Aidne giant spider

The giant spider which is the most common in the Aidne mountain and the surrounding areas are the Aidne giant spider. Most commonly it is called the Kardian spider. Although it is considered a part of the giant spider strain and a monster, it is quite small compared to other species of giant spiders. The body has a radie approximatly 20 centimeters at its largest and the longest leg is between 1 meter up to 1, 5 meters. The chitinous body lacks hair and is very smooth and are coloured brown with stripes in different shades of brown. It is a pack hunter and do not spin net, but prefer to hunt from ambushes. They can jump up to three meters from standstill and the impact force is enough to fell most prey. The two front legs have evolved into thin and sharp claws which they try to impale their prey with. After felling their prey they try to bite them to inject their poison. The poison renders the victim immobile and starts to dissolve them internally. The spiders use their rudimentary mouth to rip the dissolving pieces of meat from the body and swallow them.  
9 8 17 19 7 17
KP: 13 1 Bett (1t8 + Posion), 2 claws (1t6)

Basic Information


The aidne giant spider is a very large spider, with eight legs. The body is divided into three sections. The head section which is the smallest. It has a large mouth and many facetted eyes, giving the spider a wide range of vision. The middle section is where the eight legs is connected and the largest back section contains all the innards needed to process the food and make eggs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Each female spider lays up to 20 eggs each year, which they protect. When the eggs hatch the younglings kills and eats their mother and then disperse from the nest. They stay in small groups up until they reach approximatly four years of age, when they try to find a mate.

Growth Rate & Stages

When they burst forth from the egg they are the size of a human hand, but already skilled hunters. They grow quickly and within a few month depending on food sources they reach their adult size.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer caves or dark forests where they can hide in darkness and attack from ambush.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are predators and need meat to survive. A single spider can take down prey as large as deer, but as they usually hunts in small groups they can take down prey as large as moose or bears.

Biological Cycle

they hibirnate if it gets to cold.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Aidne spider is usually found in groups of three, but there are exceptions with larger groups, but they are usually smaller spiders. Also there are spiders which have lost the rest of the group which hunts alone.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Goblin tribes have been known to use the carapace of the spiders as armour and bowls.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The aidne spider is found solely on the aidne peninsula where it can be found in mountains and forests.

Average Intelligence

It is usually smart enough to flee if the intended prey is stronger than expected.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Apart from a very good seeing the spider also can sense sound as vibrations.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
4 years
Average Height
The body is approximatly half a meter over the ground when they travel.
Average Length
In attacking stance the legs are spread out to two meters.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The carapace of the spider is brown with severals stripes and patterns in other shades of brown.
Geographic Distribution