
Located on an large island in the Copper sea, just south of Zorakin is the ancient nation Caddo. Caddo is the name of the nation as well as the island in itself. It has always been a free nation and were never a part of the Jorpagnian Empire. And as such neither the language or the people are of the jori stock.   Caddos political system is very unusual compared to the countries surrounding them in the Copper sea. It is an early form of democracy and has a far reaching view of equality amongst all citizen of Caddo. The Dalks consider all persons of equal worth and judge them based on their work and deeds rather than their birthright. A view which irritates visiting nobles to a high degree.   Caddo is divided into 37 cantons whom all have a degree of self rule. In all Canton there is a council whom rules over the subjects for a time. The council members are elected and each citizen in the canton have one vote each.   The political system is stable but not without strife as twelve of the Cantons are dominated by trading cities while the rest are agriculture Cantons. The merchants want an interfereing foreign policy with free trade, while the agricultural farming Cantons wants an more conservative protective policy. But as the Cantons are quite free it is often possible to settle the issues.


Caddo is a country divided into 37 cantons whom are part of a whole but have a high degree of self rule. The Caddian council are responsible for foreign policy, the navy and army, large building projects like roads crossing several Cantons. While each local Canton is responsible for themselves and local decisions. The political system in Caddo is stable but not without strife as twelve of the Cantons are dominated by trading cities while the rest are agriculture Cantons. The merchants want an interfereing foreign policy with free trade, while the agricultural farming Cantons wants an more conservative protective policy. But as each Canton is quite free do as they please the issues are often easily settled.   Each Canton is ruled by a council whose members are elected by the people in the Canton. Each adult citizen of the canton have one vote in the open elections held anually.


The people of Caddo are highly religious and almost everyone follows the shining path in the Caddoist way. And as such all magic are forbidden on the island. It isn´t to say there is no magic, but rather that it is hidden from plain view.    As in all societies there is of course a difference between people based on wealth and status in Caddo. But unlike many other societies the status of a person is based on what he or she has done, rather than whose parents you have. But of course if your parents are rich and powerful, you will have much more opportunities to accomplish something, than if your parents are poor fishermen by the coast.

Public Agenda

To extend its trade power and the teachings of Odo. To incorporate the heretical mainland church of the Shining path into the fold.


A very large trade fleet.


There isn´t much known of Caddo before the Conflux or during the dark years afterwards, as the locals did not have any written languages. The scholars have used some oral tales to puzzle pieces together which seems to indicate that the Dalcoi people invaded the island and conqured it from a non human barbaric people. According to some scholars it was orcs but other claims other species. But it seems the Dalcoi people kept to themselves and there are only a few brief mentions about them in the surviving annals from ancient civilizations.   What is known is that in the year 312 B.O. a local noble managed to unite the Dalcoi people and following the trends in the surrounding lands he declared himself king of Caddo. in the year 102 A.O. the royal family went extinct and the powerful nobles could not agree on who where the rightful king of Caddo. A devastating civil war erupted and Caddo where divided into small tribes or lesser kingdoms. In the year 111 A.O. a marshal named Gerlo the Tall managed to gather enough powerful leaders to a council, where he suggested a new way to rule Caddo. At the same time as the council where held, many of the old noble leaders dissipeared without a trace. The conclution of the council where to accept the suggestion and they swore the Arno-oath. The Arno-oath stipulates that no wars would be fought between people of the Dalcoi.   During the 200th A.O. new markets where opened in the east through the Zoraki invasions of the lands. Caddo used the opportunity to mend new contacts and strong business partners in the conqured lands, leading to Caddo having strong positions in the trade with spices, herbs, rare cloths like silk, gold and diamonds. The lucruative trade turned Caddo in to a strong power in the area and when the teachings of Odo started to spread and Crusades against Morelvidyn where sent out, Caddian forces were well represented within them.

Demography and Population

Most inhabitants of Caddo are the Dalcoi people. They make up almost 95% of the inhabitants of Caddo. The only way for a foreigner to be granted citizenship in Caddo is to marry a citizen. And as they are a island nation there are few possibilities for other than merchants and travellers to meet foreigners.   There are a few tribes of mountain orcs remaining high up in the mountains. They are no threat to the surrounding areas and the few times a raid happens they are often defeated by the organized Dalcoi. If they could the Dalcoi would eradicate them, but fighting high up in the mountains would most likely lead to utterly defeat, and it is not really worth it.


Caddos only territory is the island of Caddo


The military of Caddo is divided between the Caddian army and each Cantons own small forces. The Caddian army is a small but highly trained and experienced full time army of proffessional soldiers. In case of invasion the Caddian militia is raised consisting of almost all able men. Most Caddians are well trained longbow archers as it is almost a cultural trait. The Cantons own small forces are purly defensive and are a mix of military and protectors of the law. The infantry of Caddian army is based around large units of longbow archers, supplemented by small forces of mobile infantry. The cavalry is light and ofen used a scouts and harrassers. The tactics used are often defensive and Caddian forces are well versed in building defensible field fortifications.     The navy is strong and well trained with large combat experience. The ships are considered amongst the best ships on the Copper sea. It is unclear if Caddo or Erebos where the first to develop and construct the Caravelle type of ship, but they both use it extensively.
The mariners onboard are often trained bowmen, although they can't use the longbow on board the ships. They are often lightly equipped with a handaxe and a small shield.   The most common sword is a short sword reminiscent of the Erebosian Falchion. The more conservative knigths use a double edged longsword and heather shield. Amongst the young rich there is a trend of using a thin rapier with a more dueling style of fighting.

Technological Level

Caddo is considered to be amongst the best shipbuilders of all nations.


Caddo follow the shining path in a very conservative way. All magic is forbidden on Caddo to the point of death.

Foreign Relations

Caddo have for a long time been an involved trade nation, meaning that they had to be active in their foreign policies for good and for bad. Caddo is involved in several different market through their trade families and banking system.   Caddo is involved in a trade- / piracy war between them and Erebos.   Caddos relationship to Kardien is very bad, and both tries to pretend the other doesn´t exist.   Caddos relationship with most of Zorakin are cold but they are open to trade, and as long as religion is not talked about they can cooperate.   Caddo have good relations with Berendien and Felicien.   Caddo do not recognize the Witchmaster or Goina as realms.

Agriculture & Industry

The agriculture is well developed on Caddo and plains are well watered through the waters trickling down from the mountains. The farmers are free and own their own lands making it possible for them to choose what to grow each year depending on the soil and other secrets they know. Even on a good year in Zorakin a farmer from Caddo gets a larger output than his Zoraki peers.   The forests are no longer viable for shipbuilding and almost all timber are imported. But the shipbuilding technuiqe are well developed and the ships they sell more than make the money back again. As the shipwrights have sold ships to Felicien, they have had to relearn how to create obsolete shiptypes but in a modern way. Which means that the new Trimeres they deliver to Felicien are a mix of old and new, working together.   The wineries of Caddo are well renowned and even though it is banned in Kardien it is a well known secret that bottles of wine from Caddo is served at the nobles tables.   The banks of Caddo are recognized as very stable and trustworthy and as such they are represented in many countries. The stability of the political system of Caddo are represented in the banks.   The merchant families Huggins and Medicini are well known in countries surrounding Caddo.

Trade & Transport

Caddo is a wealthy nation and that wealth is based on its extensive and far reaching trade routes. They have extensive trade with Morelvidyn and suffer very few pirate attacks in their water.


The level of education is high amongst the commoner as schooling for a few years are mandatory in all Cantons. The schooling are often done by Riarks turning them into theology schooling as well. The Caddian theology schools are considered amongst the best in the known world.

Etin is all.

Founding Date
111 A.O.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
Ships, grain, wine, crafts
Major Imports
Timber, metal
Legislative Body
Caddo is ruled by elected officials representing the 37 cantons of Caddo. the Caddian council are responsible for foreign policy, the navy and army, large building projects like roads crossing several Cantons, Couriers over several cantons, suggesting laws covering all cantons, and solving disputes between the Cantons.   The Caddo council suggests laws whom are to be part of all Cantons, and they have to be accepted by 2/3 of the cantons representatives to be accepted as laws.
Judicial Body
Each canton have its own council which are responsible to interpreting their own as well as Caddian laws.
Executive Body
The council cantons are responsible for enforcing the laws and each of them use different methods. A common is having a early kind of police force who investigates and captures the perpetrators. They are then tried by the council.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities