Imperium Jorpagnum


The empire at the height of it power stretched far and beyond. In order to administrate such a large land and vast populance it had to both centralise and decentralise the power.   The leader of the empire were the emperor who either inherited the throne, or took it by force. The emperor ruled from the capital Grivelda where all the central institutions also had their bases. Within the empires administration there were no hereditatary titles, instead all who worked or lead within the administration were payed from the empires coffers. The emperor were the chairman of a senate consisting of 200 senators whose families appointed them. The senate appointed all civil servants within the empire, but had the right to delegate downwards within the chain of command. The emperor retains full control of the Imperial Army and the appointment of all officers. Neither the prokurator or the patricians are allowed to have armed forces. As such a procurator who feel their province are threatened have to ask the emperor to send more legions to defend the province, and as such the empire.   The empire were divided into the several provinces who were led by a prokurator who has far fetching rights to rule his province. But they answer to the senate who has the right to strip them of their title.    Approximatly 1 % of the empires inhabitants are a part of the nobility called patricians. They own most of the land in the empire and production facilities. Most of their days are spent reading philosphy, lobbying the senators, drinking wine or planning a party.   Citizens or plebejs make up 30 % of the populance and they are free people who are Jori through and through. They have the right to be judged by Imperial law, a right which is not for those living in the empire and are beneath Plebejs.   Humiliatores are free people of any race which are not granted citizenship. They are protected by the imperium and are allowed to own houses and things, but not land. But if they break a law, they are not allowed to defend themselves and have to make sure a citizen wants to talk for them. Otherwise a administrator will decide the outcome and the humiliatore can do nothing to stop it. Humiliatores make up 50 % of the empires populance.   Slaves are the lowest of the lowest. They are considered their owners property and have few rights. Two rights they have is the right to their own money and the right to buy their freedom.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of The Imperium Jorpagnum depends on the Emperor.


The Imperium Jorpagnium were on the decline when the third conflux happened. It could not handle the death of som many of its citizen, or the loss of trade and logistics. Although local powers tried to hold it together it was clear that the empire had crumbled. There is no official date or year when everyone agreed that the empire ended, but all agree it is the third conflux who is to blame.

Demography and Population

Imperium Jorpagnum were created by humans and they are the dominant race within the system. Amongst humans Jori are the most common human ethnicity as they live in what is the core of the Imperium Jorpagnum. Other large ethnicities are Hynsolgians and in some part Jorified Nargurian barbarians. It is common for the empire to integrate other ethnicities and Jorify them.   Elves are impossible to integrate and transform into Jori, but they are accepted as inhabitants as long as they follow the laws and pay their taxes. But as they don´t serve in the army or navy it is impossible for them to reach high posititions in the society.   Dwarves are hard to integrate but they generally think more like humans and can adapt better. As such more dwarves are seen in higher positions in the empire. They are especially found in the more production and economical parts of the empire.    All other species arre insignificant and if accepted as citizens they will never reach any level of importance.


At its height the empire held the northern coast of the Copper sea and land up to Mirel in the north west.


Imperium Jorpagnum have the largest armed forces Ereb Altor have ever seen. It is made up of proffessional soldiers whom recieve their payment in coins. The imperium keep them armed and armoured and as such all their equipment is standard, making logisitics more manageble.   The emperor controls the army as a whole and dictates which legions are to be sent where and what goals they are to achive. The Emperor also nomimnates all higher officers and as such making sure they are loyal to him.   The soldiers in the army are well trained and the discipline is high, as long as they are well fed and payed. When they are not engaged in combat they spend their time training and drilling, but also enhancing fortifications and patroling. As such most soldiers are very good at secondary skills such as smithing, carpentry or shoemaking. Within large groups of soldiers there usually develops an internal economy where they buy services of each other.   The Imperium Jorpagnum army is based around the Legion. A legion is most commonly heavy infantry organised in a set pattern. The core is the maniple made up of 40 soldiers. 15 maniples makes a kohort which is the basic force for maneuvering on the battlefield. A legion is made up of 8 kohorts. A infantry soldier are equipped with a large shield, a spear and short sword. He wears a metal cuirasse with a leather kilt, leater arm- and leg braces. On the head he has a pot helmet with chin protection. Of the 8 kohort one is usuallay a kohort of archers. They carry a shortbow and a short sword. For protection they wear a studded leather harnesk and a leather cap. Their role is to scout and harass the enemy and are not expected to melee.   Cavalry   Auxiliaries and support troops.


Within the empire all religions who asks their followers to accept the emperor as their rulers are accepted. Within the nobility few are religious and pray to any God, making religion very powerless in the empire. Religion is considered something you do in private.

Foreign Relations

Most uncivilized barbarian tribes look upon their powerful neighbour with fear and envy.


The Jorpagnium law is written down and take up several books, which have been copied and spread throughout the empire. The laws are well written and clear.

Agriculture & Industry

Most land are owned by patricians who runs the agriculture on a industrial level, were slaves do most of the hard labour. Plebej orHumilatorese seldom own land enough to feed themselves or being able to sell any extra. Usually they grow fruint or vegetable to get a bit of variance in the food, all other food are bought at the closest market, where the patricians servants sell their produce. They often make an their income as workforce on a Patricians estates or as craftsmen.   All mining, quarry or materials production are owned by the Patricians. Many ordinary people make their living as manufacturers in a cottage industry production. In order to keep the army supplied with standardised equipment Patricians and the Emperors have set up large production facilities whom also sells bits and pieces to the populace.

Trade & Transport

As the empire is so large and consists of different provinces with all manners of cultures within, the internal trade is enough to generate wealth. Of course there is trade with surrounding tribes and kingdoms, but it is insignificant compared to the internal trade. Amongst the Patricians it is common that they get fascinated with a culture and suddenly all want to own and use articles from that culture, creating a boom. Also it is alwasy considered better to eat and drink food froom another province to show how wealthy they are. A trait even the plebejs tries to do as well.   Although mush of the trade are done by ship, such a big empire needs a functional road system as well. The senate invest much funds in the road system and barbarians visiting the empire are often impressed by the well built, broad and straight roads. The merchants and travelers within the empire are thankful for them as well. It is part of the legions assigned to protect a province to make sure the roads are safe to travel. When they find robbers they usually kills them and let the bodies hang in the trees by the road, with their feet cut off to show they are robber being punished.   The army are also builders of roads, as they move into a new area they build roads to make sure supplies can be easily transported to their camps. A legion who are assigned to protect an area are spread out in temporary forts they make on strategic places. Close to these forts small trading places have a tendency to spring up, which generally tends to transform into villages as time pass by.


Within Jorpagnian culture knowledge his held in high esteem and even the lowest of slaves are given some kind of education, if only to be able to read job instructions.  Schools are formalised and all humiliatores and above are to let their children attend it. As such almost all inhabitants knows how to read and write, and also how to do math. As taxes are paid in coins rather than goods this is neccessary in order to keep the administration of the empire going.   Higgher learning such as philosophy and law are held in high esteem and all nobles are well versed in it. Engineering and arcithecture is revered as well and a well known arcitecht can make fortunes, and many academias teach it.
Dissolution Date
599 B.O.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
The emperors very early began minting coins. It is unclear who decided to set the size and weight standard, but no emperor after did have the courage to change them. Each emperor decides how they should look, but the most common is the head of the emperor on one of the sides.   The emperor mints copper-, silver- and gold denarii which are accepted in the whole empire. It is not unknown to use coins with a emperors head who have been dead for over a century.
Legislative Body
The senate writes and votes for the laws of the empire. They also have the power to vote for removing laws.
Judicial Body
The Prokalurator of each province are responsible to make sure the Imperial law is upheld.
Executive Body
Each province prokurator employs their own executors of the law. The military upholds and enforces the law within its own organisation
Official Languages
Related Species