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Blood Elf

Blood Elves are of the same lineage as Dark Elves. They are believed to be remnants of Dark Elves that were banished underground but were secreted away by Varalic before they could follow Lauxa, and therefore were able to remain above ground. Though they avoided being banished, they were cursed with an addiction to magic. They sate their addiction by innately being able to detect and steal magic from others.     Because the region above ground does not have a large spellcaster population, they generally find magical sources from belowground. Otherwise they do not typically leave Bloodmoor. They do not have to kill to steal a source of magic, but more often than not, they will drain their victim to death and steal every ounce of magical ability they have in order to increase their own prowess. They also adorn themselves with tattoos that contain magical properties that temper their addiction.     Because of this attunement to magic, they are able to study the internal properties of magic and determine its origin and function. They spend the year studying and gaining as much knowledge and abilities as possible in order to prepare for an annual tournament which pits Blood Elf against Blood Elf to determine who is the champion of the battlefield. This champion is given the right to challenge the Emperor should he so choose, giving the chance for rulership to change hands from year to year.     Blood Elves are about the same height as humans, with medium to dark skin. Their hair is black, blue-black or violet-black. Though they have pupils, they are not visible and will glow from heavy magic use in hues of blue, green, red, or violet. All Blood Elves generally have tattoos.

Naming Traditions

Masculine names

Taranis, Prenris

Family names

Halcyon, Cillian


Major language groups and dialects

Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
Languages spoken

This ethnicity has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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