner is a subtle way of her asking for her snack food.   Zo also gets along with the rest of the Trio Plus, and she usually hangs around whomever would like to humor her for the day. Because Samara likes to have her around with healing, and Zo's own magic is powerful, she can usually mesh really well with the others, whether its combat or just hanging out. She enjoys traveling and exploring the world, so any opportunity she gets to be able to hang around people and see new regions, she takes it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zoe has the typical look of a Shimmer - her body, from her hair down to her toenails, is entirely made out of a powerful but extremely rare ore called mythril, and she also has a natural gemstone texture on her body as well. Her mother is also made out of mythril (having pass that down to her daughter) but there's an extremely rare chance (~1/3000000 chance) of her giving birth to a mythril Shimmer like Zo. Zo being made out of it not only makes her extremely durable to damage, but gives her a natural glow that other Shimmers don't really have. She also sublimes naturally, as mythril does, which contributes to her natural beauty.   Her wings are actually a perfect, oval shape with clean edges, and are fully capable of holding her in the air for extended periods of time like a Fae. her horns are also much more clean and less rugged than other Shimmers. Despite starting to grow into her Queen Shimmer shape, Zo has taken on her mother's body type which only fuels the slight vanity that she has - however, she isn't obnoxious with it.

Special abilities

Zo is the daughter of a Queen Shimmer, which allows her to have access to abilities that Queen Shimmer children can inherit - and because she's specifically the daughter to the first ever Sprite/Shimmer combination to exist on Eon, this makes Zo's abilities special and ridiculously strong.   Zoe's elemental placement is within the Energy Art, which allows her to control any element with ease and efficiency. But since Samara prefers the element of air, Zo is usually seen using that or earth, because of her geological structure. She can heal the Trio + 2 party well with her magic, and combining it with Samara's makes the healing so potent it can cause lasting effects and even leave regen on members. Her magic can also be used for offensive abilities, by empowering the censer Samara uses and embedding powerful Shimmer magic to have stronger effects that take on the properties of Niflheim's mist. This can be potent poison magic that can cripple an appointment or throw on poison and have them gradually take more and more damage over the course of the battle.   As Zo continues to age and mature, her magics will only get stronger and help Samara in her abilities further.

Apparel & Accessories

Shimmers technically do not need to wear clothes, but Zoe and Samara both love the prospect of playing "dress up", and so they indulge in it. Zoe is usually found in her frilled, short white dress that ties up in a bow around her neck and in the back, with simple ballerina slippers that have small fuzzballs ontop with bells inside of them (Which causes Samara to create this ringing sound.   She may wear little earrings or bangles, but Zo usually likes to keep it pretty simple and straight forward with her outfits. Dresses or long dress shirts are her favorite outfits to wear, but the above is the standard she's pictured in regardless of the circumstance, unless it calls for something specific like a formal party, or religious meeting.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zoe was a gift from her mother to Samara after Samara made the long treck to Niflheim to find the rare and illustrious mythril to make a healing tonic with in order to save her mother, Jaxmine. Her story touched Samara so deeply, she let her one of her most treasured daughters go so she could help Samara heal her mother safely from her disease. Jaxmine recovered due to Zoe's powerful magicks, but Zoe decided to stay with the family as she had grown attached to Samara on their way back to her home, and welcomed happily into the family as their new Shimmer familiar.   Since then, Zoe has lived with the Deatheater household, and made it very apparent of her mischevious nature, and obsession with chips and fruit. When Samara became Archbishop, Zoe stayed at the house, but happily darted between the temple of Dellatrox, and later on when Samara became friends with the VANGUARD members and began dating Queen's Lance member Adrian, would go between the two headquarters as well.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Fruits (specifically berries)
  • Potatoes (of any form, chips, baked, fried, etc.)
  • Sitting in cups (don't ask why)
  • "Harassing" her friends
  • Trying on new dresses
  • Being able to visit her mother


  • Terrible stenches
  • Not being able to eat for a while
  • Being picked up by her wings
  • Being squished/smashed against something
  • Samara being mistreated in front of her
  • Bitter tasting foods

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Is a loyal friend to the end, and is honest but endearing to them.
  • Takes responsibilities super serious due to the innate nature of her Queen Shimmer gene.
  • Virtue: Diligence

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Is extremely stubborn and won't listen until something has happened and forced her to learn.
  • Can pester her friends quite a bit for attention, which may get on their nerves a bit. (But she knows to back off at a certain point.)
  • Vice: Lust

Personality Quirks

  • If she's sitting on an edge or something high up, she'll give her feet and ring the bells on her slippers (when she's wearing them that is)
  • Twirls her finger in her hair when lost in thought and needing to think
  • Scrunches up her nose when she laughs really hard
Current Status
Aiding Samara in her healing magic, and helping temple patrons
Current Location
Current Residence
Living with Samara, wherever she may live
Light blue
A darker, dark blue version of mythril ore
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Crystal, made entirely of mythril
10 inches
0.5 lbs