
In the region called Kard located in the far north of Ereb there is a sparsly populated country called Jorduashur. The people inhabiting it is tall, somber, proud and have a reputation for being vicious, uncaring raiders and pirates. The more civilized regions of Ereb consider the people of Jorduashur to be only slightly less barbaric than orcs and some even consider them to be no better than orcs. As far as the southern scholars and traders know, Jorduashur is a kingdom ruled by a highking to which the Jarls swear fealty. A truth which is far from the reality.   Jorduashur is divided into four autonomous Jarldoms which all share a common culture, but the autonomity of the jarldoms are high. Each jarl chooses if they want to follow the edict of the king or not, and historically there have not been a high king accepted by all Jarls for several generations. The former Jarl of Allnemark, Elfhelm Korp, have declared himself high king of Jorduashur, which the other Jarls choose to ignore. But as Allnemark is the Jordkaurls which are most likely to have peaceful contacts with other countries, the rulers of those kingdoms belive him to be the king of all Jorduashur   As the Jorpagnian empire never reached the region of Kard there is no historical sources indicating they even knew about the people living in it.  


Allnemark: The Jarldom have the largest populance of all the Jarldoms and it is also the richest of them. Although there are still some backwater clans who sends out raiding fleets, trading fleets are more common to dispatch from Allnemarks shores. The inhabitants are considered weak by their more northerns cousins. But when they see the people of Allnemarks wealth they usually keep quiet. At least as long as Allnemarkians can hear them. Allnemark is ruled by Jarl Sigurd Korp Brandsvedd. He was chosen by the lords of Allnemark to maintain the peace in the Jarldom. A choice driven by the strong clan "Sköldklyve". Many of the weaker clans wanted the head of the family "Dräpa" to be elected Jarl, as he had stronger ties to the throne than Elfhedd. The two clans "Brandsvedd" and "Dräpa" have a long tradition of being Jarl and High jarls and they are almost always on the brink of war with each other. Sigurd is the son of Elfhedd which stings in the eyes of the family Dräpa.   The town of Halle is the largest settlement in Jorduashur and the main centre of Allnemark as well. In the centre of the Halle is the Jarls longhouse, the largest woodenhall known to man. It is gilded and in the sunlight it shine bright and impressive. It is surrounded by a moat and woodenwall and the courtyard contains several minor halls for the Jarls warriors and wealth. Along the moat the severed heads of enemies and brigands are displayed, showing that they still follow the old traditions.   Sigsdal: Sigsdal is situated directly north of Allnemark and is its closest trading partner. The dwarven kingdom Kûldkres is located in the Jarldom and as such there is a large population of dwarves. The family "Jordunge" have several members and allies within Sigsdal. The Sigsdalian are still primarily raiders and warriors, but some individuals are looking to their clan members in Allnemark who makes more wealth through trading with other nations rather than raiding. The rivalty have led to more challenges to duels and raids against percieved enemies in Allnemark.  
  • Jarl: Hjörleif Sköldklyve
  • Jarlasäte: Tarkens Krök
  Nordal: Nordal is the youngest of the Jarldoms. When the indepentent farmers realised that their lack of a Jarl made the more organised Jarls of Sigsdal and Allnemark making decisions over their heads, they choosed a Jarl and became a Jarldom. But the families are very independent and they do not like strangers. The people of Nordal are the most prominent raiders and looters as the land is less fertile and the sea wilder than their southern peers. Almost all of the greatest warriors of Jorduashur come from Nordal. Most Nordalians consider trade with other than friends and family as weakness and dishonorable. They take pride in displaying the severed heads of their enemies and are seldom removed, until they fall down. A result leading to several heads on each pole, with a newer on top of the old.  
  • Jarl: Håkon Smed
  • Jarlasäte: Härdsäkre (gård)
  Krakelid: Krakelid where created by the last high king of Jorduashur and is located on the eastern side of the Kardmountains. It is far from the more civilized realms of Sigsdal and Allnemark. Even by Jorduashur standards it is considered a wild and barbaric realm. The Jarldoms inhabitants are often away on raids to the east and gather many slaves from the Barbian coasts. And as such the Jordkaurls of Krakelid are even more battle hardened than their peers.  
  • Jarl: Ulf Stupa
  • Jarlasäte: Krakeborg


Jorduashur is divided into four Jarldoms all ruled by their own jarl, who in all reality are viewed as the king by their own people. The former Jarl of Allnemark have declared himself as the highJarl of Jorduahur, and the other Jarls ignore him and his demands.   To the common Jordkaurl the clan and family are the most important organisation rather than Jarldom or Jorduashur. The clan is made up of several families who intermarry and protect each other. Each clan have a leader which speaks for them in the "Ting". The clan leader is often the most prominent adult who all the heads of the families can agree upon. Families can be of different sizes all from a few adult and children upon a farmstead to several villages. They track marriages carefully to make sure the bethroded are not to close relatives. It is considered dishonorable to see a family member fail and not doing anything to help them. If you have your family members back, they will have your back when you need them.   On the "Ting" the people meet to settle disputes between them, in a way that hopefully won´t lead to bloodshed. The lawmakers and wisemen advice the Jarl on how they should rule according to the ancient traditions. But it is the Jarl who rule. The jarl must tread a narrow path in his rulings as the clans are strong and do not have to abide the law. And if the ruling is unfair the Jarldom can easily fall down a spire of veangence and death, including the Jarls own.   The jarl who makes a ruling have to use his and the "winners" own resources to force the "loser" to abide to the rule. But often it is considered that only people of low honour refuse to abide by the ruling if it is considered fair. It might be harsh but fair.


A Jordkaurl stand tall and keeps her word. She never backs down on what she has promised, unless she can do it and keep her honour. They are fair in their behaviour, but ruthless against their enemies.   Slavery is allowed and slaves are considered on the same level in the society as animals. Most slaves are born into slavery or are taken by force on raids. The traditions on how a sentinent being can become slaves are strong and few Jords would break them. Visitor to Jorduashur and Jords are protected from becoming enslaved as long as they do not break the laws in any serious way. If they do a Jord can demand them to become enslaved as settlement. If so the slave to be are considered a free man until the next Ting, where his case will be herd. If the Ting rule that he commited the crime and have no other means to pay rather than becoming slave it becomes so. But he can ask for the right to duel to settle the conflict. If he wins the case is settled and he is a free man, and if he looses and survives he becomes a slave. Slaves can be released from slavery and considered a free Jordkaurl if his or her owner wants to release them. There are very few known examples of a slave being released because someone fell in love with them. Mainly because Jordkaurls views them as animals, and you do not fall in love with an animal. All sentient races can be taken as slaves, but Jordkaurls usually don´t enslave black bloods as they seldom are worth the problems. Even as a slave black bloods are prone to violence, lazy and eat a lot. It is also extremly uncommon for them to take dwarves as slaves as their dwarven allies would free them with force if they find out.  
Axes are considered a weapon for a real Jordkaurl and several are found in each home. The most common sword produced is a straight sword with one edge and a sharp point for stabbing. The sword is often very short and would be considered a short sword by other cultures. It is reminiscent to the Ransardian Saex. Another common weapon is the spear as well as the long bow. The shields used are roundshields and they comes in different sizes. But when Jords go to war, they only use standarised sized shields which fits the boats, and the shield wall. The chainmail shirt is the most common armour even amongst the common people. If a warrior couldn´t afford a chainmail by themselves, her clan would make sure she gets one. The helmet is a pot helmet with a plate guard covering the nose.   The Jordkaurls uses two kind of ships on a regular basis and it is uncommon for Jords to not knowing how to sail. The most common in the trade ship called "Knarr" which differ in sizes. It can be a small vessel for one or two sailors or very large and needing several sailors. Even though it is an open ship, it can handle high seas even fully ladle with trade goods. The sailors are exposed to the elements all the time but the Jordkaurls handle it stoically. The warship of the Jordkaurls is the ship type called Dragonship. It can also be of different sizes but the type always look the same. In many ways the ship rides upon the water and as such it is mobile and easy to handle. It can also travel up into rivers and easily land on shores and quickly depart when necessary. It is constructed for the Jorduashur rading culture. On the front of the ship there is a stylished dragon head carved giving the ship type its name. On the side of the ship the warriors place their shields, giving them cover from arrow and wind, but also easy access to it when jumping overboard to raid.   The Jordi language is a oral language which lacks rules for writing. There are some who uses Jori letters and writing rules but to most Jords writing is a kind of magic. As such the oral tradition is strong in Jorduashur and the only way of learning the history and laws of the land. Most of the stories of the Aesir are sung rather than told and as such it is common for the people to know how to sing and handle at least one instrument. The most common instruments found in a farm is some kind of drums and flutes.   Storytelling and music is very important and bards are important in the Jord society. All individuals whom becomes bard take an oath to the Gods where they denounce their family and heritage and swears to uphold and spread the traditions of the Jordkaurl society. The bards travel from farm to farm and in exchange for food and warmth they sing the songs of the old. Almost all bards are spellcaster within a Harmony tradition (according to Imperium Jorpagnian definitions) and they often use their spells to enhance the experience of the audience.   During the Ting and other festivites group singing and ring dancing is common, and one of the most commonly known dance is the Dance of the Frogs. The dance is very suggestive and when the deep voices of the Jordkaurls sing it, enhanced with the bards magic it is difficult even for the most pious visiting priest not to be drawn into the dance. In the dance the participants pretents to be frogs emulating a story of the Aesir trickster god. He infiltrated a enemy camp by being a frog and sacrified himself by being cooked in the stew, and as such poisoining all the enemy soldiers. Later he was revived by a God of life.   Taking the head of a defeated enemy is a very old tradition, which is declining. But in some areas it is still followed. The head is severed and proudly displayed on a spiked pole by the entrance to the homestead. If the tradition is followed to the letter the head should fall of by itself and be left for the earth to reclaim. But in Allnemark the head are usually displayed a couple of days at most until removed and buried.


In many ways Jorduashur probably have one of the most powerful navies in Ereb Altor, but it is spread out and not under the authority of the High jarl. King. The high jarl probably could on raise and control it during an invasion from external enemies. But after a little while it would scatter as the powerful leaders owning each ship would head out to gain wealth and glory.


There isn't much known about Jorduashurs ancient history, but the legends describe that before humans arrived the region where dominated by orcs and minotaurs. Around 1700 B.O. dwarves arrived to the mountains and as they found minerals in abundance they settled parts of what is now Sigsdal. They lived in relative peace with the orcs as long as the black bloods kept to the forests, and didn't disturb the dwarven woodcutters. Around 1040 B.O. a group of forest elves arrived from the south and settled the southern part of the Kard forest, where they had to fight both trolls, orcs and minotaurs. But there seemed to be something about the forest that called to the elves and they stayed. Around the same time as the Jorpagnian empire started to expand there where a large exodus west from the forests of Nargur. Most of the humans arriving settled in the regions which are now part of Ransard, but some tribes kept traveling until they arrived in the lands which is now Jorduashur. The earliest permanent settlements are from about 800 B.O. in the areas of Allnemark. The third Conflux hardly affected the people of Jorduashur, and a long period of plundering and colonizing the southern lands started. In what is now Klomellien and Magilre colonies where founded and a Jorduashur golden era started. Large amount of loot where shipped back to Jorduashur where it where mostly traded to the dwarves. The golden era lasted for a couple centuries until the native people had recovered from the conflux. The Jordkaurls where never numerous enough to develop true states and the last strongholds fell 456 A.O. at which time the king Harald Krokig where felled. In the southern part of Klomellien a small city state which where a blend of Jordkaurls and native populance prospered. But today the Jord heritage is almost reminiscient.   The centuries after the Golden era where a long period of peace and quite. Jorduashur where rich and prosperous and there where no need to plunder all the time. At most once a year each settlement sent forth a raiding party for honour and glory to the people and Gods. The raiding fleets where mostly directed toward Trakorien, Klomellien, Ransard and Kardien. But as these states started to become organised the losses grew and the loot shrinked. Today only the largest raiding fleets come back with loot worthy of legends. As such the Jordkaurls are adapting, especially in Allnemark, and the fleets are more commonly trade fleets rather than raiding fleets.     810 B.O. The conflict between the Elves in the Kard forest and the dwarves of Kûldkres culminates in what is known as "Bear night".   465 B-O. The High jarl Rotnar Storblote launches an expedition beyond the local island, and reaches the island today known as Trakorien.   320 B.O. High jarl Botvin Drake rules over all of the northern Kard, and colonies in southern Orghin, Rung, Magilre and Klommelia.   338 B.O. Friendly Jord aids merchants from Kardien in reaching the shores of Barbia to initiate trade.   412 A.O. Jorduashian raiders attacks the Erfavel cloister in Klomellien.   400-t A.O. Jarl Harald Krokig succeeds in reestablish large parts of the former Jorduashur- The eastern part of Kard and Orghin is reconcuested.   45? e.O. Den solunske upptäcktsresenären Ibram Shahalat besöker Jorduashur.   456 e.O. Harald Krokig dör.   585 e.O. Efter stridigheter i nordöstra Jorduashur upprättas jarladömet Nordal. High Jarl Toregeir Dräpa av Krakelid dör och efterträds av sin son Ulf Stupa.   597 A.O. Elfhelms rule starts.

Demography and Population

92% humans, 7 % dwarves.   Within the territory there are several tribes of black bloods which are not considered a part of the kingdom. Within the Kard forest there are a large populance of elves but they are not considered a part of Jorduahsur.   The land is very sparsly populated and there is plentiful of land for the bold to claim. But the settlers will need to be prepared to defend it as well as develop it. The inland is dominated by Black blood and beasts.


Before the humans arrived the land of Jorduashur where wild and unsettled. The Jordkaurls arrived from the south east and spread north along the coast. Around a century ago a previous unsettled part of the eastern shores of Kard where incorporated into the kingdom as a new Jarldome. Almost all human settlements are located close to the coast or other sources of water. There are a few mining settlement in the mountains and logging settlements on the outskirt of the Kard forest. Those settlements have little contact with other communities and there are settlement whom have been found empty and razed with no traces of the people. Probably attacked and looted by Black bloods.     Kard mountains: The Jorduashu people seldom travels into the mountains as there is nothing for them there. They have a few villages whom make a living from mining and stone cutting. Mostly the Jords considers the dwarves to be the rulers of Kard mountains.   Kard forest: The Kard forest is actually the only forest in Jorduashur but it is so vast that some parts of it is considered its own forest. In the southern part of the forest there is a large elven kingdom. There are villages and homesteads of the Jords represented but they seldom travel deep into the forest. In general the Jorduashu people fear the forest and consider it dangerous.


There is no formal military in Jorduashur but all important people hold a few warriors on their payroll. And each Jarl have at least a hundred of them. But as war and fighting is so ingrained into the culture almost all grown people know how to fight on individual level.   A large issue is the fact that the knowledge of tactics is low compared to the more civilized countries in the south. Also how to fight in formation is mostly only known to the employed warriors. The most often used tactics is advancing with shields up, throwing spears or axes and then charging.  There are no cavalry units in Jordashur and although there are horses they are used to travel to the battlefield. But the warriors dismount before the battle to fight on foot. There are many accomplished archer amongst the Jorduashur but they are not put into their own units, but integrates into other infantry units.   The individual fighting style is undeveloped in the Jorduashu, as is formalised training. The fighting style of Jords is based on size, strength and winning quickly by applying to much force. It is very reminiscent of the fighting style of black bloods.

Technological Level

The shipbuilding technology is very different from the ones used in Caddo and Erebos, but in many ways superior to them. Especially when used on high and wild seas. Their navigational knowledge also surpass their southern relatives.   The magical system is very different from Schola Jorpagnia and their local magic wielders seems to mix spells from different schools in ways the learned of the south do not understand. The bards or Skalds of the Jords use magical spells which are very close to the Schola Jorpagnias school of Harmony.   The Jordkaurls lacks the knowledge to build large stone structures such as cathedrals and castles, but their wooden houses surpass their southerns counterparts, when it comes to heat management and keeping chilly winds outside.   The wind- or watermill technology is unheard of and all grinding are made by hand, which is very inefffective .   The drying and smoking of food technology is very high as they need it to survive a harsh and long winter, and many recipies uses local herbs unknown of in the south. Southerners who have tasted smoked fish from Jorduashur are generally very surprised of how well it tastes.


The Jordkaurls worship the Aesirs, a polygamic religion. They also acknowledge spirits and believes the spirits of their ancestors are the one who will deem if they are worthy of a afterlife.

Foreign Relations

The relations are very strained to almost all other countries due to a long history of raiding and slave taking. The exception are the dwarven kingdom situated in Jorduashur.

Agriculture & Industry

The land is harsh and as such the acriculture is low and poor. The farms seldom deliver an abundance which can be sold. Each farm usually keeps cows, pigs, sheep and chickens apart from farming.   Many families mine mountain salt which is used locally or traded.

Trade & Transport

Although there is small unkept roads on the land, they are usually very local and goes from farm to farm to the "tingsplats" as well as trading moot. The main vessel for traveling for most Jordkaurls is the boat.


Compared to the south even the most learned Jordkaurl is uneducated. There is no formal schooling and universities are unheard of. The wise and law cunning people are taught on a personal level from other wise men. Most of them are illitarete and learn by memorising the sagas of old.


For a traveller from the south the most recognisable infrastructure is the lack of infrastructure. There are no large windmills which serves several communities. all settlements grinds their own grains by hand.   There are no paved roads but rather the roads are tracks made through history, and they go from farm to farm to local moot. Closer to larges settlements like Halle the roads have become to deep which have been solved by filling it up with gravel, but this is the exceptions.   The harbours are not built as more excavated from the local nature. Mostly they are a safe natural harbour where the locally built ships are drawn up on the shores, while the few foreign deep going ships have to cast anchor in the bay.   The strongholds of Jorduashur are surrounded by a ditch and wall with a wooden pallisade surrounding it. On the defending side the earthwork goes up high enough to give the defenders the possibilty to fire arrows on the attacker. Stone castles are unheard of in the land, and they lack the will to build them.   A typical farmstead is made up of a large wooden hall in the centre which the people sleep in with several small roundhouses for storage and animals/ slaves surrounding it. The storages are wooden houses on poles to protect them from vermin. Surrounding the small village is a ditch with earthowrks often supplemented with a wall, either made from stone or wood. Surrounding it is stakes with heads of enemies, today orcs and goblins but in the ancient times there where human heads as well. Close to most settlements is a sacrifies tree where the sacrifieses to the Gods hangs until they fall down. This is where almost all captured blackbloods ends up.


Some of the priesthood can wield magic and it is very reminiscent to what the southernes calls witchcraft as it contains both animist spells and necromantic spells.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Pale devils of the north.
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
There is no currency and no one in the kingdom mints any coins. All trade are based on direct barter where access and needs of the traders sets the prices. Gold and jewellery are more accepeted as payment in trade in Allnemark than the other Jarldoms, but are usually based on weight rather than a hypothetical value. Usually coins from other civilisations are chipped to get the right weight.   It is also common to smelt foreign coins and turn them into jewellery.
Major Exports
The metal from Jorduashur is famous and a common trade goods as is the Iron oak tree. The Jordkaurls also trade salt, fur and ember stones.
Major Imports
The main part import is still loot in form of jewellery, slaves and precious metals. When trading the most common trade goods is grain and fabric.
Legislative Body
The laws of Jorduashur are based on traditions and there are few new laws created. Theoratically the HighJarl of Jorduashur is the only one who can create new laws for the kingdom, but as there hasn't been a king accepted by all Jarls there haven't been any new laws for generations. There are no laws for the people versus the kingdom, but rather all laws are based on what an individual do against another individual. A thief stealing from the coffers of the king do not steal from the kingdom but rather from the king.
Judicial Body
The wise lawmen helps the local lord to make their rulings in accordance with the traditions on the local Ting, but it is the Jarl who makes the ruling.   A Ting is a traditional gathering of the people of each settlement on a regular basis. On a larger scale even the Kingdom have a Kings Ting once a year. As of tradition the Jarls and their followers gather in Halle on the day the sun is highest in the summer. Each Jarldom have Tings at least four time each years when the heads of all powerful families gather to settle disputes. The Tings are also the centre of trade and marriages as well.
Executive Body
The one who the Jarl rules in favour of needs to enforce the ruling, often it is not a problem as following the ruling is a matter of honour for a Jordkaurl. If there is a problem the one enforcing the law will fall back on his family and allies to support him. If it is still a problem the Jarl will support him as it is a matter of the Jarls honour that his subjects follow his rulings. But a small matter between two individuals can easliy escalate to warfare between two families, and in worst case two Jarls if they are from different parts of the country. But mostly this is avoided due to Jordkaurls strong sense of honour.
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

The trade between the two realms are increasing but so is the raiding.

No formal relations

There is no formal relations between the two nations. But Zorakin in general consider them uncivilised barbarians if they consider them at all.

As Jorduashur have raided Kardian villages they are despised and avoided. But as there is no formal contact between the countries the hostilities are handled when jorduashian raiders arrive to the shores. Kardien have no formal plans to launch a punitive fleet towards Jorduashur. Jorduashur have no formal consideration of Kardien what so ever.

Magilre despise the Jorduashuans as they regulary raids them.

Articles under Jorduashur