Cave spiders

Cave spiders are a species of giant spiders which are found in deep caves, where they hunt the large insectoid mega fauna which can be found deep down. They are dark grey to black in colours and hunt by trapping their prey in nets, and then going in for the kill. They hunt in small groups and the mother spider eats first.   The mother spider are the largest and she directs the males she surrounds herself with. The males do the spinning and killing and she eats and lays eggs.   Cave spiders have no eyes and hunt through hearing and sensing movement. A sense which is stronger if the prey re caught in their net.

Basic Information


Cave spiders reach the size of large dogs, and have eight long legs. It has three segments of body and no intestinals.

Genetics and Reproduction

Egg layers

Growth Rate & Stages

The female called mother spider can live up too hundred years, while the males seldom lives longer than three. They are expandable and most of the eggs layed are male. A male spider becomes mature within month if it feeds properly while females takes up to a year to reach the same size as males. But after that they never stop growing, but growth extremely slow.

Ecology and Habitats

They live in deep caves and usually settle in one spot.

Additional Information

Social Structure

One mother spiders and a small group of males, seldom more than three mature. And also many eggs and small spider children hiding in the crevassess, waiting for their spill, hunting insects and siblings and avoiding to become food.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their hearing and sense of movement is unbelievable good.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Cave spiders hunt in the dark and are often dark grey or even black. Any other colours are eaten when they are small.