Duchy of Saittlebeux

The Duchy of Saittlebeux form the north western part of Zorakin, and as such it share borders with Kardien. It is also the duchy closest to the Witchmaster of the blacktower, and during the course of history have bore the brunt of the raids.   To the west Saittlebeaux is contained by the river Stirpaz and the border of Kardien. To the north the thick forest of Brynhildur separates the Duchy from the Aidne-mountain. To the south east the orc infested Toril forest contain the growth of the Duchy.       Monsters and other beings:
  • Harpies: The duchy contains many smaller mountains and cliffs in which Harpies makes their homes. Although not common close to human settlements they are a nuisance for most travelers in the Duchy. Especially to the north where the cliffsides becomes more common.
  • Wyverns/ Dragon serpents: Although far from common the Duchy is a known home for them. Almost all baronies have some known location where dragonserpents have made their home. Usually they live in the Aidnemountains, but sometimes they wander through the Brynhildur forest to find new hunting grounds.
  • Fell beast(Flygödla): In the northern part of the Duchy Fell beasts some times comes flying in from the Aidne mountains in search for food. There are no known nests within the Duchy, but on the other side there are large areas where no humans ever ventures.
  • Hippogriffs: There are several known nesting sites of the Hippogriffs within the Duchy.
  • Hydra: There are no known Hydras within the realm, but they are known to live in the Aidne mountains. Throughout history single speciments have been known to migrate south into the duchy. It is over twenty years since the last known Hydra were killed, by a band of heroes.
  • Giant spiders: Within the Brynhildur and Toril forest there have been sightings of Giant spiders, but they have never ventures forth from the forests.
  • Manticore: There are stories of Manticore sightings within the duchy, but they are unconfirmed. All indications are that they have been traveling through the duchy in search for something, rather than being a permanent feature.
  • Lady of the forest (Skogsrå): The brynhildur forest is well known for having a population of Ladies if the forest.
  • Najads: There are many stories of Najads being seen or interacted with within the many lakes and small rivers within the duchy.
  • Oreads: There are many stories about Oread sightings within the the hard to reach valleys of the Duchy.
  • Giants: giants are known to exist within the Aidne mountains, at it is not unknown for them to be seen within the duchy. There are no present stories of them attacking human settlements or being a threat.
  • Trolls: Within both Brynhildur and Toril forest there are known groups of Forest trolls. Within the Duchy the Cave trolls are a more common threat than any one wants to admit. There are no known caves where they hide as if there would be they would be hunted down. But it is well known band of them exists within the duchy. Locals Lord always pays bounty for proof of troll kills.


As this Duchy is the former Kingdom of Raxoria many of the Raxorian nobles demands that it should be a granted to a Raxorian noble.   Three Counties
  • County of Fort la Nord
  • County of Allithiaore (Penner count and Raxorian barons)
  • County of Faranoueruex (Raxorian count)
The Dukes council
  • Senechal, Eman La Folle:


The Duchy of Saittlebeaux is a stronghold for the Raxorians of Zorakin which makes their culture the most proficient within the duchy. They celebrate all the ordinary Zoraki festivities but also have their own. The Penner ruling class usually allows them to do it, but a few dukes have sometimes tried to repress the Raxoiran culture in favor for the more Zoraki.

Public Agenda

The current Duke is funneling resources northward to create new baronies, in what is now the Brynhildur forest. The unsettled lands are considerd part of the Duchy, but the counts point of view are that they are the owners of the lands and not the Duke.


The castle for the Duke is located outside Tofia. The duchy also owns one of the largest iron mines in Zorakin.


The duchy were formed a few years after Zorakin when the King of Zorakin and the tribe of the Penner slayed the last king of the Raxorian kingdom and subjugated the Raxorian people.   In the years 484 to 485 disaster hit the duchy and the duke died with no heir. Many of the nobility died as well in diseases or accidents and then a large horde of blackbloods invaded the duchy. In the aftermath the only surviving count, Depardieu Hachel de Solaris, was elevated to duke by the King and the family still holds the duchy and three baronies within the duchy.

Demography and Population

  • Raxorians 50%
  • Legerdians 25%
  • Penner10%
  • Other 15%


The western border of The duchy are made up of the Stirpiz river witch divides Zorakin from Kardien. As part of a peace agreement of old between the two nations the Stirpiz where made a free use river.   There are a few baronies which have large set of lands where there are no human settlements, and as the Duke have many unlanded nobles he tries hard to get the Barons to grant the land to them.   Within the Duchy there are many hidden and forgotten ruins from the Imperium Jorpagnia, Raxorian kingdom and even the Lindskiarn Kingdom. Sometimes a treasure hunter returns with loot, other they do not return at all. As the peasants are very superstitious these ruins are said to be haunted or defended by demons and monsters. Sometimes they are right.


The Duke has a very strong set of forces complemetent with his personal knights. The duke can also call upon his counts and their forces as part of the feudal vow.

Foreign Relations

The capitol Saittlebeaux is Tofia which is connected to its sister city Fil on the other side of the river Stirpitz. Apart from several ferries the two cities are connected through a large bridge erected during the Old Jorpagna empire.

Agriculture & Industry

The northern parts of the Duchy relies on lumbering and quarries complemented with mining as the main source of income. The further south you get the more farming and other agricultural industries you will find. The river also produces a lot of fish which is dried and exported in small quantities.

Trade & Transport

From Tofia the kings road heads southward toward Pendonne. The Stirpiz river leads northward but also connets Kardien with zorakin. Tofia is the major reloading place for tradegoods between land and sea.    The roads heading inlands are mostly tracks that have evolved through out years. The duke have been building roads between Tofia and other important places.


  • The Kings road
  • Stirpitz river


Carradon Desoil - A middle aged man and fanatic. He looks down an all whom are not human as they according to his interpretion of the teachings of Etin are twisted forms of humans, transformed by lesser spirits and therefore not pure. If he could, he would have Aelthinii driven from the castle, and preferably flogged as well. Carradon is the duchys "bontisal".
Founding Date
66 B.O.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
As they are a part of Zorakin, they use the Zorakian currency. But as the Kardian city Fil, more or less are interetwined with Tofia there is a large influx of Kardian currency. And as such in the part of the Duchy close to Tofia they are more or less considerd a official currency.
Legislative Body
The Duke writes the laws, as long as they do not contradict Zoraki or church law.
Judicial Body
The duke is the interpreter of law, but he has delegated minor lawbreaks to the "sherriffs" of his own fief
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species

Articles under Duchy of Saittlebeux