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Kudun Branchsnap

Kudun (koo-dun) is Wood Elf and mayor of Polis. He lead the newest settlers to re-occupy the once great city, and campaigned for the resurrection of the wood wall.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kudun never met his father, who was a Wood-Elf General during the Human-Elf War. His father believed that what the High Elves were doing was wrong, evil, and that they needed to be stopped. He pushed for the King of the Wood to join the fight on the side of the Humans. His father died at the last, and bloodiest battle at Er Myth, days before Kudun was born. Kudun was highly respected in his youth, showing promise as a leader, and carpenter.   He left the woods to join the University in Er Myth, and there he found his love for ancient cultures, and this is where he met who would be the Baron of the Ardent. They studied and graduated together, this was the first and only person that he would ever consider his friend. He acted as an adviser for the Baron for many years, and was effectively his right-hand of the Baron. Kudun was also an emissary between the Ardent, and the Wilds, as he has great rapport due to his father's name.   Soon Kudun grew tired of all of the politics, parties, back-stabbing nature of the higher echelons of royalty. The Baron saw that his friend wasn't happy. And when they spoke, they came to the conclusion that maybe he would be happiest in a place of his own. The Baron granted him a Mayorship, in any city under his control. Kudun chose Polis, the once shinning star of the East, and destroyed by the same Elves that killed his father. The settlement had already began for the ruins, but the Baron hadn't given his blessing, and had planned on clearing it out. When Kudun said that he wanted to run it, that gave him a win-win situation.   Kudun's reception wasn't wanted at first, and was considered to be a slap in the face. Sending an elf (regardless of heritage) was an insult to the people of Polis. Kudun soon proved his leadership, and is the only Elven citizen of Polis.



Intellectual Characteristics


Personality Characteristics


Kudun was tasked with reviving the once great city of Polis. He has a lot against him in this endeavor, as the citizens of Polis are very untrusting of any and all Elves. Though the Wood Elves sided with the humans, there is still a lot of resentment, especially when it comes to this Hamlet. Bound by duty, and family history, Kudun works hard everyday to restore the ruins, and Polis back.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Leadership is in Kudun's blood, he never met his father, but he certainly inherited his ability to lead.

Likes & Dislikes

Kudun doesn't like most people, and usually avoids any outsiders.

Virtues & Personality perks

Though you could never tell, Kudun has a huge heart. He rarely puts himself above his people, and wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. He is known to help anyone, but he will do it in a cold and silent way. He doesn't expect payment, and relies on taxes to put food on his table, but he returns anything that he doesn't use to the people, usually in ways to improve the small hamlet.

Vices & Personality flaws

Kudun is not known for his pleasant demeanor. People who talk to him say that he has a frigid personality, and is very short with everyone.

Personality Quirks

Kudun is a grouchy person, and usually isn't very friendly. He has a tight knit group of colleuages that can vaguely be considered friends. He doesn't have a wife or kids, and just focuses on the success of the hamlet that he was put in charge of.



Old Friend (Important)

Towards Kudun




Old Friend (Important)

Towards Kivik



Wealth & Financial state

Due to the state of Polis, Kudun doesn't get a lot of money. Any money he would normally make off of taxes he usually puts back into the community.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mayor of Polis
Year of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
He was born during the seige of Er Myth, where his father died fighting for the side of the Humans.
Current Residence
Straight, dirty blonde hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan Skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
When you break something you fix it, that is the ways of the Wood Elves.
Known Languages
Common Elvish Celestial
Ruled Locations

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