Giant Spiders

Giant spiders are monsters out of a nightmare. There are many different kinds of giant spiders but in order to be considered gigantic the body needs to be the size of a small dog at least. All giant spiders are carnivours and predators, but their way of hunting are different depending of their habitat. Web weavers cover the ground and areas between trees with their web and then wait in the forest canopy for a victim to get caught in the strands. Then they burst forth and bite them to inject their poison and starts to cocoon the victim. Another common hunting strategy is the ambushers. They either lurk amongst the leaves or in small pits they dig.     In forests the most common kind of giant spider is the web weaver whom uses its web to snare prey. Usually large mammals as they lack the intelligence to realise they are walking into a trap. The webweavers are seldom a real threat to intelligent beings as they can avoid their hunting grounds. Even amongst the webweavers there still are several different kinds of giant spiders depending on climate and what kind of habitat they are exposed to.  
17 17 17 19 7 17
KP: 17, SB: +1t4 1 bett (1t8+poison) 8, Klättra 11, Spåra 10, Upptäcka fara 11 Förflyttning L18, Naturligt skydd 5 p hud

Basic Information


Giant spiders reminiscent their smaller cousins in many ways but are much larger. Small giant spiders usually have a body the size of an infant and legs up to a meter long, while the largest spiders have a body the size of a bull and legs which are several meters. A ambushing spiders two front legs usually are more robust and ends in claws or dagger like appendixes. Their mandibles are usually larger as well.

Genetics and Reproduction

All spiders are egg layers.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Giant spider eggs are used in many alchemic recipes and can be sold in most civilized areas.

Average Intelligence

Most giant species are insects and have the same range of intellect. But there are a few monsters which are intelligent and are able to communicate.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All spiders sense of hearing and ability to register movement is very high. Most species have very poor eyesight and very short range.
Genetic Descendants

Articles under Giant Spiders