Valera Character in Eorantis | World Anvil
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Acolyte Valera

"I swear by the name of Pelor To bind myself to the light To fight darkness wherever I encounter it And to not fall to temptation. So mote it be."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, slim, yet curvy

Body Features

Especially for her training remarkably large breasts

Facial Features

A perfectly symmetrical face with full lashes and lips, a straight nose and large, striking eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Electric blue eyes, that almost seem to glow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I don't know who my parents are (or were), or whether they are even still alive. Concurrently, I also don't know about any siblings I might have - I was brought up alone in the Order of the Dawn in Vandrath. In my childhood, everyone knew who I was and I had friends everywhere I went, though most of them were not very close to me. I was chosen by Pelor because a holy servant of the god saw something in me and consecrated me to the god's service, calling upon me to fulfill an ancient though vexingly vague prophecy. I fell in love with an elven priest of the Everlight called Sinfar shortly after that and we got married after a year of courtship - we still are, actually, though we don't have any children. He's not very happy about my calling, but grudgingly supports me in it. We don't have a house or anything, both of us living somewhat monastic lives provided by our temples. I then spent some time researching the prophecy and tried to work within the order, saving some additional gold doing that. During that time I then met someone important as well - a lawful evil tiefling paladin called Leothric, who was surprisingly friendly and helpful to me - though I don't quite know why, as we should have been enemies - which resulted in me gaining a boon: a nightmare riding horse called Flamme. As far as I know, he's still alive and well.

Gender Identity

CIS female




Training at the Brotherhood of Dawn in Vandrath


Acolyte of the Copper rank in the Brotherhood of Dawn

Failures & Embarrassments

The size of her breasts

Mental Trauma

Slight phobia of thunderstorms

Morality & Philosophy

Believes in Good both in the abstract as well as in all living things. Believes that sometimes, the end justifies the means.

Personality Characteristics


  • Fulfill the prophecy
  • Become Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Dawn

Likes & Dislikes

Loves her husband, blueberries, cream pies and fried carrots.   Likes well seasoned food and the color blue.   Does not like turnips and the color brown.   Hates the color black and thunderstorms.

Virtues & Personality perks

Optimistic and full of energy

Vices & Personality flaws

Foolhardy, cocky, stubborn


She takes great care of her hair, brushing it daily (or even several times a day) and uses a scented oil that always has her smelling slightly of citrus, sandalwood and jasmine.


Contacts & Relations

High Marshal Julian Sternschild   Guard Captain Amerith Junghans   Ser Adam Stein   Teresa of the Faint Smile   Gordo Jangschliff   Tomathin von Feldheim   Horasius Blytager   Lyris Waldscheu - eine andere Knappin und Kindheitsfreundin von Valera.   Eric Donner - jüngerer Knappe und Kindheitsfreund von Valera.   Beowyn   Sinfar Moonshadow

Religious Views

Devout worshiper of Pelor Dawnfather


Often glides into rhythmic or song-like speech in accordance to the 32 rhythms of the High Heavens.

Wealth & Financial state

Modest, has almost no idea how money works in the "real world"

beautiful, optimistic, determined

Current Location
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Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Squire -
  • Discipline - Copper - Iron - Silver
  • Battle Technique - Gold - Silver - Iron
  • Knowledge - Silver - Gold - Gold
  • Diplomacy - Gold - Gold - Gold
  • Religious Understanding - Silver - Gold - Gold
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
981 nE 18 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Electric Blue
Light Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Infernal, Sylvan

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