
Jordkaurls is a people found in Jorduashur. They are tall often blond and blue eyed. But brown hair and eyes are common as well. People with red head are not very common and are considered touched by gods and expected to achieve greatness.   Jordkaurls have a bad reputation in the rest of the world and considered to be barbaric, violent and unrelenting.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Inga, Idvun, Aisla, Winga, Eird-Britt

Masculine names

Hrothgar, Boldur, Svein, Karl, Eirikur, Boldkur


Culture and cultural heritage

The Jordkaurls are a warlike people whose tradition is laden with strife. Taking what you want from those who are to weak to defend it is considered a good thing. A adult person should be able to fight and defend him-/herself and the family and possesions.    The clan or family is important and if the family call for help a jordkaurl dons his armour and is prepared to die for them. But it also means that he knows the family will back him if necessary. The family is extended enough for it to be possible to marry within the  family, but it is becoming more and more common to marry between families. The more progressive families have started to use this as a political tool to aquire power and land.

Common Etiquette rules

Being hospital to stranger and travelers is important, and for the traveler it is important not to abuse it.   When meeting a stranger on the road the right hand is held high with the palm towards the stranger in order to show that they are peaceful.

Common Dress code

Even the summer clothes are warm as really warm days are sparse.

Art & Architecture

The most common house is the wooden longhouse. The frame is made of logs while the walls are made of planks.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Amogst the jordkaurl the axe is the most common weapon and holds a special place in the culture. They use axes heavy enough only being able to handle with two hands down to axes wielded in one hand. There are several kinds of axes for different kind of uses, but the axe head most commonly used for war is the so called bearded axe. It is common with both one blade or on large two handed axes, two blades.   The spear is weapon used for hunting as well as a war weapon. The shorter spear is the most common and is balanced for close combat as well as throwing. The longer war spear used in two hands developed from the bear hunting spear and is also a common weapon.   The long bow is the only bow used by Jordkaurls and is more common in the northern part of the land. The archers from Nordal is famous in Jorduashur for their individual accuracy with the bow. Almost all able men and women who has the strength are trained in using the long bow. The crossbow is unheard of in Jorduashur, even though they have seen them during their raids.   The Jordkaurls seldom use the sword and consider it a wimpy weapon. The only sword used are a derivate from the Ransardian Saex, but it is most often used on the ships as it can fullfil the same usage as the dagger as well. But it is not consider a weapon of war, more a self defense weapon.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a child is born they are as quickly as possible anoited with blood from all collected family memebers. Each members cut a small prick on a finger, and smear a little of it on the forehead of the newly born to show that they are of the sam blood. Everytime the child meet a new family member the procedure takes place. Sometimes the phrase "of my blood" are said to enhance the ritual.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Powerful leaders of a settlement are often laid to rest on a boat with is arms and armour and set to sail on the sea. The ship is also set on fire, but that is a more practical reason than religious. They do not want the body and treasures to be looted.

Common Taboos

Doubling back on your word without a very good reason. And in extension lying is a large taboo. it grew out of the necessity of trust to survive in a very harsh region.


Beauty Ideals

A Jordkaurl should be tall and muscular and the skin should be very pale. The eyes should be clear blue and the hair should be long and blong. Jordkaurls are very clean and bathes a lot, and tend to nails and hair.   A man should have a large well kept beard which is to be braided and filled with beads when there is festivities.   A woman who are looking for a man usually wear the hair loose with small braids on the side. A women who is free but not announcing she wants to marry wears the hair in a braid. A women who want to announce she is not available usually wears inticrate headdresses with severeal braids curled up.

Gender Ideals

There is no difference between man and woman in jorduashur, but as the women bears child and secures the coming generation of the family they are more often found on the farm than on the battlefield. But many of the most famous legendary warriors have been women. Many women who have given birth and raised enough children turn to war in order to die in battle rather than childbirth.   Although magic are wielded by both men and women, the women are more common.

Major organizations

The kingdom of jorduashur.
Related Organizations
Related Locations