The Forest of Brynhildur

Brynhildur forest stretches throughout the north western part of Zorakin, forming a barrier against the Aidne mountains. Although it is a pine forest there are stretches of oaks and other leaved trees as well. The leaf tree parts of the forest is to be found in the southern parts of the forest. The forest is plentiful with various kinds of herbs and different fungus which a multitude of game animals feed upon. Wolves and bears are the more common of the mundane predators which are dangerous to humans. But the forest are also well known to be infested with monsters, and the people whom are making a living from the forest usually traverse it in groups.   Two large tribes of goblins make their homes in the forest and poses a danger for villages in proximity of the forest. The tribes are at war with each other, but mainly tries avoid large battles. The tribes are known as The Black Eyes and Red Daggers. The tribes roam the forest divided into larger groups as hunter/ gatherers and some times smaller groups raid the human settlements or live as bandits in the human lands. Apart from the settled tribes there are groups of blackbloods who come down from the Aidne mountains to make a living in the forests.   Recently elves immigrating to Brynhildur have started up a small community in the far east of the forest. The community is called Green leaves, and is located in a clearing amongst ancient oak trees. Although it is a small community they are strong enough to fend for themselves in the forest. It is home to some very powerful magicians as well as fighters. The community have a little trade with human settlements close by.   It is said that somewhere in the forest there are ruins of a mage college whom were abandoned during the conflux. And that there also should be ruins from towns and castles from the ancient Jorpagna.


The forest is located at the base of Aidne mountain range and stretches inward the range. There are few plain areas of the forest making it hard to traverse, unless you find a animal trail. As the forest are situated close to the base of and extending into the Aidne mountains the land are filled with small creeks and ponds. This makes the forest teeming with life, but also makes the trees large and well developed. As the sun find it hard to penetrate the trees it is almost always gloomy at the forest floor.   Throughout the forest there are minor mountains whose peaks are still covered by the forests, but the sides are steep and stony.


The ecosystem is fully developed with many forms of life. Mostly it is mundane creatures but it is well known that monsters make their homes in the forest and its small mountainpeaks.

Fauna & Flora

The forest is full of life and anywhere you go you will most likely find some kind of animal. In the forest you will find bear, boars, deer, numerous small game, rodents and birds. As well as snakes, toads and insects.   In some of the higher peaks of the forest there are packs of Harpies making it their home. An experienced traveler, as well as most animals can smell them from far away as their filth is obnoxious. Usually they make their nests in crags of the mountainsides making them hard to reach.   There are no know nest of Hippogriffs in the forest, but Hippogriffs from the Aidne mountains some times hunt in the clearings.   In the deepest and darkest valleys of the forest is well known for giant spiders to inhabit, making them a deadly place to visit. But as many rare herbs grow within these valleys, there are still people visiting them.   The legends tells of Skogsrån (lady of the forest) luring males away.   The forest is known as a home for wyverns and their offsprings. They usually make their nests within the higher parts of the forests, where they spend the day basking in the sun on the open rocks.

Natural Resources

Lumber, fungus, herbs and game.


The forest allegedly got its name from a young noblewoman who got eaten by Wyverns . According to the legend she was the fairest of women in the realm and the envy of all. Males adored her and tried to win her heart. But she was a wild young women who saw no need for marriage. One day a suitor took her by force and scared and tattered she ran into the forest where she got eaten by wyvyerns.   It is said that Brynhildurs ghost still haunts the forest seeking vengenace upon the suitor who raped her. Lady of the forests whom exist in the forest are some times called Daughters of Brynhildur, and it is said that her ghost conjured them to punish the men.


Herbalists looking for herbs.   Hunters looking for game.   Loggers chopping down trees.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
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