Humanised Dwarves

Dwarves whom have left or been forced to leave their ancestral homes for any reason, might choose to not come back. Some times they choose to settle in human socities as part of them. Within their new home or through travels they might find a spouse and have children. And these children are raised within their new homes, haveing to cope with at least two cultures. The human they live in and the dwarven from their families.  The more pragmatic ( a common dwarven trait) of these dwarves consider themselves a citizen of the human realm they live in and adapt their culture to fit within it. Mostly they honour their dwarven heritage but if they would be forced to choose they would choose the human culture.  Common life choices for dwarves are traders and merchants, but also craftsmen are very common.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Humanised dwarves often try to humanise the traditional dwarven names.


Major language groups and dialects

It is common for humanised dwarves to make sure their kids know how to read, write and speak dwarfish as well as the common human language used by the country they live in.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Humanised dwarves to like to spend time with other humanised dwarves within the community, but they avoid living close to each other. They disdain when clan dwarves settle in a city and create their own dwarvish settlement within the human settlement. It might even lead to hostility between the dwarves.
Encompassed species