The Continent of Albion

Albion used to be a simple frontier region during the Empire's golden age, divided between the provinces of Brethil and Ceneria. Today it refers to the entire continent that is left after the Great Flood, though how far the continent extends East no one is quite sure.   


When the Empire's men first began to settle the lands they encountered a local people known as the Albionni, a rural and hardy folk. Though there was some conflict, in general the Albionni took well to the Empire and their laws. The Empire's religion was compatible with their ancestor worship, which eased their cultural integration greatly. Many Albionni were hired as mercenaries to defend against the Rurii, which is considered the spiritual founding of the The Dunwarden  During the Cataclysm many Imperials fled to Albion, diluting much of the Albionni people who were already readily intermarrying into Imperial households at the time. True Albionni are said to only still exist in Northern Brethil. 


Albion is surrounded by ocean to the North, West, and South, and near impassable mountains to the East. In many ways it acts more as an island than an entire continent, and indeed most of the continent towards the East remains unexplored. The region that refers to Albion proper is marked by temperate climates, but is also incredibly mountainous and dotted by many great forests.


Most of Albion still uses the Imperial system for its money, though many local lords will have their own faces imprinted upon the coins instead of old emperors. The names of the coins are quite different per region, for instance "Marks" denote gold coins in Styrias, whereas "Guilders" denote gold in Zanding and the same for "Ducats" in Aranesse. Even the Church of Illumination have their own coin press, though these are much rarer than any other.
In light of these variations, most people of Albion simply refer to the material of the coin to facilitate trade.
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