
The Dyler people makes their homes in the Klomellian mountains in the north of the Dryro region, west of Magilre and north of Klomellien. The Dyler tribes is a barbaric people with a heritace ranging way back in into the ancient times. As far as it is known their ancestrial home is the mountains and their culture and way of living is adapted for it. The first time the tribes of Dyler is mention is from fragments of texts from Imperium Jorpagnia and the colonizations of Magilre. They where described as a warlike people who where not interested in diplomacy and that they hunted the natives of Magilre as animals. According to the texts the Dylar people sacrificed their captives to their evil gods. Especially their moon godess demanded a maiden each month. The Dylar people had in their attempts to grasp the Magilre plains reached the western shore where they had constructed a town they called Jicon. The city now called Moril Diaz in Magilre. After the Dylar people had been driven back into the mountains by the well organized legions of Imperium Jorpagnia, they used their knowledge they had gained and settled the mountain more effective. The remnants of black blood where driven off by the Dylar warriors.   There is no love lost between the Dylar people and its more civilised nations. The Magiler are considered the arch nemesis of the Dylars and they have vowed revenge upon them. A revenge they still intend to uphold even though several centuries have passed since the battles upon the plains of Magilre.   Most Magiller and Klomeller considers the Dyler as ruthless savages and are convinced they sacrifise humans to the evil godess of the moon. Preferably a young maiden every month. The suspicion and hatred grew significally when the Dyler invaded the royal palace of Magilre held if for one and a half year before giving up.   Dyler are short and robust with a strength which is higher than most Jori people. (STY:3T6+4). They have lots of body hair which also separates them from Jori.Dyler are as intelligent as all other humans but their mindset is more down to earth and functional/ practical. They are usually very skilled in wilderness survival but seldom any scholar skills. Their behavior is very emotional and burst of rage is common, but they also easily start to cry or joy. They are skilled warriors and hunters and consider violence a easy solution to most problems. The isolation of the mountains have contributed to them considering the people of the plains with suspicion.


Average technological level

They prefer using stone tools as they arer easily accessed, but they have the ability to smelt and use copper tool as well. They trade for and use steel tools, but lack interest in developing the infrastructure to have their own steel production.   They prefer to use slings as ranged weapon and it is well ingrained in their culture. The sling is used to create pony tails and a well crafted and beautiful sling is a worthy gift. During feasts and meeting between tribes there are usually competitions with the sling.

Common Etiquette rules

Hospitality is an important trait within the Dylar culture. The land they live in is harsh and dangerous and if a traveler are caught by a storm they can expect to find shelter amongst another Dylar. But only until the danger is gone.  Amongst the tribe you are also supposed to help each other even at the expense of your own planning. The group is more important than the individual.

Common Dress code

The clothes of the Dylar culture is made of either skin, leather of wool and made for harsh cold mountain weather. The chosen colours are often dark and made for blending into a mountain areas.

Art & Architecture

They usually build a small stone house in conjuction with a natural cave, which they enhance. In large caves they build their cottages inside the cave.


Gender Ideals

A real man should have lots of body hair and be strong and proud

Major organizations

The Dyler people are distributed amongst the Klomellian mountain range in tribes. Some tribes live in peace with each other while other wage ruthless war against each other. There are a few tribes which lives in what is large towns in the mountains while other are still hunter and gatherers roaming large areas.
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