The burning of Noytha

Disaster / Destruction


After a period of rumours and tales of devious sexual activities by the villagers the legion surrounded the village and burned it, and everyone within it to the ground. All inhabitants who had not been there were tracked down and killed, and so where some merchant caravans. The Emperor gave no explanation to his decision to destroy a whole village with high strategic value.

The village of Noytha was a remote village, which served as a waterhole for caravans heading north towards Nagur. As the moon Raukha was becoming bigger in the sky rumours started to fly about the scandalous way of living in the village. According to the surviving scriptures the villagers were involved in depravated orgies of which human sacrifices were common.   One day the legion surrounded the village and all within were killed. The village were burned to the ground an the ground were sprayed with salt. All villagers who had not been there, or who had move from the village the last couple of years were tracked down and killed as well as some merchant caravanieers.