
Erebos is a land formed by the ocean and as such the sea plays a dominant part within its culture. The population is a free people who disdain people who lives on their parents wealth and reputation. Every Erebosian is supposed to make their own place in the world and as such they are a thriving people. The cities are bustling and merchants tries to shout louder than his neighbour in order to sell his wares. The streets are crowded and the air is salty and smell of the sea.   Erebos are made up of three rocky islands, Dakkilo, Targero and Beyural located east of Caddo. The isles are harsh, volcanic and as such fishing and seafaring have been the main trade of the Erebosians for a long time. During the years following the conflux the inhabitants of the island fell into barbarism and piracy. They lived in small tribes whose ships were involved in trading and piracy, against other settlements or other countries settlements. During the century before Odo the tribes slowly united beneath a king, and Erebos became a kingdom around the time of Odos birth.   Since Erebos lacked large fertile areas of land there weren´t any possibilty for feudalism to prosper. The nobility of Erebos where the tribes leader who controlled a large fishing fleet. As time progressed sea trade become more important and the chieftans whom controlled rich trade routes became more important.


Erebos is ruled by Five house council (FHC) in Nosthril. Each of the five most wealthy merchant houses have one representative each in the FHC and they each have one vote and the power to veto. They only take unaminous decisions and each house are responsible for enforcing the decisions.  
  • Ermini: -ett av handelshusen i Femhusrådet, Erebos styrande organ.-stärk maktbas på Beyural och i Gringul.
  • Festglade: Ett av Erebos mäktigaste handelshus. Sitter i Femhusrådet som är Erebos styrande organ. Familjen Festglade och handelshuset leds av Serafim Festglade.
  • Gararin: Ett av handelshusen i Femhusrådet som är Erebos styrande organ.
  • Hinkare: -ett av handelshusen i Femhusrådet, Erebos styrande organ. -har fula fiskar i sina led (Äventyret Edsbrytarna i Erebos).
  • Hypon: Ett av handelshusen i Femhusrådet som är Erebos styrande organ. Har kontor i Fil-Tofia och köper där upp timmer. Piraten Kapten Fontani seglade tidigare för handelshuset Hypon.


The Erebosians value speechcraft and education rather than battle prowess, and everyone needs to prove themselves rather than relying on their ancestors achievement. A warrior are seen as a tool for the merchant or politicians.   The most common sword in Erebos is the Falchion. A broad sword who sometimes is a little curved. It has a point and only one sharp edge. Amongst the wealthier it has become fashionable to have a basket hilt covering the sword hand, and it is usually made of copper and gilded. The falchion is complemented either by a small shield called a buckler or a parrying dagger.


The assets of the nation are spread amongst several merchants houses. Apart from the five large houses there are several smaller with their own assates. Each merchant houses operate their own merchant fleets, warehouses and production facilities.


136 e.O.: På ön Tolokfe hittar odosmunkar kronan som en gång tillhörde kejsaren av Jorpagna. Exarken skänker kronan till de så kallade korfurstarna i Jorpagna. Hur kronan hamnade på Tolokfe är okänt. 392 e.O.: Sjöslag mellan Zorakin och Felicien utanför Targeros sydöstra udde. Slaget är det största och det avgörande i Sjökriget (370-394 e.O.) mellan Zorakin och Felicien. 400-talet e.O.: Beybergen är det enda ställe i Ereb där man funnit solstenar. Utvinning av och handel med dessa lägger grunden till den erebosiska rikedomen. Erebos' köpmän börjar därmed på allvar handla med resten av världen och skaffar sig ensamrätt på flera viktiga handelsrutter, bl.a. dem på Akrogal och Sombatze. Stormännen, som styr de erebosiska öarna, ser sin makt minska, då de inte kan kontrollera köpmännens handel. De försöker behålla kontrollen med hjälp av krigsfartyg, men situationen är ohållbar. 488 e.O.: Erebosisk handel stärks ytterligare när erebosiern Vedort vinner generösa handelsrättigheter i Torshem och därmed genom det viktiga Nidapasset och med dvärgarna i Kihzâr-Khôn. 512 e.O.: Det stora inbördeskriget. Erebos' köpmän gör uppror mot stormännen. 514 e.O.: Femhusrådet bildas efter att köpmännen gått segrande ur konflikten med stormännen. Femhusrådet blir Erebos' regering och riksdag. 518 e.O.: Femhusrådet förbjuder den Lysande Vägen och dess fåtaliga anhängare fördrivs eller avrättas. Caddo, Zorakin och Kardien protesterar och förklarar Erebos krig, men blir tacksamma för de hantverkare som flyr till deras länder, främst till Caddo och Zorakin. All handel upphör. 520 e.O.: Formell fred sluts mellan Zorakin-Kardien och Erebos efter det att Femhusrådet upphävt sitt förbud av Lysande Vägen och betalat ett symboliskt skadestånd. Handeln återupptas. Den Lysande Vägen växer sig starkare än någonsin på Erebos. Caddo inbegrips inte av avtalet. 579 e.O.: Femhundra tungt rustade riddare och legosoldater från Erebos, Zorakin och Felicien landstiger på Tolokfe. Ingen återvänder levande. Några sargade kroppar kastas ut till flottan som väntar. 588 e.O.: Ett av handelshuset Hypons kaptener, Kapten Fontani, kapar sitt eget skepp och blir en ökänd pirat och ledare för ”De Fria Bröderna”, en mindre piratflotta. 598 e.O.: Föreskrifterna, ett dokument som säger att all handel måste dokumenteras och kopior sändas till Femhusrådet så att detta kan kontrollera verksamheten, upprättas. 603 e.O.: Det första erebosiska handelsfartyget kapas av feliciska fribytare och en diplomatisk protestkampanj inleds. Under de kommande åren ökar de feliciska övergreppen och de erebosiska fartygen börjar färdas med tyngre eskort, vilket hjälper föga. Alltfler dåd av pirater med kaparbrev från Felicien utförs. Caddo och Erebos förblir bittra fiender, men tvingas närma sig varandra för att möta det gemensamma hotet från den expansiva fienden Felicien. Röster för krig börjar höjas.

Demography and Population

Althought Erebos is a human nation other species are found within their borders. Halflings are found on all island, often living in their own settlements. They are seldom found working as fishermen or sailors, but their wine and ale are sought after by many lords.   Invånarantal: 1 250 000
  • Humans 85%
  • Other 15%
  • Territories

    Erebos are made up by three islands, Dakkilo, Targero and Beyural. There is a fourth island called Tolokfe who is very close, but the cyklops inhabiting it have resisted all attempts of invasion.   Beyural The most southwest island is also the most fertile of the three islands, and is officially considered to be the heart of the nation. The island have the largest populance, the most cities and ports. The largest city, Gringul, is with its many palaces a jewel of the Coppersea. It is also a large trading port where the trade routes of the east meets the trade routes from the west. Gringul is mostly built on a small island in the delta of the river Elspets, and several chanels makes it only passable by boat. The southern parts of the island makes up for more than half of the nations agricultural production. Free farmers who either own their own land or are employed by one who do cultivate Hersch and stonefruits, as well as dairy productions. On Beyural the remnants of the old forests remains, and are protected by law from being cut down If someone are granted the right to cut down trees they are forced to plant twice as many. The mountains on Beyural divides the island into into a eastern and western part, and the harsh and unfertile mountain lanscape make up half of the island. the mountains are mineral poor with one exception. It is the only place the "sun stones" have been found. The other cities on the islans; Jachindo, Behrill, Josch and Yrrtik are all smaller trade cities with large fishing ports. The bad communications on land makes boat the common way of transportation between the cities.   Dakkilo Dakkilo is the smallest of the island and the only city is the large capital Nosthril. The administrational centre of Erebos. The rest of the island is made up by grazing ground for sheep and goats, and only closley surrounding the capitals are some agriculture. The city make up of 75% of the island population. The longwooled Erebosian sheep are the basis for the famous Erebosian wool which is sold in the north and also Kardien and Felicien. It is very expensive.   Targero Targero is the largest but also the poorest of the islands. But it would be a lie to claim that it is poor. The trade is rich in the south where the two large cities Thurbel and Klostbro. Smaller fishing communities are found around the islands rocky coast, and fishing is the largest economy on the island.The people from Targero are in general stronger and more well trained then other Erebosians. Most soldiers in the navy is from Targero. There are a few fishing villages who specialises in catching the large Copperhead whale. It is a dangerous trade as a fully grown Copperhead whale can destroy even a large fishing boat. And as the copperhead whale are targeted by large sharks falling in the water usually means the demise of the poor soul. In the mountains of Targero there are many ruins from the ancient Empire of Jorpagna. Targero where the only island who where colonized by the empire. The ruins are avoided by the locals, but foreign adventurers and scholars sometimes mounts expeditions up the mountains. Targero is the only island where the Black bloods are found. There seems to be a healthy population of mountain orcs and cave trolls in the mountains. If the food is scarce and the black bloods are starving they some times raid the Erebosians, but mostly they avoid them. There are rumours about even more dangerous monsters such as, perytons, hydras, basilisks and even wyvyerns.   Tolokfe The island of the cyklops. Tolokfe is a large mountain island located close to Targero. It is not part of the Erebos nation as it is populated by Cyklops who makes sure that no persons enters the island. There have been a few attempts to invade the island but they have all failed. It is unknown when the Cyklops took over the island as it was populated during the Empire.


    The bulk of Erebosian forces are the forces of the trading houses. The equipment differs between the houses but they are all proffessionals and well motivated.
      The national army are made up by proffessional soldiers and payed for by the FHC using taxes collected. The army is small but strong and well disciplined. Mostly it is made up by infantry and engineers as it is meant to defend or siege cities. There are a few cavalry units which are light and mostly used for scouting and harrasing. A ordinary infantry man are equipped with a heavy crossbow, hand weapon and a pavish shield. The armour is heavy with multiple layers of protection. The fighting style is slow moving and defensive. A specialised form of elite infantry men of Erebos army is units of pikemen which also carries a two handed sword called Flamberge. In many ways they are specialised in countering the feudal knights, especially when they are supported by heavy crossbow soldiers.   The national navy are made up by ships made for combat and crewed by proffessional mercenaries whom also are trained sailors. The term used for them is mariners. They are equipped with a bow, falchion and a buckler. And often have heavy armor as well. The most common use of ship is the Caravell, a new type of ship on the Copper sea. It is unclear if Erebos or Caddo where the first to develop and construct the ship type. There are some old galleys which are used for close shore patrol. Apart from the national navy, most trade houses have ships which can be transformed into warship if necessary.
        All forces are meant to be able to function on sea and land and as such they are made up of heavy infantry and archers. Cavalry are very uncommon and only light cavalry. The strategy of Erebos is based on marine operations and sieges.

    Technological Level

    The technological and scientific level is high on the island. Erebosians ships are well built and they are amongst the best in the copper sea. Their ships have a tendency to favour bulk rather than speed, but it is not a rule.


    The majority of Erebosians follow the new gods, and some follow the old, amongst them the worship of Fraschikel is the strongest. The Caddo version of The shining path is forbidden while the mainland version are allowed and spread.

    Foreign Relations

    Erebos work hard to maintain a civil or friendly relation with almost all known civilisations as it is good for trade. But of course there is exceptions.   The relationship with Caddo is very strained as they are both trading nations competing hard with each other. Caddos conservative interpretion of The shining path is a problem, as Erebos main religion is the main land interpretion. But also as Erebos is not very religious and allow other religions to co exist with The shining path. An opening in the relation is that both Erebos and Caddo are targeted by Felicien in their corsair war.   In all effect Erebos is at war with Felicien. It is a low intensity war where Felicien grants letters of marque to corsair which target ships from Erebos and Caddo. Many Morelwidynian and Sombatze pirates have answerd the call and are attacking. In response Erebos are strengthening their navy and having them escort their merchant vessels. The Felicians are responding to having Erebosian warships in their waters by strengthening their navy and army.

    Agriculture & Industry

    Erebos is not a agricultural nation, as the islands have never delivered an abundance. The produce delivered by the local farmers is sparse and only cover a small part of the local needs. Mostly only the poor people buy locally produced seeds or vegetables. On the other hand fishing is abundant and almost all households owns a boat. Even for those living inland have access to different kind of fish through trade. Apart from fishing other produce from the sea which is edible are abundant. Most pigs and cows are fed different kinds of kelp, rather than grain. Also oysters are a every mans food.   The Erebosians have a big industry where they buy the raw materials and enhance them into trade value. There are whole villages who produce pottery which is sold to the trade houses. The pottery made are large pottery for storage of large quantities of grain or oils.

    Trade & Transport

    The five large trade houses dominates the international trade, while the smaller houses are mainly focused on the internal trade. Of course some of the smaller houses cooperate with one of the larger houses on the international market.


    By law all Erebosians should be able to read, write and simple math. The noble or rich merchants are the one who are to pay for it.


    On Erebos the main means of travel is the boat and as such there are few built roads on the islands. There are tracks from wagons and people who have evolved into a road system, but is not maintained or patroled.
    Geopolitical, Country
    Government System
    Power Structure
    Unitary state
    Economic System
    Market economy
    Major Exports
    • Shellfish, fish
    • Jewellery
    • Cloth
    • Crafted items such as pottery
    Major Imports
    • Lumber
    • Grain
    Legislative Body
    Five House Council suggests and votes on the laws who are mandatory for the whole of Erebos.
    Judicial Body
    Each of the houses are interpreting the laws
    Executive Body
    Each of the houses are enforcing the laws.
    Controlled Territories
    Neighboring Nations
    Related Species
    Related Ethnicities

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