Acolyte Valera | World Anvil

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Acolyte Valera

Level 4 Aasimar LG Paladin / Warlock
(Chosen One)
31 / 31 HP

beautiful, optimistic, determined

1000 nE

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Valera's history, from the beginning to today.

We can do this. We can do this! The city is safe. Well, safe-ish. Safe enough for now. But the surrounding hamlets, the farmsteads and all the peasantry still need our aid. But with the aid of Pelor and his angel, I'm sure we will prevail.

1000 nE

Can I really rest with the enemy scratching at our gates? Guilt gnaws at me for even this momentary respite from battle. What if villagers die for my absence from the field? But in my heart of hearts I chide myself, for secretly I am glad to be away from it all - the bloodshed, the cries of pain, the death. It is all so different from the practice yard. I hope none glimpse how truly terrified I am by all of it - how much I just want to hide and cry my eyes out. But I have to. Teresa is not here, but I am. I cannot disappoint her.

1000 nE

I - we - have to save the people of this good town! I hope I shall not fall beneath this cursed thunderstorm. Not today, not yet, not even with my wounds.To despair is not virtuous. To push on, even against impossible odds, is. This, too, is the way of light. Onwards! To light and glory!

1000 nE

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Valera.

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Other Characters by Ranko