Corran Wistille

Captain of Arms: Corran Wistille. He is only 24 years old and have never led men in battle. He is the son of one of Cavonnes burghers and have studied warfare in the Lyceeum of Pendonne. He is insecure, a bit shy and his men do not trust his combat prowess and despise his lack of personal fighting abilities. But he is very skilled in military administrations, logistics, tactics and strategy.

Physical Description

Body Features

He is fit and well trained and have a excersice routine every morning.

Apparel & Accessories

He is trained in spear, sword and shield. He started late learning how to fight from horseback. He owns a well trained warhorse with chainmail barding. He wears a long chainmail with an open helmet, he wears a padded jacket and thinck lether pants beneath. He is always in combat dress when meeting his men, to make them accept him as their commander.

Specialized Equipment

The blade on his broadsword is very old and worn down, but the handle is new. The blade is from his grandpa who wielded it and made the money for the family to start the family business.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in Cavonne   At the age of thirteen his parents enrolled him in the Lyceeum with th hope he would find a job within the church or royal administration when he grew old. He was a good student.   He discovered military books and become genuinly interested. One of the history teachers came from Jorpagnia and was a officer before. He took him under his wings and taught him as he would have taught an officer in Jorpagnia. The teacher also told him about todays Jorpagnia and the historical jorpagnia.   He left the lyceeum with good honours and reputation. Back in Cavonne he spent much time with Benjis son which he had written many letter with. Benji had discussed the young Corrans ideas with his son and decided to persuade the countess to employ Corran as he would know the tactics on how to defeat heavy cavalry.


He is well educated in many scholary pursuits, but he is an expert on strategy and tactics.


Corran is employed as the Captain of arms by the countess. He knows full well that this kind of employment are reserved to experienced old warriors who have proven their abilities. What he doesn´t know is that Lord Benji were the one who recommended him as the new Captain when the old knight who used to be Captain left after the death of the count. Lord Benji had seen the skills Corran had and new he is what the countess needed.

Failures & Embarrassments

That he lacks the personal combat skill a person in his rank should have. He knows his men don´t really trust him.

Intellectual Characteristics

He prefers cold logic and doesn´t rely to much on decisions made emotions.

Morality & Philosophy

Corran is a lawful man who abides the law and follow the tenets. But in warfare he has no qualms to do what is necessary to win, honour are for losers. The only time honour is considered is when how you can use the enemys hanour to make him doing something stupid.

Personality Characteristics


Keep the county safe, and his men well fed.  His biggest dream is to journey to the Military academy in Jorpagnia and study the old military masters.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoys the theory of war. He reads the few books on warfare he has regulary, and do new plans for how to defeat the countess enemies all the time. He regulary goes over the weapon stock and and food supplies. Since he got the job, he have made sure that the foodstock contains more dried food than his predecessors had. This have not endevoured him to his men as they get less fresh food. But on the thoer hand Corran knows this will make the castle even harder to get.


Religious Views

Corran is a believer and try to go to church as often as necessary, but he is no fanatic. He will not go if his duty prevents it and will go against religion if he deems it necessary.

Social Aptitude

His lack of confidence makes him a bit akward.

Wealth & Financial state

As burghers go his family is well off and his salary and the fact he doesn´t pay for food or shelter makes it possible for him to live a good life.
Lawful good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Dark brown and short cut.
175 cm
85 kg
The shining path
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Zoraki Jori High Jori