
Giants makes their homes high up in the mountains far from civilisation, where they are left alone. They life a simple life as farmers. Their culture is simple and the technology level is on stone age. With their size and strength there is no need to attain a higher level. Their communities are often small with only a handful adults living together. They prefer being outdoors as their thick skin can handle most weather. But their communities often have a large cave as the centre where they seek shelter during thunder storms.   They usually dress in skin and fur or in simple clothing.   Now and then a giant are exiled from the tribe. These giants often are violent and malicious. They seek themselves towards other civilisations where they steal and rampage, until they are killed. These giants are the giants which human civilastions often encounter and from which their views on giants are founded
60 60 22 11 10 11 9
KP: 42, SB:+4t6, L18, Skin 1 pt abs, 2 fists 5, 1 kick 5, 1 close combat weapon 6, Upptäck fara 5, Climb 2

Basic Information


Giants are clearly a copy of humans, but way bigger.

Ecology and Habitats

Most giants makes their homes high up in the mountains on plateus which they have cultivated for generations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Giants have the same dietary needs as humans but also absorbs nutirents from the magical and spirit world. As such they do not eat as much as concieved by their size.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Giants live in small communities which keep in touch with each other through magical means. They are usually aware of what is happening in other giant communities and travel regulary, either through the material realms or by opening portals. They often marry close relatives but never siblings or parents. They are immune to inbreeding.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyesigth is weaker than humans but their sense of smell is higher.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Stone age

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Giants are seclusive against other species and try not to interact with them. In general they are peaceful and keep to themselves. They are aware of other species but the most interaction they have is black bloods which they detest. Giants have a tendency to consider all small species to be black bloods and therefore kill them on sigth.
300 years, they grow old from 200 years
Average Height
6 meters
Average Physique
They are mainly farmers and work hard, which tends to give them a well built demenaour.
Geographic Distribution