
**Terminus belongs to Opeitos

Griff Mathias Frei

Terminus is a member of VANGUARD, a group affiliated with the Queen's Lance. He's a very brash and in-your-face young man, always speaking his mind and never holding anything back. This includes in combat, as Griff is an absolute powerhouse who goes all-out whenever he fights, making him an incredibly dangerous opponent. Despite this, however, he's also deeply devoted to those around him, especially his mother, Biste, whom he tries his best to please at any and all opportunities.

Physical Description

Body Features

Terminus is rather tall for a Hueme, but this is easily explained by his being Brashur, as well. He is very muscular and fit, his body having been honed by countless hours of training, working out, and going on missions. When he is not wearing his VANGUARD uniform, one can see some of the numerous scars that adorn his flesh. In totality, he has scars on his arms, legs, chest, back, and stomach, all sustained at different points in the line of duty. The scarring on his stomach is heaviest, as this was from an incident where a Voidseed nearly completely disemboweled him.

Facial Features

Terminus has very strong, masculine facial feature, especially evident in his jawline. He has pitch black eyes. He gets these from his mother, which he is especially proud of. They also have a slight Kangsunese look to them as his father had Kangsunese ancestry. He also sports a lengthy goatee, which he keeps maintained very well. His teeth are sharp, something he gets from the man who forced himself on Solstrale.

Special abilities

Being part Brashur, Terminus has the ability to resist and adapt to various manners of damage and attacks. However, his resilience goes even further beyond that, allowing him to survive grievous injuries that would kill even others of his kind. The reason for this is not known, but speculated to stem from his grandmother's assailant. He also possesses the same psionic abilities as his mother, aunt, and cousin, being able to levitate and throw things with his mind, as well as create psychokinetic barriers and weapons, and read the thoughts of others. His psychic aura is also known to cause physical damage to his surroundings at its peak.

Apparel & Accessories

Terminus's wardrobe is full of masculine clothing. He primarily wears button-up shirts over muscle shirts or graphic tees, with the length of the button-ups depending on the season. He also has a penchant for wearing pants at all times, including several pairs with rips in them, and many also have chains. His choice of footwear is uniform in that he always wears boots, having a few different pairs with varying lengths. The main color of his wardrobe is black, with some small splashes of color mixed in here and there. He also wears double helix piercings in each ear, all of which are also black.   His VANGUARD uniform is very much so akin to military-grade body armor, featuring metal plating on his chest, arms, and legs. Despite the heaviness, he is still able to be quite mobile in the heat of battle while wearing it while also tanking plenty of damage. The plating on his arms feature a built-in tracker and computer on the left side, and a place for him to attach his massive weapon on the right.

Specialized Equipment

When out on missions for the VANGUARD, Terminus utilizes a long, thick arm blade which he attaches to his right arm. This blade can be extended to be as long as his leg if need be, and it can cause devastating wounds to whomever or whatever he attacks it with. Unlike the other agents, who store their weapons in chokers or arm/leg bands, Terminus's weapon is always fully corporeal, and he keeps it stored in the armory of Bertheim Hall. He has bestowed the name Predator upon it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to Blake Frei, otherwise known as Biste, Griff Mathias Frei did not have a father in his life. This is because his father, a Brashur from Ni'Avan, was killed by his mother when she found out that he was leading a double life and wanted nothing to do with her. Instead, Griff's great-grandfather, from whom he gets his middle name, played the role of father figure whenever he could. His grandmother and aunt, Solstrale and The Duchess (Mabyll and Madeleine Frei), also played very large roles in helping to raise him, and he grew up alongside his cousin Zenith (Kenneth) and uncle Syd, though Syd was a few years older than the other two.   Griff's childhood was full of love, life, and light, despite the circumstances of his conception. It was abundantly clear from a very young age, however, that he took after his mother quite a bit. This was evidenced in his behavior and speech, as he would very frequently say and do things that were very brash and blunt, and he had a general fearlessness to him. It was his grandmother who kept him from becoming too out of control, always able to set him straight whenever he began to veer too far out of line.   It was also quite clear that he had inherited his mother's outstanding prowess for combat as he grew older and into his teen years, allowing him to fight with incredibly proficiency and terrifying strength. When his psionic abilities began to surface, as well, he began to train quite intensively with his mother, aunt, and cousin. Together, he and Zenith honed their skills even further, becoming incredible forces of nature that were only outdone by their mothers. They began to join their mothers on hunts, and it was here that the seeds of the new VANGUARD organization were planted. This would later be finalized when the Duchess and Biste entered in a deal with the Longham family, the owners of Velvet Road Industries, to utilize Bertheim Hall as a base of operations for the VANGUARD.   Ever since then, Griff has taken on the codename of Terminus, and has become one of the highest-ranking members, alongside his mother and aunt, Zenith, Eurydice, and Delta. He is known for his extreme ferocity and deadly efficiency when hunting Daevahs, criminals, and Voidseeds, and, like the first four mentioned above, is only deployed on missions which absolutely necessitate it.

Gender Identity

Griff is a man and fully identifies as such. He presents in a masculine fashion at all times.


Griff identifies as heteroflexible bisexual, with a heavy preference towards women and feminine men.


While undergoing training and even well before then, Griff was still expected to participate in education. This was done through homeschooling, with his grandmother primarily being the teacher and his mother and aunt providing supplemental lessons where needed. Despite his aggressive, bombastic nature, he is also scarily intelligent. This stems from both natural intelligence through blood and everything he was taught.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Learned all manner of combat techniques through both training and in practice, making him an incredibly proficient combatant.
  • Survived numerous deadly situations that would have killed all manner of other individuals.
  • Helped his mother, aunt, and cousin found the current iteration of the VANGUARD, and became one of the highest-ranking members as a result.

Mental Trauma

Despite having endured traumatic injuries and battles that would've otherwise killed many others, Terminus does not experience any mental trauma from them. In general, he does not have any outstanding mental trauma, as he always keeps moving forward and doesn't let anything affect him for too long.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Doing whatever he can to please his mother
  • Eating large amounts of food
  • Training as hard as he can, either by himself or with those who can handle it
  • Hanging out with the other members of the VANGUARD
  • Spending time with his family
  • Fighting Daevahs, Voidseeds, and other monsters
  • Watching really dumb, cheesy action movies
  • Working out to keep in shape


  • Displeasing his mother in any way
  • Being threatened with his grandmother
  • Sitting idle for too long
  • Having to tiptoe around things
  • Cocky opponents who can't back up their words
  • People who disrespect or mistreat their loved ones
  • Anticlimactic endings to movies, as well as cliffhangers with terrible payoffs
  • The thought of being like his father

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Extremely dedicated to his work and any other tasks put before him
  • Highly devoted to his friends and loved ones
  • Knows not to train with people who can't handle his ferocity
  • Serious when it matters most
  • Willing to take a hit to protect someone else
Virtue: Diligence

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Incredibly blunt in just about any situation
  • Sometimes reckless in the middle of a fight
  • Stubborn beyond belief
  • Can be impatient when eager for something
  • Dependent on pleasing his mother
Vice: Wrath


Family Ties

  • Biste, mother. Living in Magnesia. Presiding over him as a leader of the VANGUARD.
  • The Duchess, aunt. Living in Magnesia. Presiding over him as a leader of the VANGUARD.
  • Zenith, cousin. Living in Magnesia. Serving alongside him as a high-ranking member of the VANGUARD.
  • Solstrale, grandmother. Living in Magnesia and Skaalsborg. Keeping an eye on him whenever she can.

Social Aptitude

Overall, the best way to describe Terminus is a menace. He loves to be loud and blunt, and isn't above making teasing remarks to others, though he's only ever malicious with it towards those genuinely deserving of it. He can frequently be seen eating, and has been known to talk with his mouth full. Other times, he burps in the middle of a sentence before continuing as if he hadn't just done that. He isn't one to sugarcoat things, even with people he's familiar with. This means that it's very selective when he's chosen to work at the front desk to deal directly with VANGUARD clients.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
Black, slightly squinty
Long, wavy, jet black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
2.05m (6'9")
100.24kg (221lbs.)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Abilonian (English)
  • Skaalsborgian (Norwegian)
  • Kangsunese (Japanese)
  • Nimescian (German)