
Capital: Moril-Diaz in Munzga Head of state: King Cerebuz II "Long nose"   The kingdom of Magilre are located on the western part of Dryro where it shares borders with Klomellien. If the landscape of Magilre should be described in any way, the word flat is the best. There are virtually no hills and the horizon is clearly visible. The fields are separated by small patches of forests to evade erosion. In some baronies there are no forests whatsoever and a Magilre saying is that if you find a stone to stand on, you could easily see through seven baronies.  The villages which dominates the inland are the knave of a large wheel of fields, which extends whit the village in the centre. The people of Magilre do not own the fields, they are owned by the local noble and the farmers serves on his/ her fields as part of the feudal system. But they own their own homes and often a small patch where they farm vegetables.  The famous plains of Magilre transforms as you come closer to the klomellian mountain range into a sweeping small hills and some times into what could be considered small mountains. They are seldom very high, but they are very steep making them hard to travel.   Most of the cities in Magilre are located on the southern shores of Magilre, but there are a handful in the inland as well. They have developed as a centre of the farming society.   The only thing that really breaks the flat monotomy of Magilre is the many castles. The Magillian nobles have developed a architecture which seems intent on breaking the landscape. Everything are built in as many stories as possible. The castles risez toward the skies in tall and sleek towers. The farmers houses have two and even sometimes three stories, even though each is very small.   Efrozink: Eforzink or sometimes Efrons puddle is a large swamp in the inland, west of the Klomellian mountain range. Although there have been attempts to ditch it in order to transform it to farmlands it has withstood ans remained a swamp. The wildlife his plentiful and there are some unique life forms as well. One of them is the Ziploids, which exist in several different species. The humans living in the swamp are often eremites or religious deviants trying to escape the clutches of the inquisition. Some are local farmers who hunt a little to get some varaince on the table.   The northern coast: All of Magilre tilts a little which makes the northern shores steep cliffs which reaches heights of up to 60 meters. Along Hamma Ioka (The high coast) as it is called the locals have throughout time carved stairs leading down to the water where their boats are moored. In some instances even living spaces have been carved into the cliff side, once to escape the dangerous wildlife and raiders.


Magilre is a hereditary kingdom with a feudal structure. There are seven duchies in which 63 of the 98 baronies are integrated. The title duke is totally honorary. The remaining baronies are officially directly beneath the king. In truth all baronies are autonomous states ruled by their baron.   Conflicts between the baronies are common but seldom develops into warfare. The reason is the long tradition of diplomacy and speechcraft. The baron who makes the best point in a elegant speech usually sway his peers to take his side in the issue. The king or duke usually makes the ruling based on the majority of the barons opinions, and the loosing baron accept it.     The political systems stability is based upon the fact that Magilre have a strong sense of community. The country is also very dependant on being able to export its product and import metal tools, which also stabilises the country.


The nobles of Magilre are mostly descendants of the colonisers from Imperium Jorpagnia. Magiller have a long tradition of not using weapons against each other but to rather wage their battles on the floor of diplomacy. The Kings power is weak but his influence is usually strong as a noble ho opposes his welmeant advice seldom becomes popular. No infighting. The nobility consider it a affront to honour to use violence against another noble.   The art of speech are held in high esteem and Magilre diplomats are famous across Ereb.   The ordinary Magiller are in general a farmer, fisher, clampicker, ziploiddriver, sailor or craftman. What clearly defines the Magillran culture is a tendancy to talk, a lot, and to build their houses tall. The Magilre cuisine is famous abroad and in particulary the ovenbaked cornbread which is filled with local delicacies, such as diced fish with clamsauce, and eaten standing. Diced and toasted magillre snail is often eaten on a bed of seaweed and considered a delicacy.

Public Agenda

The Kingdom of Magilre are quite outspoken about retaking the island Bzegunda which where taken by Klavykian forces during a war which lasted for over fifty years.


According to ancient fragments of text the land called Magilre had a native population which there are no trace of today. They where being assailed by a barbarian tribe called the Dylar which came from the Klomellian mountains. It is unkown when, but according to historical textures the land where colonized by Imperium Jorpagna and the patricians from Grivela brought civilisation with them, and a large work force as well. Imperium Jorpagna also brought generals and their legions with them as well and the very plain land fitted their way of fighting very well. The Dyler where easily defeated and retreated into the Klommelian mountain range. The Imperium contained them by erecting fortressess along the mountain and a long time of peace endured.   The very flat and fertile land where exceptionally well fitted for industrial grade farming and fishing, and the colony Magilre where a consistant supply of grain, fish and other seafood to the empire. The Ziploid range of "animals" where also dicovered to be a source of food and domestication, further the lands rumour as food supplier. As the land was very flat there where almost no ore, which in turn meant that there where no metal industries developed in the colony.   When the third Conflux came and the flesheating insects spread over the continent Magilre got through it relativitly unscathed. But as Imperrium Jorpagnia fell and traade grinded to nothing Magilre realised they had a large problem. They ahad relied on import on import of metal tools and as the only close source of ore would be in the Klomellian mountain range, held by their age old enemies the Dyler, Magilre at it lowest had to rely on stone tools. The legions crumbled and the fortesses fell into disuse. The Dyler tribes raided into Magilre but the feared invasion never came. An indication that the Dyler have been hit hard by the Conflux. Eventually as the surrounding countries became more organised and settled, trade began again, and the import of metal tools became common again.   One of the main trade partners where Kardien due to the closeness of borders between the regions. With the trade Magilre became accustome to the dominant religion amongst the Kardians and slowly The shining path spread throughout Magilre until it became the dominant religion. but unlike Kardien and most other countries the people of Magilre followed the religion but seldom where very religious. And as such the church never really gained any influence in to politics. Before The shining path the dominant religion had been the Kabrinzi religion.   It is unknown when the first Jorduashu pirate fleet raided the shore settlements of Magilre but it escalated after the conflux. As order in Magilre resettled and cooperation became prevaliant, Magilre nobles realised they had to build a fleet to secure their shoreline borders. This made the land fall of raiders less prominent but still today it sometimes happens. Due to rape and also a few colonisation attempts there are quite a few of the shoral fishermen which have a Jorduashur heritage.   West of the mail land there is a large island called Bzegusta, which have always been a pert of Magilre. The year 100 A.O. Klavysian forces landed on the shores of the island with the intent of liberating the population from their tyrranic Magilre oppressors. The invasion wars lasted until 150 A.O. The local barons of Bzegusta and their soldiers fought a bloody guerilla war against the invading forces but it was a hopeless fight. The Klavysian forces described their military action as a war to free the pepole of Bzegusta from Magilres oppression, but in truth Magilre at the time didn´t really have a centralized goverment strong enough to opress a distant island. And the local peasants where a bit harsher held than the mainland farmes, but on the other hand they had more freedom than the Klavysian farmers. Shortly after securing land in Bzegusta the Klavysaians forces started constructing a large naval base on the island, and at the same time building the city Torilia in the north of Kardien. Military historians of today theorises that the invasion of Bzegula where aimed at Kardien rather than Magilre. Magilre have not forgotten or forgiven Trakorien for the loss of Bzegusta and at every possible option send or fund merceneries into the different wars in Trakorien to prolong the fighting. Some times they have even funded both sides to make sure the fighting lasts longer than necessary. Magilre still considers Bzegunda as part of Magilre and when they in political situations talks about All of Magilre they include Bzegunda as well as the mainland.   The invasion of Bzgunda where also the spark that led to the centralization of Magilre and the transformation into a monarchy. One historical theory claims that the present kings family emigrated to Bzegunda after humiliating the king of Klavykien (Hosien) during a tournament where the king watched it sitting on a mountain of perfumed pillows. The enraged king exiled the insolent duke and his extended family from Klavykien. The family fled to Bzegunda and according to some historians this also influenced the invasion of the island. When the exiled family where forced to flee again from Bzegunda to Magilres mainland after fighting hard with great losses, the patricians on the mainland offered the battlehardened duke a kings title. At the height of the year 151 A.O. the first king of Magilre, Capaz I swore the oath to rule and protect the people and land of Magilre. He also swore that he and hes predeccessors would one day retake Bzegunda. Since then a descendant of Capaz have reigned the throne, and several bloody wars against Klomellien and Trakoriens different island have spawned many heroic kings, of which many tales have been written.

Demography and Population

Only humans. Mostly Jori descendants but there is a population of Dyler. The barbarians whom where native to the islands before the Jorpagnian colonization.


The western part of the mailand called Dryro at the foot of the Klomellian mountain range. They also consider the island of Bzegunda to their ancestral land as it was colonized by Imperium Jorpagnia. It was lost to Klavykian forces during a  fifty year long and bloody war.


The king controls a small standing army  which is funded partly by his own income, and partly by taxes from the barons. Each nboleman in Magilre also have a retinue of men to protect their lands which the King can call upon if need be.    The Magilre navy is also controled and financed by the King. It is reasonably sized considering Magilres extensive trade and shore line, but the ships are mostle galleys and are becoming out of date. They are built for coastal defense and not a viable option for open sea warfare. The seamen and mariners are well trained and very proffessional.


Although The shining path is the main reigion other religions are tolerated to a high degree. Outright evil religions and religion where human sacrifices are part are not tolerated.   Before the Shining path the Kabrinzi sect where the dominant religion and it is still remembered and to an small extent worshipped, but it is also hunted by both the noble and the shining path.   Many fishermen and sailors worship the Trakorian sea godess Anxalis.

Agriculture & Industry

Magilre have a long tradition of farming and the landscape is well adapted for an industrial thinking af agriculture. The nobles own the land and field and can have a long range plan on how to cultivate the land, and move the workforce to where they make the most use. The Ziploid landrail makes it possible to fast move large harvest to central mills or ports for trade. There are few lands who can produce as much food per squaremeter as Magilre can.  They are also prominent fishers and the surrounding sea have large banks which are superior for clampicking. They not only produces lots of food, but also occacionally pearls.   The development of industry is low as they lack the natural resources for it. Almost all metal tools are imported.

Trade & Transport

The ziploid railroad: Once a dwarven invention which, considering the extremely flat landscape, where bought by a Magilre king sometime in history. The rails are made by very hard tree and upon it wagons are mounted. The wagons are drawn by either slow Ziploids if the cargo is heavy or swift horses if speed if of essence. The railtracks covers much of the landscape.
Founding Date
151. A.O. the first king of Magilre where sworn.
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The banking system is well developed within Magilre and there are even the beginning of a cheque system. The local currency are made of gold, silver and copper and sculpted to look like wheat. A testimony to the importance of agriculture within the Magilre culture.  A gold ax is worth 10 silver ax which is worth 10 copper ax. But the weigth of each are about three times a ordinary coin from other countries.
Major Exports
  • grain such as wheat, rye et cetera.
  • corn
  • dried and salted fish
  • shrimps
Major Imports
The main import is metal tools as there are no ore mines in the country. But they also import cloth as the agriculture is specialised into grain production rather than animal holding.   Everything except food and timber.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

The relations with Caddo is good and there is heavy trade.

The relations with Erebos is good and there is heavy trade.

There is lot of trade but the Kardian have a hard time accepting that the Shining path do not hold power in Magilres politics.

They have no contact

Strained peace.

The two countries have a long history of wars, but also trade when in peace.

Magilre despise the Jorduashuans as they regulary raids them.